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Cats and Music.....
iragirl69 Started conversation Sep 12, 2004
My cat Timmy has always been a nervous, jealous, overfed, greedy type of cat and since the new years eve fireworks display last year, unfortunately a bit loopy..........(She spent three days up a tree and had to be coaxed down with a kilo of prime, minced steak.) But since i started playing her old, time music, she has calmed right down........and interestingly enough, i think she even has a few favourites.........."The Inkspots"......"don't get around much anymore" "Nina and Fredrich" "Nine hundred miles," "The Crewcuts" "Shaboom" and "Jo Stafford" "It's almost tommorrow" are i think, at the top of the list..... Do you think that music actually influences animal's behavior or she just likes the way the record turntable goes around and around?
What do you think?
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Cats and Music.....
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