This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Dont worry about me old lady, Im OK, really, but thanks for the concern ; )

Post 1

badger party tony party green party

I dont need to calm down or control my breathing, but thanks for the concern. Im aware from your posts that you may have these problems but please dont worry yourself on my account.

Also dont worry about where I live or the veracity of what I post just because you exaggerate and lie in your postings to misguide people and in vain attempts to win arguments dont go thinking that I do. Like wise when you read my posts theres no need to imagine I post in the same frame of mind as you. Instead of assuming what mood you think Im in or what I might mean you could just ask and I will tell you honestly.

Like my old grandad used to say "Dont judge others by your own standards".

If you are still suspicious you can see my name and photos of me here on my clubs website. So you can put an end to all those doubts about me that you keep mentioning. happysmiley - surfering

smiley - rainbow

Dont worry about me old lady, Im OK, really, but thanks for the concern ; )

Post 2

Researcher 538645

Della this guy really is obsessed.

Dont worry about me old lady, Im OK, really, but thanks for the concern ; )

Post 3

badger party tony party green party

It is not relevant here. Let it go.smiley - book

If its not relevant there shall we deal with it here? As you have chosen to respond I will post my thoughts.

BB [has] so 'muddied the waters' that anyone who gave a toss, would have a very hard time finding out what *really* happened.

Yes I do know what happened you and others questioned my voting strategy advice. If you really knew what was going on you would have seen that I was rplying to your friend Empty.

BB was obviously upset that I pointed out his inconsistency in advocating voting for the BNP,smiley - book

Are you pating attention. I have never been upset, saddened by your attitude and some times exsasperated by your ignorance but never angry or hurt.

so he brought up (again!!!) the whole tissue of lies and stories about my 'terminations' (never happened) my 'lies' about my sisters (your misunderstanding)smiley - book

Exactly right Dellasmiley - magic I was bringing up YOUR lies. True az others and my self did misunderstand the situation but only because you deliberately posted false information. You can call it other pretty names if you want but most people call a spade a spade and a lie...

and Dave has been 'helping' by posting links to the growing confusion!smiley - book

Helpingsmiley - huh Like I said dont judge others by your standards. If Wraith sees himself as helping you is it right to suppose that any of us do the same?

When I told you about my sister, and her problems it was on the thread called War.smiley - book

It was also to other people on other threads on a PUBLIC SITE. As you clearly often post in anger I am not surprised that you sometimes can not keep track of all your different and contradictory versions of the *truth*

Sure, I was p*ss*d with you, but I changed the title of the thread to War? (note the question mark) when you objected.smiley - book

JUst because you are willing to be so confrontational dont cast that shadow over your opinion of others it does you no favours and them no credit. You are on a public site. We have similar tastes and will end up airing our opinons it goes on a lot I have been in dispute with Member and Hoo, Toxx, az, and Dave amongst others. The difference is that I and others disagree you are disagreeable madam. I wil continue to them as to you. Maybe you should think about how you post and the way you read others' posts to you.

one love smiley - rainbow

Dont worry about me old lady, Im OK, really, but thanks for the concern ; )

Post 4

Researcher 538645

You should write shorter rants. I don't know about Della but I couldn't be bothered reading all that smiley - erm

Dont worry about me old lady, Im OK, really, but thanks for the concern ; )

Post 5

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

I read it, Wraith, but he's just repeating himself, and making the same old assertions. smiley - sadface

Dont worry about me old lady, Im OK, really, but thanks for the concern ; )

Post 6

Researcher 538645

Oh so I was right not to waste the time then smiley - smiley

I wonder if he's going to get tired of trolling? smiley - erm

Dont worry about me old lady, Im OK, really, but thanks for the concern ; )

Post 7

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

The idea is to do what Ailsa always said - treat with ignore!

Dont worry about me old lady, Im OK, really, but thanks for the concern ; )

Post 8

Researcher 538645

She did? That must be BMR (Before my remembering)

Dont worry about me old lady, Im OK, really, but thanks for the concern ; )

Post 9

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Come to think of it, yeah, it was. My mum used to say that as well, about we girls scrapping. smiley - aliensmile

Dont worry about me old lady, Im OK, really, but thanks for the concern ; )

Post 10

Researcher 538645

I think you're right but we can still turn Dave with the 'support team' smiley - smiley. BB is lost to the dark side

starwars reference not racial slur

Dont worry about me old lady, Im OK, really, but thanks for the concern ; )

Post 11

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

I think you're right, Wraith... There is still hope for Dave. I'm rooting for him.smiley - laugh

Dont worry about me old lady, Im OK, really, but thanks for the concern ; )

Post 12

Researcher 538645

smiley - laugh

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