Journal Entries
Posted Jan 3, 2002
Basic Hawaiian Words and Phrases
ali’i - a Hawaiian chief or noble
Ahu I hou- Good bye
akamai - smart
aloha - means both hello and good-bye, welcome or farewell, romantic love, affection, or best wishes.
Aloha ahiahi - good evening
Aloha au ia oe - I love you
Aloha kakahiaka - Good morning
Aloha nui loa - much love, fondest regards
aole - no
hale - house or building
hana - work
haole - Caucasian (originally meant foreigner)
Hauoli la hanau - Happy birthday
Hauoli makahiki hou - Happy New Year
Heiau - temple, ancient worship ground
hele - go or walk around
hiamoe - to sleep
ho’olohe - to listen
hui - a group, meeting or society
hula - native Hawaiian dance
imu - underground oven
ipo - sweetheart, lover, girl- or boyfriend
ka’a - car
kahuna - teacher or priest
kai - ocean
kamaaina - native born, long-time island resident, local
kane - man
kapu - forbidden
kaukau - food
keiki - child
komo mai - please come in, enter, welcome
kupuna - grandparent
kokua - help
lanai - porch or patio
lei - traditional garland of flowers or vines
lomi lomi - traditional Hawaiian massage
lua - toilet, restroom
luau - a Hawaiian feast featuring poi, imu-baked pork and other traditional foods.
mahalo - thank you
makai - toward the sea
malihini - newcomer, visitor
mauka - toward the mountains, inland
mauna - mountain
mele - a Hawaiian chant or song
Mele kalikimaka - Merry Christmas
menehune - a Hawaiian dwarf or elf
moana - ocean
nani - beautiful
ohana - family
Okole maluna - cheers, bottoms up
Olu’olu - please
ono - delicious, delightful, the best
opu - stomach
pali - cliff
paniolo - a Hawaiian cowboy
pau - finished
Pehea’oe? How are you?
pono - excellent
pua - flower
puka - a hole of any size
punee - bed
pupu - an appetizer, snack, hors d’oeuvres
pupule - crazy
tapa - traditional paper cloth made from beaten bark.
tutu - grandmother
wahine - woman
wai - fresh water
wiki - quickly, fast
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Latest reply: Jan 3, 2002
Posted Jan 3, 2002
Hawaii Native Language
English and Hawaiian are the two official state languages in Hawaii. Therefore almost everyone lived in Hawaii speaks English and some Hawaiian words.
Hawaiian native culture is beautiful and romantic. So many famous movies and Hawaiian songs include some presentations of Hawaiian native language. Today most Hawaii's residents, including people came from US mainland and other countries, speak some Hawaiian in their daily life.
The Hawaiian alphabet consists of only 12 letters: five vowels - a, e, i, o, u, and seven consonants - h, k, l, m, n, p, w. Every syllable ends in a vowel, every vowel is pronounced. The following table lists some common and useful Hawaiian words and phrases that you will often hear in Hawaii.
