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Who's Jane Harrington?

Post 1

Mrs Zen

Just wondering really. My 'satiable curiosity....


Who's Jane Harrington?

Post 2

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Oh, that's a quote from Blackadder, the Elizabethan one. Percy is mooning about a woman, and Blackadder reduces him to a quivering jelly, by talking about how the woman is known as 'anybody's'. I found it very funny...

Who's Jane Harrington?

Post 3

Mrs Zen

Ah, now I feel stupid. Blackadder is one of the more glaring gaps in my televisual experience.

smiley - ok


Who's Jane Harrington?

Post 4

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Oh, you must remedy that! For Christmas 2005, my son got me two Blackadder DVDs, one of which was 'Blackadder's Christmas Carol' - awesome!

My favourite has got to be the World War 1 series... Sadly, I lent the Georgian series to someone who shows no sign of returning it anytime soon..

But the only thing to say is, yay for Slackbladder!

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