This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!
King of the Jews Started conversation Jul 3, 2002
Yes, Della, I penned a novel over the summer (while incarcerated in my 17th rehab in two years). The title of which: The Prolonged Acussation of A Goldfish. Brief Plot Summary: "Seems they found this monkey the size of a mouse on the outskirts of China..." I loathe Christinaity and Capitalism, so mostly the book is a scathing commentary on both (coupled with schziophrenic delusions, a bittersweet love story, and time travel). Give me your e-mail address and I'd be happy to send you an advanced copy. (Due to computer illiteracy, I can only send "attachments"...)
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Jul 4, 2002
Well, your Majesty, I too am virtually computer illiterate - I just learned to do attachments today! My email is: [email protected]
Also, I am no big fan of capitalism myself, and that's putting it mildly! But - surprise, I *am* a Christian!
PS - I hope your rehab was successful, inasmuch as it did what needed to be done...
King of the Jews Posted Jul 5, 2002
Della, my mother is a Christian and I grew up with it too. I think religion can be a wonderful think for some people. However, the book is extremely blashemous. I could go through and expalin a bit more of my intention but I don't think it would matter. I wrote the book w/ the intention to offend--to shake foundations of commonly hel assumptions. I weighed risks--this vs. that, and decided to go w/ this. My point is, I wouldn't feel comfortable sending you a copy because there really are things written in there soley desinged to offend the Christian faith. I am in no way implying you are not open-minded; obviously, form your threads here, you are. Basically, it just wouldn't be polite of me. I do enjoy our correspondance and look foreward to conversing in the future.
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Jul 6, 2002
KoftJ, thanks you foryour thoughtfulness in deciding not to send it me, I think that's the right decision... Forgive me if this sounds patrinising, but did you have some really bad experiences to make you want to offend Christians? I'm sorry to hear it, if so.
King of the Jews Posted Jul 8, 2002
Not offend Christians, persay, but, yes, you could say that. Mostly, I believe I have been sent here to stir some things up a bit--the status quo has got to go. I support revolution--whole and complete. The wage system is leaglized slavery. Capitalism is a tool of the devil. I don't want after-life compensation for the raw deal, I feel, most, and many, are getting now. Christianity offers some excellent examples on how to live your life; ie, it's bad to lie and kick cats. Unfortunatly, the one constant re: human beings is they lie. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and when you provide persons with the means by which to chastize things/persons different from themsleves, well, that's just a recipe for disaster. I would never argue faith. However, I've gotten into plenty of discusions w/ my mother re: say, homosexuality and she's offered up the typical religious fare of condemnation. My point is, I am fairly well schooled in New & Old Testament and can readily illustrate the flaw in any such arguement. People should be free to follow & engage in "life, liberty, and pursuits of happiness". I firmly believe that. 99% of the world's prejudices could be negated if said offenders were to walk a mile in another man's shoes. But no one ever does. It's finger pointing and naysaying. And it's worng. Do I blame Christianly? No. But I do find organized religion to generally pander to the lowest common denomenator and the most base of human emotions (ie, pettiness) and find that the aforementioned tends to use intolerence to justify hatred of things/persons they don't understand. But that's just an opinion...
King of the Jews Posted Jul 8, 2002
If, however, you wish to check out something a lil' more Christian-friendly, feel free to visit the AAG site here. I think it's "A771095", (ya' know, you type that in @ the end of the address) for a piece I did (for class) on Emerson and artistic temperment. Let me know what you think.
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Jul 9, 2002
Thanks, I'll check that out! Re capitalism, I do most heartily agree with you indeed! If you read Noam Chomsky's latest, 'September 11', you'll see he says some very (amazing) complimentary things about the RC Church for its opposition to capitalism, in South and Central America. (Amazing to me, because unexpected...) There are martyrs in Christianity, to capitalism - Helder Camara for one.
Thanks for the discussion
King of the Jews Posted Jul 9, 2002
The problem, of course, arises in this particualr big business friendly climate of ours that when anyone attempts to voice any opposition it ultimately gets confused w/ an anti-patriotic rhetoric. Nothing could be furthur from the truth (in most cases). Chomsky, I agree, is that rare voice from the left that isn't plagued by, and, in the end, dismissed re; notions of everyhting 'politcally correct'--which is unfortunate. When did the concepts of kindeness and decency get confused with placating minority groups? As if the whole world revolves around not trying to upset this one or that one when the reality of the situation, usually, just comes down to being poilite and considerate...
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Jul 13, 2002
In the current climate of hyper-patriotism that we read about here, I am amazed that such a book as 'September 11' is publsihed uncensored. Does the USA really pracitce what it preaches about free speech, or what? If so, I *am* impressed!
King of the Jews Posted Jul 15, 2002
Believe it or not, yes. It is one of the few truly great things about this country. Although, you can be sure there are forces out there that would love to change all that. Censoring and "community standards' do occassionally find certain artists in court from time to time, though, they are usually vindicated. This country (and that is what is sooo frustrating) has the potential (and foundation) to be really great. Small mindedness and hatred of all things different and misunderstood renders the place anything but, unfortunately...
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Jul 15, 2002
I read a book about textbook censorship in Texas a few years back, what an eye-opener *that* was - to use a cliche...
I *am* impressed that free speech is real and not just a slogan!
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Jul 17, 2002
Talking of books, besides 'Stupid White Men' and 'September 11', I'd like to recommend 'TV Arabs' by Jack C Shaheen, who has also written 'Reel Bad Arabs', which I am trying to get hold of. He has a lot of valuable things to say about media stereotyping, TV and films. TV Arabs is quite old (1984) but it is excellent!
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- 1: King of the Jews (Jul 3, 2002)
- 2: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Jul 4, 2002)
- 3: King of the Jews (Jul 5, 2002)
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- 5: King of the Jews (Jul 8, 2002)
- 6: King of the Jews (Jul 8, 2002)
- 7: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Jul 9, 2002)
- 8: King of the Jews (Jul 9, 2002)
- 9: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Jul 13, 2002)
- 10: King of the Jews (Jul 15, 2002)
- 11: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Jul 15, 2002)
- 12: King of the Jews (Jul 16, 2002)
- 13: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Jul 17, 2002)
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