This is the Message Centre for coglione

Greetings coglione...

Post 1

Shea the Sarcastic

Welcome to h2g2, coglione! My name is Shea, and I am an Assistant Community Editor. We're a group of volunteers that wander about welcoming and helping new Researchers. If you want to ask me a question, or need help with anything, just hit the "Reply" button and leave a message, I'll pop back in and help you in any way I can!

You've written Entries already! Wonderful! I'll have to read them! smiley - smiley

Have you checked out the Welcome pages yet? They're a good place to start:

If you're interested coglione, I made a page with a list of links that you might like to check out. It's at

If you'd like to leave a message of condolence for Douglas Adams, please do so on Douglas's personal space:

There's lots to do around h2g2! You can read or write Guide Entries, post in your Journal, join clubs and communities, have a few drinks in a pub, join spirited debate, or just make some new friends!

If you ever want to talk to a Researcher, just click on their name. That will take you to their Personal Space, and you can leave them a message there (like I'm doing now!) by clicking on the 'Discuss this Entry' button.

Most importantly coglione, have fun! You might find yourself meeting some great new friends! I know I have! smiley - smiley

- Shea the Sarcastic

Greetings coglione...

Post 2


Thanks for the generic greeting. Read my entries, recommend that my posting on the Queen be edited, and submit your own bad adolescent poetry - i'd like to get a little collection going. Tell your friends!

Greetings coglione...

Post 3

Shea the Sarcastic

Sorry to be generic, coglione ... I tried being hugely unique when I first became an ACE, but you run out of ideas real fast ...

I can't recommend that your Queen Entry be put into the Edited Guide, but you could put it up for Peer Review!

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