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Post 1

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

I work with kids with lerning difacultys and that sounds like a good idea. we are trying to get them more involved with maine streem schools and this could be a way to do it. if you want any sugestions and stuff I would be happy to give you ideas.

now off work wich I know i so much fun smiley - tongueout
how are you and what are you other intrests?


Post 2


Hi Bob, Good of you to drop by - nice point about the learning difficulties, i'm going to have a think about that and will probably be back to hit you with questions. one of the things we are thinking of doing is having a place where people can make, share and discuss music - and maybe even fairly simple art. It strikes me that is maybe something that could work particularly well integratively - would you agree? Any thoughts you have on things we should pay particular attention to in this area would of course be most welcome.

Asside from that, very kind of you to enquire as to my wellbeing smiley - winkeye I'm just dandy thank you very much. Enjoying this work project hugely (especially given that I get to hang out with you nice people for a while), and loving summer. Looking forward to a holiday somewhere hotter though (maybe hoping to go diving if I don't get too scared of the fish). See you are a canoeist (from your page). Me too - well, not so much now but I used to paddle loads. Fun, isn't it?

Cheers again for dropping by. Till later, Ellie


Post 3

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

Ime adicted smiley - biggrin
I teach it to. and I almost destroyed my left shoulder on a river in scotland smiley - tongueoutbut that was becase it wwas in flood and well I diddent role at the right time smiley - sadface great fun though smiley - biggrin

where are you going diving?
I am in teh middle of a move to somewhere hatter smiley - smiley
I met my girl friend threough here, the problem is she lives in israil so I am going out there smiley - smiley
although I will still be able o awnser any qustions..or put you in tuch with people who can smiley - smiley
smiley - hugS


Post 4


Which river? I love the rivers up there could talk about paddling for hours. I used to compete at Grandtully on the Tay quite alot, but there are so many great rivers up there it isn't true smiley - smiley


Post 5

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

oh yes smiley - smiley
I lve the scottish rivers. I have fogoten wich one I almost wrecked my shoulder on though. I went back and finished it after it heled though smiley - smiley

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