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Aspergers and cats
Tefkat Started conversation Aug 2, 2001
Hi Della
I would be really interested in that article on Aspergers Syndrome. Please could you point me in the right direction?
Your page looks very interesting. I've had to bookmark it for later perusal when I have time.
I just popped in to invite you to the cathouse
- a rough beginning I'm hoping will develop into both whimsy and wickedness...
Aspergers and cats
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Aug 4, 2001
Miaow! Thank you for the invitation to the Cathouse, which I have just visited...
The Aspergers article, was in New Scientist, an issue between June 2000 and June 2001 - I'm sorry I cannot be more specific, it was probably 2001, circa April-June, and I will try to find it and post exact details! I apologise for not having them right now. It was a wonderful article, and my only question is whether Simon B-C is related to Sasha B-C, a.k.a., Ali G. I mean it can't be a common name... But judging by the picture of him in New Scientist, Simon looks a lot like a character on French and Saunders. They had musicians called 'Raw Sex' who were Somebody and his step-son Dwayne. He (S.B-C.,) looks like the step-father, who may be Ade Edmondson, who is after all, Jenifer Saunders' husband. So, I digress. I promise to have details of the article, or you cld try the New Scientist website.. Della.
Aspergers and cats
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Aug 4, 2001
Found it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The article is in New Scientist 14 April 2001, page 42.
He lists characteristics and talks about his AQ (Autism Spectrum Quotient).
Aspergers and cats
Tefkat Posted Aug 4, 2001
Thanks Della
I must have missed that one. Sometimes other members of the family nick the mags before I get to them
I'll have a look on the website. If it isn't there it'll have to be "Hunt the magazine"
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Aspergers and cats
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