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Post 1

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Yet another unoriginal sub... smiley - winkeye

No, Peta sent us all a message saying we should drop by. I'm Emily, and I've been on h2g2 (in various guises) since the beginning (well, May 1999 - which is early enough), and so I've seen a lot of changes and expansions... now I'm a sub-editor, so I've got more involved in the volunteer side of things. That might be an interesting thing to explore in your pilot site - it makes people feel involved and have a certain loyalty to the place.

As for your new site - I hope it goes well. smiley - smiley Also (fishing for favours) - would there be any oportunities for people to write material for your new site (like mesmiley - winkeye)? If so, I'd be very interested...



Post 2

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Damn it - spelt 'opportunities' wrong... smiley - silly


Post 3


LOL, Hi Emily smiley - smiley

Thanks so much for dropping by - yep we will definitely be looking for ways of involving volunteers in the same way as H2G2 does, it's really great to see how well it works here. As far as opportunities go... it's hard to know what will be going on - I guess most of our content is likely to be user generated rather than comissioned. But by all means let me know the kind of stuff you're wanting to do (asside from taking over the BBC and getting rid of gardening programmes etc - a secret mission I share) - and I'll see if I can think of anyone who may be able to help.

Catch you soon, Ellie

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