This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

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Post 1

Researcher 538645

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Post 2

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

So, it appears that Dave and Sarge *are* good buddies after all. Why am I not surprised?
I was talking to ES yesterday, and he wondered what on smiley - earth he had done to get them all worked up! (OK, he's been a bit harsh to Lentilla, but he considers that joking - I wonder if she realises that? Maybe she doesn't...)
But he has neither said or done anything as horrendous as to justify the things they said about him. It's ridiculous.)

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Post 3

Researcher 538645

And I've done even less. For a while I was wondering "what did I say?"

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Post 4

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

I think it's just a campaign... I read a book on the weekend, called "Age of Propaganda" - two techniques ares relevant here. One -
Rumour and innuendo. Accuse those with whom you disagree, of being and doing unacceptable things example, when Rush Limbaugh implied that Clinton was dismantling the USA's defense capability. (mm, BTW *that* sounds familiar, what about that Helen Clark, eh?)
Two - Divide and conquer. They establish themselves as part of an in-group. Those who disagree are out. If we are discredited, and that's technique 3, discredit those who hold an opposing view, as people will readily disbelieve something said by a discredited source...
(Those left, better watch their backs, I mean trunt and anhaga... They'll be targeted next...)

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Post 5

Researcher 538645

That takes determination. Do you think they can keep it up?, if you'll pardon the expression

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Post 6

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Maybe not, I certainly don't think Dave can be bothered...
smiley - biggrin

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Post 7

Researcher 538645

Dave has been all around. He even tried keeping up the mood against me on the thread.

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Post 8

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Yes, I spoke too soon, about Dave. He's a bit obsessive, really...

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Post 9

Researcher 538645

That's a very charitable way to phrase it.

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