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Hey another old fogey

Post 101


No Thredbo on my atlas? I assume it's where Aussie's go for snow?

My nephew and niece were born in San Diego
and moved to Boston and the first time they saw snow
it didn't stop for days until it was over 2 feet deep!

I would hope you take the opportunity to experience it BBone.
Roy I'm sorry you had such a bad time.
You should have started a snowball fight or
built a snowfort or
played pie or
tobaggoned, you don't HAVE to ski!

...or even did Ski-jumping-over-a-crock-filled-moat-with-snipers-and-cheerleaders-in-skimpy-outfits!

Hey another old fogey

Post 102

Evil Roy: Maestro of the Thingite Orchestra, Knight Errant of the Thingite Cause, Prince of Balwyniti, Aussie Researchers A59204

I didn't have a bad time at all. As I've already said, I sat in front of an open fire with an smiley - ale in my hand. With the added bonus of being able to watch people attempting to break every bone in their body, under the guise of "having fun".

Now..... if they'd had the Ski-jumping-over-a-crock-filled-moat-with-snipers-and-cheerleaders-in-skimpy-outfits up an running, THAT would have been exciting.

Thredbo Village is in Kosciusko National Park (Mt Kosiusko is Australias highest mountain at 2228 metres).

There are several areas where Aussies go skiing. Kosciusko is the main one, then there is Mt Hotham, Mt Buller, Mt Baw Baw, Falls Creek, the Dargo High Plains and Mt Buffalo to name a few. These areas are in the south-east corner of Australia.

Then of course, a lot of Aussies head off to New Zealand to go skiing. Don't ask me anything about their ski fields because, as I've already said, I prefer water skiing.

smiley - smileysmiley - musicalnote

Hey another old fogey

Post 103


I hsad a friend who wnet to Thredbo for a two week holiday.

He broke his leg skiing on the first day on the practice slope and spent 2 weeks inside looking out the window.

Drunk, of course.

What else could he do??

I prefer the sun and the sea. My ambition is to have a little 16 foot catamaran that I can take the kids out on.

Actually I'm also considering taking surfing lessons. I've never been able to surf but always wanted to.

Hey another old fogey

Post 104





All much too vigorous for my Fogey-philosophy on life.

I was thinking along the lines of a nice stroll through the park.

(of course I'm the guy who just threw out his back lifting his 20 pound infant)

smiley - erm

Hey another old fogey

Post 105

Evil Roy: Maestro of the Thingite Orchestra, Knight Errant of the Thingite Cause, Prince of Balwyniti, Aussie Researchers A59204

I haven't been surfing or sailing for over ten years!

A mate of mine used to have a 14 foot cat which we took out virtually every weekend over summer.

I might just stick with elwoods idea of a nice stroll through the park.smiley - winkeye

Hey another old fogey

Post 106


A short stroll and then I start looking for a shady bench!smiley - puff

Hey another old fogey

Post 107

Evil Roy: Maestro of the Thingite Orchestra, Knight Errant of the Thingite Cause, Prince of Balwyniti, Aussie Researchers A59204

I know, I know. Watching all those people jogging or running around the park wears me out too!

Hey another old fogey

Post 108


Yeah I hear ya!

I can't watch it I just close my eyes right there on the spot.

smiley - zzz

Hey another old fogey

Post 109

Evil Roy: Maestro of the Thingite Orchestra, Knight Errant of the Thingite Cause, Prince of Balwyniti, Aussie Researchers A59204

*and then we all took a deep breath and posted..........

Absolutely nothing for over a week*

smiley - smileysmiley - musicalnote

Hey another old fogey

Post 110


I spent that week celebrating the American Thanksgiving!
(is there a similar Aussie holiday?)

Since I don't have a home computer I am off h2g2 when I'm away from work.

Over the last couple weeks I have moved to a new house. Lots of lifting and grunting...then I was out of the chair. I've lessened the amount of lawn mowing from 4 acres to under 2! But the barn at our old house was miniscule by comparison. This one has a basketball court on the second floor. Lotsa work keeping that place up!

