This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Just incase you missed this question

Post 1

badger party tony party green party

Wehave had our fall outs over a womans right to choose to have a safe, leagal and free termination, the Terry Schiavo case and euthanasia in general even over a persons right to choose to terminate theirown life but it seems you have changed your mind. I havent been around much lately just wondered when eactly did you cahnge your views to this?

People get killed and that's not a joke, but worse IMO, is when they survive hideously disabled.

one love smiley - rainbow

Just incase you missed this question

Post 2

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Man, what will it take before you realise that I just don't answer you in threads? By the way, that's not me changing my mind, as you well know, and I can't get why you could possibly think it is!

Intellectual disability as a result of being hit by a car is worse than being killed by one. But that doesn't mean you can blues around killing people with disabilities before or after they're born, just because like the good Hitlerians many atheists are, they just see people with disabilities as "useless eaters". We "faithers" value all people, not just those who are sexually attractive, or who have PhDs or who agree with us.

Just incase you missed this question

Post 3


smiley - laugh

>We "faithers" value all people,<

Yep especially brothers in christ who worship a god of war.........

Just incase you missed this question

Post 4

badger party tony party green party

So hang on you're saying it would be better if these people died (and Im the Hitlerian who you are able to point at instances of me wanting people dead,where exactly?) yet you claim to be a faither who thinks that the bigG knows best?

The bigG chooses to miraculously save injured people from death for a few years of soiling themselves and open sores where the incessant dribble from their uncontrollable mouth damages their skin, but you know better thinking they be better off dead.

If your God were real I'd certainly despise him! As for you I sort of pity you for your lack of honesty to admit to anything you say which shows the emptiness of your arguments more than I despise your outright lies and silly insults when trying to cover them up. "Hitlerian"...what a pathetic smiley - jester you are

As for ignoring me, that's a lie isnt it because we both know you respond to threads I start...who are you trying to kid here? It cant be me we both know that my typing skills not withstanding Im too smart to be suckered by your half arsed attempts at concealing the facts and as you are the only other person here on this thread you must be lying to sadsmiley - sadface

smiley - rainbow

Just in case you missed this question

Post 5

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Blicky, go away.... please.

Effers, all people. That's really true, no matter how irritating some of them are! smiley - laugh

Just in case you missed this question

Post 6

badger party tony party green party

OK I'll do you the courtesy of going away if you pray for an answer to the question that your statement, about people brain injured in car accidents, begs:

Are they better off dead as you say or better off alive as your all knowing, all seeing all powerful and God of infinite love chooses to keep them?

smiley - rainbow

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