A E H I K L M N O P U W Phrases
Glossary of Hawaiian Words
Hawaiian Pronunciation English Meaning
ahi ahee fire
'ahi ahee tuna fish
'ai aye yes
ai eye eat
akamai ah-kah-my smart, knowledgeable
ala al-lah road
'alana ah-lah-nah church
'alani ah-lah-nee orange
alii ah-lee-ee the old royalty of Hawaii
aloha ah-low-hah hello, love, goodbye
aloha'ole ah-low-hah-ohlay without love
aole ah-oh-lay no
auwe ow-way alas, woe
Hawaiian Pronunciation English Meaning
'eha ay-ha pain
'elima ay-lee-mah five
'elua ay-lew-ah two
halakahiki hah-lah-kah-hee-kee pineapple
halau hah-lau school
hale hah-lay house
haole how-lay Caucasian, foreigner
hapa hah-pah half, part
hauoli how-oh-lee happiness
he'i hey-ee papaya
heiau hey-ee-au temple
hoaloha ho-ah-low-hah friend
holoholo ho-low-ho-low to relax
honi ho-nee to kiss
hoku ho-koo star
honu ho-new turtle
honua ho-new-ah land, earth
hui hoo-ee union, corporation, club
huhu hoo-hoo angry
hukilau hoo-kee-lau fishing festival, community fishing
hula hoo-lah Hawaiian dance, to dance
Hawaiian Pronunciation English Meaning
ia ee-ah he, she, it
i'amaka ee-ah-ma-kah raw fish
'i'i ee-ee tiny
iki ee-kee a little bit
imu ee-moo underground oven used to cook luau pig
inu ee-new to drink
ipo ee-po sweetheart
iwi ee-vee bone
ka'alawema'i ka-a-lah-vay-ma-ee ambulance
kai kye sea, ocean
kahuna ka-hoo-nah priest
kala kah-lah money
kalua kah-loo-ah to bake underground
kamaaina kah-mah-eye-nah old-timer, local
kane kah-nay man
kapa kah-pah tapa, bark cloth
kapu kah-poo keep out
kaukau kow-kow food
keiki kay-kee child
kokua ko-koo-ah help
la lah Sun, day, light
lanai lah-nye porch
lani lah-nee sky, heaven
lei lay necklace of flowers
lua loo-ah bathroom
luau loo-ow feast
Hawaiian Pronunciation English Meaning
mahalo mah-hah-low thank you
ma'ika'i mah-ee-kah-ee good, fine
malihini mah-lee-hee-nee newcomer, stranger
mele may-lay song
muumuu moo-oo-moo-oo Hawaiian long, loose dress
nalu nak-loo wave, to surf
nanea nah-nay-ah relaxing, fascinating
nani nan-nee lovely
niu nee-oo coconut
nui noo-ee big (mahalo nui = big thanks)
ohana oh-hah-nah family
ola oh-lah life, health
ono oh-no delicious, sweet taste
opu oh-poo belly, stomach
pakalaki pah-kah-lah-kee unlucky
pali pah-lee cliff
paniolo pah-nee-oh-low Hawaiian cowboy
pau pow finished
pilialoha pee-lee-ah-low-ha close friendship
pilikia pee-lee-kee-ah trouble
poi poy pounded taro root
puka poo-kah hole
punee poo-nay-ay couch
pupu poo-poo hors d'oeuvre
pupule poo-poo-lay crazy
ua oo-ah rain
waha wah-hah mouth, speech
wahine wah-hee-nay woman, girl, female
wai why fresh water
wikiwiki wee-kee-wee-kee quickly
Some Hawaiian Phrases
Hawaiian Pronunciation English Meaning
Hele mai hey-lay my Come here
Komo mai e noho iho ko-mo my ay no-ho ee-ho Come in and sit down
No ke aloha no kay ah-low-hah For love
Aloha ahiahi ah-low-hah ah-hee-ah-hee Good evening
Aloha kakahiaka ah-low-hah kah-kah-hee-ah-kah Good morning
Aloha nui oe ah-low-hah noo-ee-oh-ay Greatest love to you
Hauoli la hanau hah-oo-oh-lee-lah hah-nah-oo Happy Birthday
Hauoli Makahiki Hou hah-oo-oh-lee man-kah-hee-kee ho-oo Happy New Year
Pehea oe? pay-hay-ah oh-ay How are you?
Ma'i ka'i mah-ee-kah-ee I am fine.
Ua kaumaha au oo-ah cow-mah-hah ow I am sorry.
Aloha wauia oe ah-low-hah vow-ee-ah oh-ay I love you.
Mele Kalikimaka may-lay kah-lee-kee-mah-kah Merry Christmas
Owai kau inoa? oh-why kah-oo ee-no-ah What is your name?
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Latest reply: Jan 3, 2002
pronuncia irlandesa
Posted Dec 11, 2001
Under Construction
The Irish language (Gaelic) uses a spelling which was devised by Early Christian monks and is based on Latin. It bears very little resemblance to English pronunciation. The spelling was 'simplified' in the early 20th Century, but still is formidable to outsiders. The alphabet consists of only 18 of the letters of the English alphabet:
The vowels can be written with or without a rising accent, and this accent changes the sound of the vowel, so it should not be omitted. Seán, Sean and Séan are three different words meaning different things.
