Journal Entries
I'm back everybody!
Posted Jun 17, 2004
I've been away for a long long time. I'm not sure why I came back, but i remembered about this site this morning.
H2G2 became too big a part of my life and I spent far too long on here. I needed to get away from it (which i definataly did!). But now i'm back, though not as often as used to be (if this makes any sense)
I've done an awful lot since i was last here! I've very nearly finished college, I've got 4 days of exams (first is today) and then i'm done there.
I've been cycling an awful lot, nearly 6000 miles so far this year. I have lots of plans for my gap year (mostly cycling-related). This evening i have a race to ride .
I've done so many things in the last year and a half, i couldnt possibly write them all now....
but it feels good to be back
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Latest reply: Jun 17, 2004
an overdue update!
Posted Oct 25, 2002
i thought it was about time for an update on my life . i started college 7 weeks ago abd it's absolutely brilliant
. i had only 2 friends from my old school who came too, but i have been busy making new ones! i've been occupying myself recently by going to college, the Big Story in Southampton, painting and puttying the church, saw Toploader in concert, been to several sleepovers (generally involving and no sleep. at one we managed a 3 hour
). oooo yes, and last sunday i swam 80 lenghts (i was impressed
). right now i'm in the Learning Resource Centre at college (otherwise known as the library
) but when i wrote this i was sitting at checkout 3 in Co-op. it's absolutely /dead/ on a friday evening
. i sit and swing around on my chair, listening to the appalling music and getting cold. every now and again i get to serve a customer! last time i worked on a friday i went for 1hour 13 mins without serving anyone. my till keeps going into secure mode. i wrote this on the back of a 'free day out' voucher, no-one's yet explained their proper use to me*shrugs*. i have officially been a vegan for 2 weeks and 2 days
it's surprisingly easy i've found. it's my boyfriend's birthday today, we've been going out for 2 months and 21 days, YAY!
i've hardly been on h2g2 at all recently which is not so good . i have suddenly developed this scary thing called a life
, dont worry, i'm trying to loose it again
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Latest reply: Oct 25, 2002
Posted Aug 23, 2002
my life seems to have become extremely fast paced recently....i love it ! due to this i've only had 19 hours sleep in the last 4 nights, so please excuse me if i'm a little slow....... since i last wrote i've been to Glastonbury, Street, Longleat, Manchester and spent the rest of the time round my friend's houses (everyone's parents seem to be going on holiday
) and generally not going home at night *is now carrying pj's around with her everywhere, just in case*. it was my birthday (16th) 2 days ago, and yes i had a fantastic time
. i had a rather large party yesterday
, brilliant
. i've had AS and GCSE results which i am mostly pleased with (i've also stuck in GCSE science and statistics which i did last year. what a child genius
AS science- C
GCSE office applications- A*
GCSE geography- A*
GCSE english lit- B
GCSE english lang- B
GCSE maths- B
GCSE science (double award)- BB
GCSE statistics- C
GCSE german- C
GCSE art- D
ok, so the last two are rather poor but i'm not immensly bothered as i wasnt interested in them. i'm out all day tomorrow and off again on sunday...ta raaaa!
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Latest reply: Aug 23, 2002
imagine palm trees swaying and parrots calling......
Posted Aug 7, 2002
....or a week in Northamptonshire
here is the the journal entry you have all been waiting for (or something)! a couple of saturdays ago (27th July) i went with my church youth group to the Frontier Centre which is near Kettering in Northamptonshire. we stayed there for a week and did many silly and fun things . the first few days were absolutely scorching
, when we werent doing activities everyone just flaked out on the grass and sweated. statistics show we managed to consume 80 litres of squash in the first 3 days
. there were 22 13-18 yr olds and 4 leaders (who behaved even more like kids than us for most of the time
). for the activities we split into 2 groups and each group'd do a different activity at the same time (is this making any sense?). on sunday my group did kayaking which was muchly fun
. after everyone had mastered the basics (ie going forward, using your paddle to spray people with water and colliding with others/the bank) we had a game of water polo which soon degenerated into a violent water fight
. we did a spot of raft running which involves everyone holding onto each others' kayaks to form a long line, people take turns to get out of their kayak and run along the line then back again! we got back 2 hours later and spent the next 15 mins climbing out of the water then leaping back in again (soaking as many people as possible). the river tasted absolutely foul
and the instructors told us that if you swallow any you should have a shower and drink 2 litres of water so you dont get river sickness. unfortunately no one really took him that seriously but only 5 people spent the next evening chucking up
. we were staying in wooden cabins that slept 4 or 8 people, the cabins were locked during activities and the person in charge always took ages to unlock them so i was voted to be the person who must climb through the window to unlock the door
the window was very small and i have spectacular bruises on my legs *is impressed*. on monday we did circus skills which were juggling, diabalo, plate spinning and unicycling. i was certifiably pants at all except for plate spinning which i wasnt too bad at
. the afternoon was spent on the high ropes which were 6 telegraph poles with ropes and beams strung between them
. horsing around on that was muchly fun! that evening was an amazing thunderstorm! the rain heaved down and thunder was VERY loud. i have a photo of Ben (a friend) standing on a bench outside when the storm was right overhead, brandishing a spoon
. that night was awfully hot and sticky so at 2am Lorraine and i went for a run in our pjs to cool off, i've never seen rabbits run so fast
. tuesday we did abseiling which was brilliant too! at one point i hung upsidedown and attempted to do a handstand against the wall (unfortunately i just ended up doing rather painful flips
). that afternoon was mission impossible which was a series of tasks we had to complete, each task successfully completed would get us a item with which we could use to make a parachute for an egg we were to drop from the top of the climbing tower. i named the egg 'Eggy Fred' as "it is a lucky egg name" (i've done this kind of thing before
). EF survived the fall!
and i got to keep him. he's in my fridge now, moulding away to himself as his retirement date was June 19th
. we spent the next day in Milton Keynes, we shopped (it's pretty lame really) and then iceskated for 4 hours
. i love iceskating! i fell over lots whilst learning to skate backwards and in very tight circles, but that is half the fun
. one of our party (Karen) was taken to hopsital after she 'did in' her ankle. we went to a mexican restaurant and there was the obligatory chilli sauce competition
. thursday was climbing, after i'd got the hang of it i went up blindfolded with someone at the bottom shouting instructions
. Karen got picked up today by her parents, i'm so glad i didnt hurt myself! Anne got taken to hospital today cos she had a mozzie bite on her ankle that'd got infected and had swollen up to HUGE proportions ! friday, Anne got picked up and we did orienteering and raft building. the opposition at raft building sucked, and they all ended up in the drink
. saturday we went home
. i have many silly photos, but i have yet to work out how to put them on the internet, if anyone knows, please tell! and if you've got this far without giving up, tell me and i'll send you a piece of dried sweetcorn
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Latest reply: Aug 7, 2002
you're all dead sexy.....
Posted Aug 3, 2002
....and many more such silly phrases i have picked up after spending a week with 24 13-18 year olds and 4 equally silly adults . i've had such a brilliant time!
i got home about an hour ago bearing the aforementioned phrases, many cuts, bruises, mozzie bites, an even better tan and many silly stories of much fun! .
i will get round to writing an entry about my holiday soon
*shouts BEN in an austrailian accent and runs off to unpack (maybe)*
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Latest reply: Aug 3, 2002
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