This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


Post 1

VampireMike is back and ready to unleash HELL!!!

Meow?? lol hellooooo....I'm a little bored and wondered if you fancied a chat but I'll warn you I'm a vampire...but a good one smiley - vampire


Post 2

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Hello, to you too. Thanks for coming along... A good vampire? Well, that's okay then. smiley - cat


Post 3

VampireMike is back and ready to unleash HELL!!!

Yeah but I suffer in my life smiley - sadface I mean I'm 24 and I have emphysema smiley - erm


Post 4

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Oh, emphysema, how awful. That's unusual at 24... Are you at home, or in a hospital? You must be very bored, either way, as you can't go out and do much.. Are you in NZ or Oz, or someehere else? I ask because it's 14.23 hours here (NZ) and that's about 0218 GMT (I just heard the time on the BBC World Service.. (The 1423 was the computer clock, which is wrong. Sigh.)


Post 5

VampireMike is back and ready to unleash HELL!!!

I'm in england hun and I've been recently having sleeping troubles too so i've just taken a sleeping pill and i'm feel giddy lol and i'm at home


Post 6

VampireMike is back and ready to unleash HELL!!!

It's all still an unsolved mystery in how it all happened to bed now hun...I'll be in touch smiley - smiley


Post 7

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Yeah, if you have trouble sleeping, it's a good idea to sit up and do something - staying in bed not able to sleep is horrible! We're lucky, tomorrow is Saturday here, and the start of our last long weekend until October. So I can stay up tonight, if I want...
Sleep well, and I'll hear from you tomorrow or whenever. smiley - cool


Post 8

VampireMike is back and ready to unleash HELL!!!

Cooee lol....I had a better nights sleep lastnight...but when I went off the sleeping tablet I took made me giddy lol


Post 9

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Hello, mid-afternoon here - I am glad you slept well, but sorry the tab made you giddy. What kind are they, if I may ask? How has your day been?


Post 10

VampireMike is back and ready to unleash HELL!!!

Allooo...smiley - smiley they're Temazepam...I have to take 1 for 3 nights like take 1 for 3 nights in a row and then I miss 3 nights then take em again etc.
It's been an average day for me today but I have an ear problem right now smiley - erm


Post 11

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Yes, from what I have heard, one should *never* take sleeping pills without a break. Temazepam are quite good for the risk of dependance, aren't they?
Ear problems, oh no... How miserable...
I see you're a Buffy fan. Think of Angel buried 'alive' at sea - no sorry, that's the spin-off series, innit? (But that'll take your mind of the ears with any luck...) Do you watch Angel too, and if so, is the last episode we saw (when he was tricked by Conor into the chest, and sunk) an old one? Have there been others since?


Post 12

VampireMike is back and ready to unleash HELL!!!

No that's not the last one that's a season ago as at the start of this seasons Spike made an appearence in spirit form and is staying in Angel now, but this Tuesday is the very last episode of Angel on sky one for us (which ends with Wesley being killed).
And my name is Michael but you can call me Mike for short if you like (which ever makes it easy for you).


Post 13

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Hi, Mike. Thanks for the info about Angel/Buffy - for some reason it's behind on NZ TV. (It used to be relatively up to date - so I am cross.) I quite liked it when it was on - I like almost anything science fiction and fantasy. We watched 'Starship Troopers' on DVD last night, and then Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, again - well, really, selected excerpts, because it is so long, we couldn't watch it all. (Well, we could have, it being a weekend, but still...)smiley - magic


Post 14

VampireMike is back and ready to unleash HELL!!!

Hiya smiley - smiley sorry it took me a while to get on here as mine and my brothers laptop was acting up...we had one problem with it and fixed that and then we had another problem and so on smiley - erm.
Do you mind being called "Honey/babe or any other pet names"?, it's a habit I have with most gals smiley - biggrin.
Season 5 of Angel is the very last one coz WB chose to cancel it...but American fans have chosen to fight that decision (and so they should)smiley - smiley.


Post 15

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

I had heard that about Buffy... unfortunately, I am not sure where we had got up to on it in NZ, as the channel showing it kept messing around with its timeslot. They kept taking it off for Charmed, which I suppose they thought would appeal to the same audence - but not to me! IMHO, Charmed went from the silly to the *very* silly! Not smiley - magic at all! (Though it did have an Australian playing Cole...)
So, you and your brother share a laptop. My son and I share this computer (which is going *really* slow at the moment, a public holiday afternoon, which is probably why. )
My brother bought a new one, in 2002, and gave us this one. It's old by PC standards, but all is well with it (knock wood...)


Post 16

VampireMike is back and ready to unleash HELL!!!

You mean brothers what's your name honey? and are you enjoying yourselves over there smiley - smiley


Post 17

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

My name is Debbie, but as is so often the case, I don't like my name in RL, so I have nicknamed myself after an Australian city...
We'd be enjoying ourselves so much more if if it wasn't so smiley - brr freezing here right now!


Post 18

VampireMike is back and ready to unleash HELL!!!

Oh ok how long will you be there for honey? xxx

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