This entry gives a simplified pronunciation. There are subtleties which a native speaker will recognise, but they are not worth attempting to explain here.
Slender and Broad
There is an important distinction between slender consonants and broad consonants. A slender consonant is one which is beside an e or i. A broad consonant is one beside an a, o or u. For many consonants the slender pronunciation is different from the broad one.
The addition of 'h' to many consonants changes the sound of them. This is technically known as 'aspiration'.
Letter Pronunciation
b b
bh broad w
bh slender v
c k
ch broad as ch in German Bach
ch slender as ch in German ich
d broad as th in this but with tongue on back of teeth
d slender sharp d, almost a j
dh broad gh like voiced version of ch in Bach
dh slender y
f f
fh silent
g hard g as in garden, gift
gh gh like voiced version of ch in Bach
gh at end of word silent
h on its own h
l l
m m
mh broad w
mh slender v
n n
p p
ph f
r broad as english
r slender sharp r, almost a d
s broad s
s slender sh
sh h
t broad as th in thin but with tongue on back of teeth
t slender sharp t, almost tsh
th h
Consonant clusters at start of words
Letter Pronunciation
mb same as m
gc same as g
nd same as n
bhf same as bh
ng as ng in English
ts same as t
dt same as d
Single vowels
There are basically 10 vowels, since a vowel with an accent is different from one without.
Letter Pronunciation
a o as in hot, dog, wasp, sausage
á aw as in call, dawn
e e as in pet, bed
é ay as in day, pane
i i as in pit, bin
í ee as in feet, machine, pizza
o u as in put, ton
ó oh as in bone, toll, moan
u u as in put, ton
ú oo as in moon, rule
The pronunciation of diphthongs (two vowels together) is probably the hardest aspect of the pronunciation of Irish.
Letters Pronunciation
ai ah as in cat
ui i as in pit
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Latest reply: Dec 11, 2001
norse language
Posted Oct 24, 2001
Luck - Luck - Luck
Courage - Boldness - Victory
Victory in War
Fæder ure þu þe eart on heofonum
si þin nama gehalgod tobecume þin rice gewurþe þin willa on eorðan swa swa on heofonum
urne gedæghwamlican hlaf syle us to dæg
and forgyf us ure gyltas swa swa we forgyfað urum gyltendum
and ne gelæd þu us on costnunge ac alys us of yfele soþlice.
Our father which art in heauen, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen.
Giue us this day our daily bread.
And forgiue us our debts as we forgiue our debters.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliuer us from euill. Amen.
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Latest reply: Oct 24, 2001
frsian language
Posted Oct 5, 2001
Frisian English Remarks 1
dy you [object form]
informal; used to children and to people you know well
giet goes
goed good
goeie hello
hoe how
Hoe is it mei dy? How are you? 'How is it with you?'
ien one
is is
it it
Jan John
de les the lesson
mei with
Mei my giet it goed. I am fine. 'With me it goes good'
my me
Pyt Peter
Lesson 2
Frisian English Remarks
âld old
binne are
de the common gender and plural
ek also, too
de fyts the bicycle
de fytsen the bicycles
harkje listen
it hûs the house
it the neutral gender
jong young
de ko the cow
de lûdsprekker the speaker
mar but
nei to after
nij new
twa two
de wein the car
de weinen the cars
Lesson 3
Frisian English Remarks
ik bin I am
bist do are you also: bisto, short: bist 'are you'
de boer the farmer
boppe top
dan then in that case
do you [subject form]
informal; used to children and to people you know well
drok busy
ik haw it drok I am busy
en and
folgjende following
hast do have you singular; also: hasto, short: hast
do hast you have singular; short: hast
do hast it drok you are busy
ik haw I have also: ik ha
ik I
in a, an
ja yes
nee no
no now
noch still
trije three
de winkel the shop
Lesson 4
Frisian English Remarks
dan then [often not translated]
dat that
fjouwer four
fol full
folle much many
gau easily fast
grif sure
hân (have) had
hawwe have
hjir here
hjoed today
ite to eat
jim you plural; also: jimme
juster yesterday
de kast the cupboard
kinne can
krijt gets men krijt 'one is getting'
mar but
men one, we, you [Including the speaker. Often euphemism for ik]
te min too little not enough
nee no
net not
past suits
de reis the journey
sa so
sa'n such a
tanke wol thank you very much
te too also: to
ús our
wis certainly
wol well, right
Lesson 5
Frisian English Remarks
aanst in a moment, soon
besykje try see Type the right word.
