Journal Entries


Blimey. Ouch. Where does the time go? Must have been stolen.

Well - it's 2 months since my last journal entry - and what have I got to show for it? Work wise, we've now launched the pilot site aimed at gathering ideas for our new schools community [URL Removed by Moderator](though the message boards are still looking a bit bare smiley - sadface ). We are hoping to launch the final site some time before christmas - we've got some great designs and a fantastic team together now... so fingers crossed.

But, it has to be said, that the most fun I've been having has been further afield. Went to Barbados to help celebrate mum's 50th birtday - and went diving (A242524) for the first time. Really loved it. And passed my PADI open water smiley - biggrin. Just loved the feeling of being underwater - and being able to control my depth through breathing - it felt like riding a broomstick (might). And I saw so much coral, and an eagle ray, and a turtle, and... My only fear is that it could end up being expensive and addictive - though am not completely sure that uk gravel pits will have the same allure as barbados reefs - will have to wait & see.

Big love to everyone who needs it, following last week's tradgedy in the states, and in troubles to come.

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Latest reply: Sep 17, 2001


Well, in an effort to avoid making site plans and the like I had a brief meander to the procrastination society - Will definitely think about joining over the next few days.

I've also been checking out the peer review section; there's a great entry and criticism thread there on the history of western medicine (/h2g2/guide/F48874?thread=128505). I'm excited to see the guide being used to showcase stuff learned through school - and interested in whether peer review would work this well if all reviewers were GCSE students doing simillar courses - or whether inputs from recognised authorities (ie teachers) would be needed. Anyone have any thoughts?

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Latest reply: Jul 18, 2001


Well, in an effort to avoid making site plans and the like I had a brief meander to the procrastination society. Will definitely think about joining over the next few days.

I've also been checking out the peer review section; there's a great entry and criticism thread there on the history of western medicine - am interested in whether this is something that could work with school-age students critiquing eachothers work - or whether inputs from recognised authorities (ie teachers) would be needed. Anyone have any thoughts?

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Latest reply: Jul 18, 2001

What day is it anyway?

Tuesday, apparently

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Latest reply: Jul 10, 2001

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