This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

What I do...

Post 1

saranoh - good girl gone Essex


Thought I'd answer your question here rather than on the thread as any topic drift seems to..erm..annoy certain people somewhat smiley - erm. Besides, I don't really want just *anybody* knowing.

It's quite the opposite, actually. I help run the blood transfusion lab in a large London hospital, so I help give it back rather than take it smiley - biggrin. Plus, I couldn't be a phleb cos I hate needles (she says, who has four piercings and five tattoos smiley - laugh.

What I do...

Post 2

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Aha... When I was a child, I had a blood disease, and so I can't give blood (and secretly, I am glad, because I ended up so scared of needles and blood-related things.) Ironically, I have *very* good veins. My son and daughter in law are both nursing students, he's just started, and she's 2nd year. They both look lustfully at my veins... smiley - laugh

What I do...

Post 3

saranoh - good girl gone Essex

Know what you mean. Those needles on the blood donation sets are HOOGE. I can't give blood either, mainly cos I keep on adding to my tattoo collection periodically. I reckon I do my bit anyway smiley - ok.

Have a lot of empathy with nurses. Like me and my colleagues, they get paid peanuts to take s**t from doctors who know less about the subject than you do. It's a worthwhile career though, just as long as you don't aim to be rich smiley - biggrin

What I do...

Post 4

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Jim is having a wonderful time with his nursing training, though he has starts much earlier than he ever did at school..

They start with cell biology, and epidemiology. Yesterday, he had a lecturer for nursing 101, who walked in, announced "I am in a bad mood, I have my period", and he muttered "thanks for sharing". Well, she heard him, and later called on him to do a calculation on the board - so that's why it's not necessarily such a good idea to get noticed...

What I do...

Post 5

Researcher 724267

I doubt it's any easier for a male in an area dominated by women than it is being female in a male dominated area.

Except there are channels a rules protecting the female

What I do...

Post 6

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

There's an upside too, Bain, he stands out! (Also, he has endless women to go to coffee with, which he is just at the right time of life to maximally enjoy. smiley - biggrin)

What I do...

Post 7

Researcher 724267

Yes I suppose that is a bonus smiley - smiley

I'm reading all the crap in the " "Della Wars" Are they an issue for the community." thread and thinking about ditching this place again.

The community has obviously not matured

What I do...

Post 8

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Yeah, maturity sometimes seems a step too far. It used to be so good, back in 2001. smiley - wah

What I do...

Post 9

badger party tony party green party


People are talking over what you yourself have said is a problem for awhile.

The majority sort lets call it democratic opinion is that you ?Della? are more wrong than wrong and your mature response is to change your name (when even I had started to use Vicky/Della) yet again.

Way to go!

Hello again Bain smiley - kiss

smiley - rainbow

What I do...

Post 10

Researcher 724267

Well blinky comming in everywhere was something I didn't miss.

I'm 149 posts into that thread and so far it's mostly unsubstantiated BS and the contributers mostly the blinky group and their followers like kea B and icecoldalex etc

I've decided this place isn't worth the comming back so I'll be finished here when I've finished that thread.

What I do...

Post 11

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Blinky coming in is sadly predictable... smiley - yawn

I don't blame you going, I should as well... but there's something about being told I should leave, be put on pre-mod because of my flaming and trolling (!) that makes me think alternatively no, there are some good people here, OR - **** 'em, I have better things to do.

Ah, what to do, what to do...

What I do...

Post 12

Researcher 724267

I'd leave them to their circle jerk and find a better place. The Kid seems to have a good place.

What I do...

Post 13

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

So I see... Ironic, really.

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