This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Hay hun

Post 1

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

Hi Ime mIke, or bob wichever you prefer. I used to work in a school with handycapped kids, and I am dislexic so if you want to talk about that we can smiley - smiley
other than that how are you?

Hay hun

Post 2

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Hi, Bob or Mike or whichever... Just discovered your reply to me, but unfortunately, we have to go right now!!!!! (We do this at the public library, and we have to take a powder - it's Saturday afternoon and like, really busy..) Also, the system has been as slow as a wet week. BUT! I'd really like to chat with, or even leave messages with/for you sometime. TTTN, Della
smiley - cat

Hay hun

Post 3

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

have fun sweety smiley - smiley

Hay hun

Post 4

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Hi, Bob/Mike - may I call you Steve? I knew a guy who worked for something called Polyemp here in Auckland NZ, who was dyslexic. His name's Todd, an excellent guy.(Polyemp does supported employment for people with disabilities.) Dyslexia must be very hard to cope with, although a seminar I attended on the subject last year, told us that those with dyslexia are often highly intelligent. My son says he has dyslexic aspects, if so, it's dysgraphia in his case, i.e., unreadable handwriting...He's 14 y.o

Hay hun

Post 5

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

well if you really want to..but your the only one mind smiley - tongueout
smiley - biggrin
Ive got that..and I carnt spell to save my life smiley - tongueout
and dislexia is easy to cope with as long as you realise that what other people think and say about you dosent matter.
lthough you do get the odd ass a science teacher who refused to have me in his tob set becase he thought i would slow tha class down

Hay hun

Post 6

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

well if you really want to..but your the only one mind smiley - tongueout
smiley - biggrin
Ive got that..and I carnt spell to save my life smiley - tongueout
and dislexia is easy to cope with as long as you realise that what other people think and say about you dosent matter.
lthough you do get the odd ass a science teacher who refused to have me in his tob set becase he thought i would slow tha class down

Hay hun

Post 7

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Hi, Bob, how are you? Your science teacher is an ... idiot, teachers know zip about dyslexia and that's a problem for students and their parents. What occupation are you in now? (If you want to say..) BTW, what's this about guns?

Hay hun

Post 8

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

Ime good, I am extreemly tierd but Ime good smiley - smiley
I am now a kichen porter in an italian resterant, really hard work, crappy wages to..but its a living

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