This is the Message Centre for Peanut

Best foot forward

Post 1


I don't often write journal entries but thought I would have a little clear up as we are on publicity drive smiley - biggrin

Leaving my email case anyone wants it at a future date

[email protected]

Peanut smiley - peacesign

Best foot forward

Post 2


smiley - hugsmiley - choc

Still haven't made that fancy looking pie. Will definitely email you a slice when(if) I do.

Best foot forward

Post 3


I could just do with a piece of pie, I know it only breakfast time but we have been for walk, feels like lunchtime smiley - winkeye

I didn't send you any sloe gin at Easter, bad friend I am, there is plenty left so May Day will be when we crack the next bottle and I'll pour you first glass smiley - hug

I have some grapefruit vodka on the go smiley - stiffdrink

Best foot forward

Post 4


Ow, my back hurts. Ow ow ow. (I've complained about it to everyone else I've met today, so there's no reason why you shouldn't hear about it).

Grapefruit vodka sounds interesting, what's the recipe?

Did I mention that my back hurts?

Best foot forward

Post 5


Poor thing, *makes hot water bottle* You just make yourself comfortable, is there anything I can get you?

How did you do that then?


4 yellow grapefruits
475ml of vodka
tsp of whole corrinder seeds
350ml of Simple Syrup mixture

Have got red grapefruits, they looked yellow on the outside smiley - erm

Imaginatively you can serve it with extra shot of vodka and grapefruit juice as a cocktail

Did I forget tell you I have been strimming, so expect to be in a world of pain tomorrow. A kind person would bring me a hot water bottle and pie probably smiley - whistle

Best foot forward

Post 6


Do you just use the juice of the grapefruits? And how long do you have to leave it for? Red grapefruits tend not to have the powerful taste of yellow ones I find - perhaps a bit of lemon juice might be in order?

I initially hurt my back a few years ago when I fell off a mountain* and gave my spine a bit of an unpleasant surprise. Every now and then certain things, like the three hours gardening that I did yesterday, will make it flare up. It's not so much heavy work, but bending over. Sounds like you have back problems as well? Strimming is an absolute sod for it isn't it? It's just that slight leaning forward that you have to do that seems to get me.

I prescribe an alcohol rub, taken orally.

*slipped on some wet rocks and landed on my arse

Best foot forward

Post 7


I googled hot water bottle and pie and came up with this:

Best foot forward

Post 8

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Sorry not being much of a gardener, could one of you explain strimming for me? How is this different than trimming or pruning?

Best foot forward

Post 9


The American for Strimmer is Weed Whacker, which is a lovely name, but doesn't lend itself so readily to being a verb.

Best foot forward

Post 10

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

OK, got it. Thanks. I hope those things are safer in the UK than they are here. They definitely should NOT be used with grapefruit vodka intake.

Best foot forward

Post 11


smiley - laugh at the fisherman's tale and the prescription

You use all of the fruit, pith the fruit and also add the peel. Soak in the vodka for two weeks, giving a swirl every other day. Then add the sugar water leave for another couple of weeks. Then strain and bottle.

You are right about the grapefruit, lemon juice probably a good idea smiley - cheers I'll let you know after a sampling.

Fortunately, despite falling off a mountain a few times myself I don't have a bad back. It is going to be muscles that pain.

It was my Mum's mini strimmer, really bloody awkward for posture

Best foot forward

Post 12


Weed whacker, that is great, strimmer is henceforth renamed.

No vodka consumed beforehand, but an (alcholic) ginger beer afterwards, it is thirsty work afterall smiley - winkeye

Best foot forward

Post 13


smiley - snork at google

Best foot forward

Post 14


Elektra - garden strimmers are fairly safe. They have an electric motor and the cutting is done by a rotating nylon string ("strimmer" is a reduction of "string trimmer"). You'd probably have to put a fair bit of thought and contortionism into injuring yourself with one.

The heavy duty beasties with a petrol motor and a rotating steel blade are a different bucket of haddock entirely. You definitely need to take care with those.

Best foot forward

Post 15

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Good to know, thanks for the explanations both of you. I think strimmer sounds smiley - cooler than weed whacker in any case.

Best foot forward

Post 16


Before going on holiday Grandad does a really sweet thing and quietly slips us £20 and tells me to treat ourselves as they will be while they are away.

We decided this note was ear marked for gardening stuff and have come home with, raspberry and gooseberry bush.

Seeds, kale, courgette, cauliflower, mixed peppers of different hotness, cabbage and sprouts (smiley - yuk but everyone else likes them)


another propagater and two washing up bowls which are cheaper that flower pots or similar size.

If I include the post strimming ginger beer yesterday, we still have £5 left.

The gooseberry and raspberry are a risk, win some, lose some, so keeping fingers crossed

Overall a good shopping day and we enjoyed it smiley - wow

Best foot forward

Post 17


That's a brilliant haul for the price. Time to get planting....smiley - runsmiley - nursmiley - cheerupsmiley - goodluck

Best foot forward

Post 18


Planting today smiley - biggrin

There seems to be some fluffy mold on my lupins, so I have got some little pots to put them into quarantine smiley - nurse

There is only three and I have got attached to them smiley - silly

Best foot forward

Post 19


How's your back HD, I've meaning to ask.

smiley - stiffdrink <----- oral alcohol rub if needed

Best foot forward

Post 20


It's fine, thanks. It follows a very predictable pattern - hurt a bit one day, a lot the next, fine the day after. I'll snaffle the smiley - stiffdrink for later though. I've got to go and make a load of noise with our bells one minute. Did you get all your gardening done without too many aches and pains?

Gotta go now thoughsmiley - runsmiley - run

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