Journal Entries

My first Entry

I have submitted my first Guide Entry today! I'm very excited about it. It's about the Brunching Shuttlecocks. I don't know if it's very good; I didn't proofread it very very carefully or anything.

I wonder if I can get into the Order with this entry? That would be very exciting. I emailed it to the Shuttlecocks already.

Huh. I really have nothing to say in a journal.

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Latest reply: Jul 25, 2001

I don't know why I'm bothering

No one's going to read this anyway. Sigh.

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Latest reply: Jul 16, 2001

It's my journal and I can brag if I want to

Well, it's really not worth bragging about, but this week at the gym I was able to bench-press 75 pounds. This is a personal best. I'm very excited about it. The sad thing is that I still can't do a pull-up. Is that something that is just physiologically difficult for girls to do? I'm very annoyed about it.

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Latest reply: Jul 13, 2001

In the beginning...

...I decided to attempt a journal of sorts. It's the latest fad on the Brunching UBB to have one's own livejournal or blog, and since I've got this page, I figured, "what the heck. I'll write my thoughts in here."

Yesterday Tom and I went biking with a friend of his in Campbell. There's a park there that has very nice paved bike paths, with thin dirt paths for terrain biking running alongside. I tried to go on the dirt path, but I quickly realized that probably dirtbiking is not my thing. Firstly, I'm scared of hurting myself, and it seems to me that riding fast on a rocky, one-foot-wide path is a good way to crash into either shrubs, rocks, dirt, or my bike. That would hurt. Secondly, I'm not very good at steering along paths. When I play videogames, I'm all over the road. I can't steer at all. A one-foot-wide path is not going to be enough for me to feel safe steering on. Finally, I don't like to run into plants. When the path is only a foot wide, you're bound to run into tons of plants. In the end, I decided to stick to the concrete can bike a lot faster on there, and it feels safer.

I told Tom that for me, mountain biking is like how skiing is for him...too fast and scary for the entertainment/exercise value.

Biking is fun, though. Once I wasn't on the dirt path, I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

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Latest reply: Jul 12, 2001

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