There is a small house built in the back yard for our daughter to play in. (the previous owner had two daughters)

Also a pool, so I may be forced to change my Fogey-philosophy on an active lifestyle.smiley - erm

Hey another old fogey

Post 111


I'm back.

Got my black belt on 1/12/01 so I can relax now.

A new house, Elwood???

Have you impressed the neighbours yet??

Do you find it a bit claustrophobic downsizing from 4 acres??

And no we don't have a holiday equivalent to Thanksgiving. We have Australia Day which I think is like Independence Day and Labour Day.

We also have Anzac Day which is to honour fallen soldiers. I think you have Veterans day.

For years I've been trying to start Free-sex-if-you're-fortyish-Day but with no luck but I think any day now...........

Hey another old fogey

Post 112


Hi BBone,

Congratulations on the black belt that is very smiley - cool especially for an old fogey.

As far as neighbors (american spelling) go I think I'll be avoiding these - on one side is an Asian man with a Polish name and the other side is religous fanatics with over twenty kids (estimated they move out of the scope too fast). Luckily we back up to a state park so no neighbours (australian spelling) that way.

We do have a Free-sex-if-you're-fortyish-Day here it coincidentally falls on Teddy Kenedy's birthday!smiley - winkeye

Hey another old fogey

Post 113



*rushes off to American Embassy*

Is Teddy the one that drove his car into the river??

Hey another old fogey

Post 114


Yeah! Drunk and with a woman that wasn't his wife.

That's pretty much how he's lived his life ever since!

Making him the perfect choice to be the patron saint of the Free-sex holiday!!

(but for him the fortyish part has become fiftyish, then sixtyish, now seventyish!!)smiley - yuk

Hey another old fogey

Post 115


Happy Holidays you Aussie guys you -

So it's strange for me to think of a hot weather Christmas .
(especially with all the snowy Santa imagery)
Are your Christmas Carols: "We're having a heat wave", Buster Poindexter's "Hot, Hot, Hot", "Hot child in the city"?

Hey another old fogey

Post 116

Evil Roy: Maestro of the Thingite Orchestra, Knight Errant of the Thingite Cause, Prince of Balwyniti, Aussie Researchers A59204

Happy Holidays, fellow fogeys.

smiley - musicalnoteJIngle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the waysmiley - musicalnote
smiley - musicalnoteOh what fun it is to ridesmiley - musicalnote
smiley - musicalnoteOn a 2.5 horsepower jet skismiley - musicalnote

smiley - winkeye

Hey another old fogey

Post 117


Merry Xmas all!!

Its Christmas eve and I'm sitting inside in the air conditioning because its just too darn hot outside.

And Christmas looks like even being hotter.

Ahh, to be freezing cold, surrounded by snow.

Hey another old fogey

Post 118

Mediocredane | Keeper of Opposable Thumbs

I happened on this thread noticing age and dog on the same page, and thought, what a great place the g2 is, guys with age and dogs. We have something in common. I am still in denial, but as long as I have dog food they don't care whether I acknowledge them or not. If they had opposable thumbs, they wouldn't need me to get in to the dog food closet. smiley - dog MD

Nobody likes a wet dog.
Not even other wet dogs.

Hey another old fogey

Post 119


Lets see a quick review of the subjects-

cheerleaders in skimpy outfits

16 foot catamarans

20 pound infants

shady benches


2.5 horsepower jet skis

nope no dogs, but as far as age? yep I'm old, but I don't have man's best friend.
I do have opposable thumbs!smiley - smiley

Hey another old fogey

Post 120

Mediocredane | Keeper of Opposable Thumbs

Elwood, No, no dog topic, as such, but Busterbone is member, ACF. That's where I got the dog thing. Nice to see other Old fogeys with similar interests, and glad to meet you. Later, MD.

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