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Della the Cat Woman's thread
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Feb 11, 2002
Oh, I am glad to hear that you and Andrew will have a less stressful time this year - with respite and all. It's good that he likes the new foster parents...
So, you're one of the people suing? Good luck, and I hope you all *get* somewhere! My friend Tom is Liverpool, has a son with very severe cerebral palsy, and the triple vaccine is responsible for at least some of his problems. Tom has had a court case grinding s-l-o-w-l-y through the court system for many many years!
I was told off by a doctor back in 1988 for not continuing Jim's three vaccinations for Hep B. He had the first at about 18 months, and he was really ill! Fever, crying, pain, - nasty! So, I refused permission for the next 2 jabs, and the doctor berated me, saying: "He'll die of liver cancer when he's 40" (Which BTW is very very unlikely!) So, I told Dr Wossname, that I'd rather Jim died of liver cancer at 40, than of anything else at 18 months. Truth to tell, I can't imagine him being 40, he's only just turned 15. Also, I never thought of disability, but with what a high fever can do to a baby's brain... I should have.
So, I support yr suit with good wishes (nowt else sorry, can't send any $$$) and forget the Prime Monster, *you* are the expert in this respect!
Della the Cat Woman's thread
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Feb 24, 2002
Thanks for your support!
That was a bad reaction, some of the stuff I've been finding out about what the vaccines are actually made of, is
Della the Cat Woman's thread
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Feb 25, 2002
(Massive server/connection problems today, sorry...) It's taken a while even to get to read what you put...)
My friend Anni gave me a leaflet about vaccination when I first met her, on the Human Services course, in 1999. What with that and Tom and Mark in L'pool, I changed my view.. I was unthinking about vaccination - that's just something you do. Measles tho'.. that always seemed weird to me. In ca 1964, my mother used to hold measles parties for we girls and our friends, so we'd "get it over with" and get natural immunity, which as you know, is far better. A few years ago, someone at Jim's school told me "oh that's" (the measles parties) "just something weird that British people do". I don't care, it seems a far better idea to me!
How's yr case going?
Della the Cat Woman's thread
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Mar 2, 2002
Hi, GB - this is my only thing I can do here on h2g2, on accounbt of the computers screwing up (here, there or everywhere, I don't know - but something's wrong...)
I have to tell you about a book I have just finished reading last night - it's called "Behind the Glass Wall", it's by a woman called Wendy lawson, now in Australia but born in UK, who has autism. She was misdiagnosed as schizophrenic and suffered a lot. (The man she married sounded a lot as if he has Asperger's, BTW.)
This book is MARVELLOUS!! I hope you can get it, I meant to post publisher and ISBN. (Can I get back to you on that?)
Della the Cat Woman's thread
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Mar 4, 2002
Hi, GB - update! The book I was talking of, is actually:
Life Behind Glass, by Wendy Lawson. It's published by Southern Cross University Press, 1998. The ISBN is: 1-875855-31-9.
Hope you can find it, she's very interesting!
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