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Music with emotion

Post 1

The Mystical Fish (ACE, MuG, pianist/guitarist in YP and the Hoopy Hoopsters, Keeper of Air Guitars)6*7+4+1-2-3=42

Just read your post on the Join here musicians guild forum (im a member as you can see) and I noticed you said you like music with emotion - what do you think of Muse?

Music with emotion

Post 2


Please forgive the possible ignorance of this question but who is Muse? Is it a person I'm thought to know or a style of music that must be quite reluctant to grow because I've never heard of it?

Music with emotion

Post 3

The Mystical Fish (ACE, MuG, pianist/guitarist in YP and the Hoopy Hoopsters, Keeper of Air Guitars)6*7+4+1-2-3=42

It's a band from Devon.

Music with emotion

Post 4


Obviously because I've never heard of them, I've never hear them before. Should I try and find some of their stuff?

Music with emotion

Post 5

The Mystical Fish (ACE, MuG, pianist/guitarist in YP and the Hoopy Hoopsters, Keeper of Air Guitars)6*7+4+1-2-3=42

Well I think they're good but I cant say wether you'll like them. If you get some MP3 try to get Muscle Museum, New Born, Plug-in baby, Citizen Erased or Sunburn as they're some of the best stuuf they've done. What are Tool like?

Music with emotion

Post 6


TOOL have been dubbed "math rock" due to the complexity of their music. They combine amazing instrumental talent with deep philosophical theory. My interest in Carl Jung was sparked by them. They're pretty heavy but they're capable of some really beautiful stuff as well.

Music with emotion

Post 7

The Mystical Fish (ACE, MuG, pianist/guitarist in YP and the Hoopy Hoopsters, Keeper of Air Guitars)6*7+4+1-2-3=42

Is it worth me getting any of their stuff on MP3?

Music with emotion

Post 8



Music with emotion

Post 9

The Mystical Fish (ACE, MuG, pianist/guitarist in YP and the Hoopy Hoopsters, Keeper of Air Guitars)6*7+4+1-2-3=42

I'll give them a look then. any recommendations?

Have you heard any Muse yet?

smiley - fish

Music with emotion

Post 10


Sadly I haven't. Good TOOL songs to look for would be:Eulogy,Schism,forty6&two and my personal fav. Lateralus. Everything, pretty much, is great from TOOL so you can't really go wrong.

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