This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Whence Bill??

Post 1



No insults, just a simple question: you've taken to referring to me as "Hoo/Member/Number/Bill".

I've explained once somewhere else about your mistake with the "Member" tag, I've had it explained to me why you write "Number", but I and others remain baffled where "Bill" came from.

To repeat: "Member" is/was not me. He *is* known to me IRL. "Number", I understand, was a different screenname he used for a few days. "Hoo" is the shortened form of "Hoovooloo" - the *only* screenname I personally have ever used in conversation with you.

But "Bill" is a mystery. I have never used it as a screenname. I've never used anything *like* it as a screenname. I don't *know* anyone who has used it or anything like it as a screenname, unless you count "BillSD", who co-wrote "A Mainstream Christian View of Creationism" for my uni project a couple of years ago.

Why are you appending the name "Bill" to the list of names you mistakenly ascribe to me? Is it because three isn't enough, next to the five that you've used?

If so, let me help you out.

I have used a bunch of screennames on this site. The main one is of course this one. However, I have operated FIVE other accounts here, under six names, for the purposes of a specific piece of satire about eighteen months ago. The names I used were as follows:

- Violent Duplicity - U189494 (at first)
- Satyaselfdownandhaveacuppa - U189490
- fenceblossomboy - U189492
- Brainy Brunette Bloke - U189493
- Squint_see - U189491
- Frumious Bandersnatch - U189494 (later)

Like I've said to you before - we have both used alternate accounts here to cover our tracks when we've not wanted to take responsibility for our actions. I hold my hand right up to that one, even if you don't. But if you're going to do the calling-me-by-several-names thing (and be assured I'm going to be doing it for you), then surely the least you can do so as not to look completely stupid is to get the names right? I'm trying to help you out here, dear. The names are there.


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Whence Bill??

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