This is the Message Centre for Ellie

Greetings, Ellie...

Post 1

Titania (gone for lunch)

*floating in, in her usual vague, elf-like manner*

To tell you the truth, it was the conversations and the user pages (pre-BBC, including off-site pictures) that caught me at h2g2...

I think it would be a good idea to have several different 'topics' going on, and also some way for the participants to introduce themselves ('user pages') - and, most of all, a really good main page - attractive, user friendly, and making it easy for you to find the answers to any questions my might have... and I do like the '5 busiest forums' or the page...smiley - winkeye

...sorry, haven't checked the other answers, someone might have mentioned this already...smiley - flyhi

Greetings, Ellie...

Post 2


Cheers Archangel smiley - smiley

Indeed - I think the user spaces are really important. I think people need to have some kind of presence/place they can be found... or stuff gets a bit scattered (plus the nosey part is fun). Can't have off-site pics unfortunately smiley - sadface

Greetings, Ellie...

Post 3

Titania (gone for lunch)

Well, neither can we, post-BBC, but that's not stopping us!smiley - flyhi

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