de buorren the village center plural without singular
dêr there
dêr .. fan of that
dwaan to do
'e the short for: de
ek too here meaningless
fan of
fierder further fièrder; comparative to: fier 'far'. First r is mute: [fjidder].
fiif five
foar for foàr; also: 'before'
foar dy for you
wy geane we go
de grammatika the grammar also: de spraaklear
ha to have short for: hawwe
it hompke the little lump
ik kin I can
kinne can see grammar
lear learn
dat liket that seems
dat liket my goed ta that looks good for me
meie be allowed; may see grammar
moatte shall, must see grammar
nije new inflected form
rieplachtsje consult
sêd satisfied, satiated
hy sei he said see wier/ net wier, giving the wrong answer
wy sille we will see grammar
de sûker the sugar
ta to Here intensifying particle:: talykje 'seem, appear'
nee, tanke no, thank you (for offering)
de tee the tea
de tsiis the cheese
it waar the weather
wat what
wolle want see grammar
wolst do? do you want? mute l
wurde become, get
de wurden the words plural of: it wurd
wy we NW [wij], but after verb [wy]
yn in
Lesson 6
Frysk Ingelsk Opmerkings
beide both
in bytsje a bit
de doar the door
de doarren the doors [doàrren]
ik draach I am wearing also: I am carrying
de froulju the women plural of: de frou
Frysk Frisian language & adjective
gean to go
geane se? are they going?
in goede pet a good cap
hokker which
de holle the head
Ingelsk English language & adjective; de Ingelsken 'the English'
de jas the coat
wy kinne we can (go)
de manlju the men plural of: the man
mar only [here mitigating]
moatte must, should [moàtte, matte]
net? can't we?
oer over
der oer kinne can stand it
op on top of
de pet the cap
it reint it rains
seis six
tegearre both of us only two together
ticht tight shut, closed
in tichte jas a water-proof coat
troch through
de tsjerke the church
ús us
wat some
wiet wet
de wiette the moisture wiètte
ik woe I would (like)
wol rather
Lesson 7
Frysk Ingelsk Opmerkings
it bern the child
de bern the children
boartsje play of children; [boàtsje]; else spylje
by near
dat that conj.
de dei the day plural: de dagen
der there unstressed
derom about it 'there around'
dochs all the same
efkes a moment
fuort out, away fuort indicates a movement away from the speaker; 'stay away' on the other hand is: wei bliuwe.
fuortgean go away, leave
gie goed went well
ien someone
krekt just
mâl bad
it mâl waar yn 'e holle hawwe be restless
mar only
moarn tomorrow [moan
de moarn the morning [moan]
nei iten after dinner See: Typ it goede wurd.
oan at busy with
oer over, across
der rint ien someone walks
sa well
sân seven
se they stressed also: hja [written Form], hju
sjoch! look!
sjonge to sing
oan it sjongen singing
it skiep the sheep plural: de skiep
de skoalle the school [skoàlle]; op skoalle 'at school'
ik tink I think, I figure
tink derom pay attention
wakker intensely
de wei the road way; plural: de wegen. NW: de dyk; plural de diken
hawwe west have been
Lesson 8
Frysk Ingelsk Opmerkings 8
acht eight
al already
âlder older
as than
dy that one (= she)
er he [only enclitic; the stressed form is: hy]
it feest the party (feast)
fjirtich forty (acht en fjirtich = 48)
fyftich fifty
gau soon (fast)
har her
de heit the father
hoe how
hy he
it jier the year
de jierdei the birthday [jiddy]
jim your plural; also: jimme
klear ready
lokwinske! congratulations! (congratulated)
meitsje make
de mem the mother
nije wike next week (new ..). But: oare moanne 'next month', takom jier 'next year'.
