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Why am I not a Scout?
Azara Started conversation Sep 26, 2001
Hi, whisky!
You asked me on your Beatrix Potter thread why I'm not a scout, when I spend so much time at Peer Review. There are two reasons - the original one is that, just as I had got well settled in here, I was involved at the beginning of the controversial ban on Arpeggio. I really didn't like the idea of being seen as some kind of toady to the staff (whom I have always found extremely pleasant, on the few occasions I had dealings with them). I thought if I got appointed at that stage it might be seen as some kind of favouritism.
So I held back from applying, and realised that I had saved myself from one of my persistent failings - volunteering too easily! I have so far avoided my other common failing, of telling everyone far too much about myself, so I see *not* volunteering as another little step on the way to a New Me. On the other hand, I have committed myself to a (now overdue) University Project, so I'm afraid I'm still not completely cured of the fatal tendency!
Why am I not a Scout?
Whisky Posted Sep 27, 2001
I understand, I wasn't around when all those problems happened, but I've read all the threads, and it sounds like there was a lot of unhappy people on both sides, and I must admit, I'm trying to avoid getting involved in any BBC bashing or other politics. I'm just here to read and learn (and have the occasional chuckle).
As to your comment about you trying to stop yourself telling everyone far to much about yourself Ok, then, I won't ask you too many personal and embarrasing questions
........ spoilsport
But as to the problem of over-volunteering, I think you're already doing the job of a scout now, with the exception of choosing which entries to recommend... and the only difficult thing I've found so far, is that I'm only allowed to pick 3 per month, and there's usually a dozen or so entries in peer review at any one time I'd like to pick.
Thanks for answering anyway, and even if you don't want to be a scout, It's still a pleasure seeing someone so enthusiastic (and constructive) in the PR threads.
Ok, time for me to get back to insulting everyone elses work
Bye for now,
Why am I not a Scout?
Azara Posted Sep 28, 2001
Thanks, whisky!
The great thing for me about my present situation on Peer Review is that I can spend as much or as little time as I please without feeling any guilt. If I was a scout, the thought of the poor unpicked entries languishing at the bottom of the list would start to prey on my mind. As it is, I can be as encouraging as possible, and if I can't be encouraging I can just move to a different thread.
Anyway, I imagine that at this rate we'll keep meeting! I'll be putting one or two new entries into Peer Review in the next couple of weeks, and I'm sure you'll come across them then...
Why am I not a Scout?
Whisky Posted Sep 28, 2001
I'll be sure to be on the lookout for your entries
Promise I won't say anything too bad about them....
For a small fee of course
As to recommendations..... just what is the going rate for bribing a scout nowadays?
Why am I not a Scout?
Azara Posted Oct 1, 2001
Hey, whisky, I only just noticed that you had given me a co-author credit on your Beatrix Potter entry - thank you very much! I feel rather guilty about this, as I admit I feel a bit stingy about giving other people co-credit unless they've actually done a fair whack of the work, so I don't know if I would have been so generous if the boot had been on the other foot. But thank you, kind sir!
Why am I not a Scout?
Whisky Posted Oct 2, 2001
, you're welcome, I just found that all the comments in Peer Review this time were more than normally helpful - so I passed on the credit (or the blame).
Why am I not a Scout?
Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation Posted Nov 15, 2001
Those Arpeggio days were a little 'exciting' weren't they? Sorry to butt in, just to let Whisky know that I'd add him to the Reports team. You don't want to join, do you, Azara? You're experienced, and the Italics have pretty much no influence over what we write, although I do check with them over certain key issues - just so that I don't stir up an argument. It isn't a huge time commitment, either - and there are plenty of us on the team! If you do, sign up on the reports home - - in the current thread - and follow the instuctions that I gave to Bossel. It's up to you, but I thought you might just want to.
Why am I not a Scout?
Azara Posted Nov 15, 2001
Thanks for asking, Whoami? but I am still determined not to volunteer for *anything* at the moment. My planned entries are getting further and further behind, and I'm trying to be determined!
Thanks again!
Why am I not a Scout?
Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation Posted Nov 16, 2001
That's OK, you don't have to do anything now, I can add you for a future, as yet unconceived Report - and a useful brain to pick for things like the occasional quote!
Why am I not a Scout?
Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese Posted Apr 11, 2002
* enters from the left *
Just stepping in to clarify a point: the small print has it that a Scout's *only* real duty is to submit three picks every four weeks. Nowhere does it say that there were any more duties like commenting on entries, cleaning up review places or whatever. Thus, any researcher xxxx could well be a Scout without ever posting to PR.
* bows respectfully *
* exits to the right *
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Why am I not a Scout?
- 1: Azara (Sep 26, 2001)
- 2: Whisky (Sep 27, 2001)
- 3: Azara (Sep 28, 2001)
- 4: Whisky (Sep 28, 2001)
- 5: Azara (Oct 1, 2001)
- 6: Whisky (Oct 2, 2001)
- 7: Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation (Nov 15, 2001)
- 8: Azara (Nov 15, 2001)
- 9: Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation (Nov 16, 2001)
- 10: Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese (Apr 11, 2002)
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