This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Prague.....sort of.

Post 1

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

I've only been to Prague twice.

The first time was in 1991, when my wife and I travelled Frankfurt/Vienna/Budapest/Prague/Frankfurt. In Prague we stayed in a flat in a district whose name sounded remarkably similar to my own (real) name. It's an amazing city. There's a gorgeous building wherever you look. And the beer is to die for.

Then a couple of years ago I spoke at a conference there - and coincidentally stayed in the same district. I had a wild time! The best part was when I went with some fellow delegated to a microbrewery/ restaurant. As we were leaving, I piled them into a taxi and announced that I would walk back to the hotel. I only got a block when I passed an interesting looking bar and went in. Immediately I noticed a certain herbal pungency to the atmosphere. As I sipped my excellent Czech beer, I overheard and joined in with a loud discussion about the war with, as it turned out, a Texan and a Greek dental student. After a while, the Texan introduced me to his business partner, who was from Manchester. After a while, I asked him what business he was in, and he said 'Porn.' And he told me about his 'ethical' business approach (he does not solicit involvement - prospective performers have to approach him - and does not give directions on what acts to perform. Plus all his contracts are equal profit splits between him, his partners and the performers. It's up to the performers to do what they feel happy with to turn a decent profit). He also introduced me to his wonderful flatmate, Veronika. She and I turned out to be soulmates with a shared love of Anthony Burgess, and we are still in touch. Over the course of the evening, I witnessed a fist fight, and Veronika introduced me to an amiable Russian acquaintance, who spoke no English (Ah, Shcotland! Kharasho!). She said he was 'The one who has permission to kill from the mafia.'

Ah, memories, memories! I got to bed at 4.30 am that morning and was giving my talk at 10. It went down a storm!

Prague.....sort of.

Post 2

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Wow, what an experience! Veronika sounds like a fascinating person... (I would love to visit Germany, that's been a 'long felt want' of mine... well, anywhere and everywhere in Europe, ideally.)

Nice to hear from you. I tried to reply before, but this site has been playing up... smiley - wah

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