no well (now)
noch only
te plak in place
se she
set put
de sin the sentence
snein Sunday
sneon Saturday
syn his nominally used: sines
uzes ours
wannear when
wer again
de wike the week
wurdt will be (becomes)
Lesson 9
Frysk Ingelsk Opmerkings 9
Aaltsje Addy name
Amearika America USA
do bedoelst do you mean
benei nearly
de besite the visit
op besite west payed a visit
better better
bliuwe remain, stay
de broer the brother
derút out of it
derút .. helje remove
dus so thus
dy they
dy that one = he
faker more often (faak 'often')
ferline last
oan it fervjen painting
fine find
freegje ask
de frou the wife the woman
Fryslân Friesland
gien gone
hoe't it mei him giet how he is
har their
op 't heden nowadays
helje fetch
hiele whole
hiene had
him him
kinnen could ()
Klaas Nicholas name
koart short
koe could ()
komme come
lang long
leauwe believe
wolst leauwe do you (want to) believe
lêstekens punctuation plural
Ljouwert Leeuwarden [capital of Frisia]
lyn ago
lytse little, small
de man the husband the man
myn my
nea never
njoggen nine
noch yet
noch nea not yet never before
de oefening the exercise
oerstallich superfluous
prate talk see top of lesson
sjoen seen
de skoalmaster the schoolteacher [skoàlmaster]
de spaasje the space
de suster the sister
tichteby close by near by
tichterby closer
tige very (busy)
tink om mind, note pay attention to
want because
wat somewhat
wennet lives
wêr where pron. interr.
wêr .. oer about what
wêr't where pron. rel.
wiene were (Plural)
wit know
witte (to) know
wol rather, (well)
wolst do you (want) the l is mute
de wrâld the world
it wurk the work, the job
Lesson 10
Frysk Ingelsk Opmerkings 10
aardich pretty well, (nicely) a fair amount of
alle all
altyd always
as as if, if
begjinne begin, start to
bringe take, (bring)
de buorman the neighbour plural: de buorlju
dagen days singular: de dei
dêrom therefore, so
dus so thus
eigen own
it eintsje the short distance
ek (here not translated)
faak often
it famke the (little) girl
fansels of course, naturally
te fielen feeling
fierder gean continue
de Fries the Frisian
Frysk Frisian
gâns much also: many
ik gean I go, I am going
goendei goodday more polite than: goeie
graach gladly
graach wolle like to
grut big large
hâlde keep
hat has
hear you know heàr = [jer]; [emphasizing]
goeie hear goodbye, then heàr
te hearren as it sounds heàrren; to hear
heart by belongs to heàrt = [jet]
heech high, tall
hie had
hielendal quite
de hûn the dog
jins one's
it jiskfet the dustbin
jo you (polite)
de jonge the boy
de jûnen the evenings
'k I
komt comes
komt hjir net wei is not from here
kostje cost
leard learnd
leare learn
lêstich difficult
de lju folk, the people (plural)
maklik easily
mei it skjin meitsjen when cleaning
de minsken people (plural: humans); singular: de minske
moatte must [moàtte]
wat hawwe oan be a great help
oan 't wurk working, busy
och oh
praat talks
prate talk
in protte a lot, a great deal
rinne walk
sels ourselves also: myself, yourself ..
sil will
Simen Simon (name)
sizze say
sjogge see but: ik kin it sjen 'I can see it'
skjin clean
smoarch dirty
soe would
sokke such (plural)
sokken such people
't the (neutral); short for: it
de taal the language
te to
thús at home
de tiid the time
tsien ten
tsjin to(wards)
wa who whom
wat quite a lot
wei from
wenne lived (in a house; 'be alive' = libje)
wol probably, certainly
wol dwaan want to do
wolle want to
ynoarder all right [ynoàdder]
Lesson 11
Frysk Ingelsk Opmerkings 11
alve eleven
as than; when
beammen trees beàmmen
it bêd the bed
op bêd to bed
fan 't bêd out of bed
betiid early
bûten outside
der ôf out of [bed] away from
der .. fan of them
dy you; those
earst at first first
efkes for a moment
fan ôf out of away from
guon a kind some
hast have you
him it
it these
jaan (to) give
jou (please) give
jouwe give
jûns in the evening at night
kâld cold
leist do you lie
let late
lit let
lit lizze leave
lis (please) lay
lizze lie also: lay
gean lizzen lie down
ljocht light, bright
it ljocht the light
meist are you allowed to
it mês the knife
middeis in the afternoon
moai nice
moaier nicer [moàier]
moarns in the morning [moàñs]
net? isn't it?
