This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!
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Researcher 724267 Posted Sep 6, 2004
"when someone stupid tells lies about you"
Well maybe the "someone stupid" is trying to tell you something. I'm hoo'd if I know what it is though
Hoovooloo Posted Sep 13, 2004
Unsurprisingly, you both miss the point in spectacular style. Thus once again confirming, well, you wouldn't understand.
(Oh, and Bain... what an enormous surprise it isn't to see you here.)
"Those who wear their ignorance with glee should, today, be ... quarantined"
I was merely hoping to point out that I am not the only person in the world who thinks this way about [moderated], Della.
The fact that you failed to understand even this simple point merely depresses me further.
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