This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!
Hiya, Della
diversity Started conversation Nov 2, 2002
Just hopping in and out of pages of people from the God conversation, andthought I'd say hello. Nice page, but I'm new to this stuff and don't know for sure if I'm sending this to you or not. New Zeland? I'm in the U.S. so it's nice to have another penal colony member to talk to!
Hiya, Della
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Nov 3, 2002
Thanks for dropping by, Diversity... There are a number of us/we (grammar?) NZers here, and a bumch of Aussies too. (Some of the NZers are related to me, but I won't say who, don't want to embarass them.)
Hiya, Della
diversity Posted Nov 3, 2002
I'm sure that if they are as free thinking as you they will be easy to spot. My father was from Ireland, and we also have a few relatives in NZ. From a few generations back
Hiya, Della
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Nov 4, 2002
There are heaps of people in NZ descended from the Scottish (two thirds, apparently) and probably half of the remaining third are of Irish descent! (My parents were English (came here 1952) and of Scottish descent.)
Hiya, Della
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Nov 6, 2002
In my father's case, he went back to the UK after WWII, and got restless.. he left again in 1948, and travelled the world - including South Africa and the USA. He *might* have settled anywhere - I could have been American!
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Hiya, Della
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