wat no? why is that?
wat oars something else
oer about
de oere the hour
ôf off [ô] = [â]
de pit the pip
se them
sels even
sette set, put
siik ill
sil will
it sin the liking also: the mood
hast der sin oan? do you like it?
sinesapels oranges sing. de sinesapel
sitte sit, be
skynt shines
stuollen chairs sing. de stoel
sûnder without
de tafel the table
tsjin against [arguing, fighting]
tsjin oan against [leaning, touching]
de tún the garden
wat how
wat a while
wat what interj.
wat some
wol ris sometimes
wurdt is getting
yt op eat up
Lesson 12
Frysk Ingelsk Opmerkings 12
alhiel entirely
boud built
de bouwer the builder
dêr there [stressed]
dêr .. fan of it
derfoar for it [derfoàr]
dêr oan dwaan do about it
dêr't where
dit this
djoere expensive
dyn your
dy't that which
elk everyone each
it folk folk, the people
gewurde lit lets pass
de grûn the ground
huzen houses
it jild the money
jin one, you to men
de kant the side
keapet buys
kin can
krije get
op't lêst at last
it libben the life
lit lets
lúks luxury
lyk straight, precisely
makke made
mear more
meitsje make
neat nothing
nimt takes
o oh (yes)
oan in, at
oan dwaan help
in oar another
oare other
foar .. oer opposite (to)
op at, on
pake (my) grandfather
pake-en-dy grandfather and his family
it plak the place
it regear the government
rjochte straight
ryk rich
safolle so much so many
salang as as long as
skamje be ashamed
soks such a thing
steane are stand
stie was stood
it stik the part piece
stikken broken to pieces
de strjitte the street
tolve twelve
bin der op tsjin am against it
watst what you [wòst]; see: Typ it goede wurd
wennen lived
wie was
de winst the profit
wol [affirming]
Lesson 13
Frysk Ingelsk Opmerkings 13
al [affirming]
allegearre all of them allegeàrre
alles everything
allinne alone also: allinnich
begjinne begin
bêste best
boppe on top
geane by lâns visit in a row
dat so that
der tusken yn in between of them
dêrnei after that
it doel the target
dy who
faaks perhaps
de famylje the family
de frou my wife [informal style]
geane jimme are you going [plural]
giest are you going
hast almost; have you hast neat 'hardly anything'
hearre hear heàrre
dêr .. hinne to that place
de ierde the earth
it earst at first
ju you [informal addressing]
it lân the country
by .. lâns along also: lâns
mar ris once also: ris
meinimme take along
de neef the cousin 'brothers son' or 'sisters son' is omkesizzer, muoikesizzer
nei to
nim take
no isn't it
it noarden the North
noch net not yet
sil will (go)
sjen have a look
stil quiet
it suden the South
nei .. ta to
tocht thought
trettjin thirteen
tusken between
ûnder at the bottom downstairs
wa whom
it wurd the word
stil wurde get quiet
ynienen suddenly
Lesson 14
Frysk Ingelsk Opmerkings 14
allinne only
bist you are
der út out of it
der wer here again
der wie was present
it ding the thing
dizze this
doe then [in the past]
doe't when relative pron. [in the past]
it each the eye
eagen eyes
de ein the end
elke each
fan from
de feilichheidsrym the safety belt
fertelden told
fjirtich forty
fjirtjin fourteen
de fleanmesine the aeroplane
foel fell [foel]; see: wier/ net wier
foel ta was better than expected
foel net ta was worse than expected foel ôf
frij free, unoccupied
fyftich fifty
God God
de iene ein one end
koene could [plural]
koest could you
los loose
meter metres
moast should [moàst]; [past tense]
moasten should [moàsten]; [past tense plural]
de mul the waist
no en dan now and then
ek noch too
nûmers numbers
oars otherwise
of or
oft whether
om round, about
om hawwe have about you, wear
om't because omdat
om te (for) to
de reizger the passenger traveller
de rym the belt
samar just without warning
seach saw
siet sat & was mounted
sitte to sit
sitten gean take a seat sit down
sjen (to) see
it skouder the shoulder
sliepe sleep
de stoel the chair
it swimfest the life jacket
tank thank
teld counted
ûnder below
ûnderweis on the way
út out of
waarden were became
wat which one
wier true
wol at least
wol really
Lesson 15
Frysk Ingelsk Opmerkings 15
anderje answer
benaud (fan) afraid (of)
wat is der oan? what is the matter?
