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Home education

Post 1


As an attempted home educator, I find lots of useful stuff on the web (including the BBC and H2G2). I also fail to find a lot of useful stuff, and a lot of the sites are schooly or school-bound, which can be boring.

My children are of an age when we and they want to sidestep into the mainstream for a while so that they can get a few exams and broaden their choices rather than leaving them to spend their lives swearing about parental ideology.

Home education

Post 2


Cheers Mund, good to hear from you. How old are the kids (if you don't mind me asking)? Are you still educating them at home, and if so would you find a site based on the school system offputting - even if the emphasis was on kids sharing and critiquing eachothers work? Also do you use services like Homework High (through the channel 4 website) or the BBC's ask a teacher service? And (blimey, these questions keep coming - sorry!) what, in your opinion, would make a useful community for school aged kids, and what might make a succesful community for parents?
Any thoughts you have time to share would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again, Ellie

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