dermei with it
druvesûkers grape-sugar lumps
dy that; yourself
fan dy such
it fekje the box (of a form) diminutive of: it fek 'the compartment'
ferlykje compare
fersin dy net don't make a mistake
gean go
hannen hands
sitst mei de hannen yn it hier you will be embarrassed
hieltyd again and again
it hier the hair
hoege need (to) (only with denial)
dêr hoechst net op te rekkenjen you don't need to count on it = you can't count on it
hynders horses singular: it hynder
te hynsteriden horse-riding autoride = car-driving
dy iene one of them
jeuzelt om whines for infinitive: jeuzelje; not common for horses!
leit lies & lays
nei te sizzen to say after infinitive: neisizze
nearne nowhere
nuete tame (inflected form of nuet)
it krekte nûmer the right number
oarsom the other way round
it papier the paper but: de krante 'the news paper'
it pypke the beep
rekkenje figure, calculate see: hoege
oersetting translation
orizjinele original (inflected form of orizjineel)
it resultaat the result (stress on -taat)
set oer translate
siket looks for searches for. Infinitive sykje. See exercises
sil te hynsteriden will go horse-riding
sitst you are sitting [sist]
sjochst do you see 'you see'; compare: hy sjocht 'he sees'
skriuw write imperative to skriuwe
soe would
sprek speak imperative to sprekke
sprutsene spoken (inflected form of sprutsen)
it suertsje the sweet
de trui the jumper
werom back
witst do you know [wist]
woest do you want to do literally: 'did you want'
boartsje brûke dwaan fiele fleane gean harkje hawwe hearre jaan kinne komme lizze moatte rinne sille sjen sjonge stean tinke wêze wolle
Irregular verbs Numbers
Strong verbs:
The verb wêze 'to be'
present past perfect future
ik bin ik wie ik haw west ik sil wêze
do bist do wiest do hast west do silst wêze
hy/se is hy wie hy hat west hy sil wêze
wy/se/Jo/jim binne wy wiene wy hawwe west wy sille wêze
The verb hawwe 'to have'
present past perfect future
ik haw ik hie ik haw hân ik sil hawwe
do hast do hiest do hast hân do silst hawwe
hy/se hat hy hie hy hat hân hy sil hawwe
wy/se/Jo/jim hawwe wy hiene wy hawwe hân wy sille hawwe
The verb gean 'to go'
present past perfect future
ik gean ik gie ik bin gien ik sil gean
do giest do giest do bist gien do silst gean
hy/se giet hy gie hy is gien hy sil gean
wy/se/Jo/jim geane wy giene wy binne gien wy sille gean
The verb stean 'to stand'
present past perfect future
ik stean ik stie ik haw stien ik sil stean
do stiest do stiest do hast stien do silst stean
hy/se stiet hy stie hy hat stien hy sil stean
wy/se/Jo/jim steane wy stiene wy hawwe stien wy sille stean
The verb dwaan 'to do'
present past perfect future
ik doch ik die ik haw dien ik sil dwaan
do dochst do diest do hast dien do silst dwaan
hy/se docht hy die hy hat dien hy sil dwaan
wy/se/Jo/jim dogge wy diene wy hawwe dien wy silledwaan
The verb jaan 'to give'
present past perfect future
ik jou ik joech ik haw jûn ik sil jaan
do joust do joech do hast jûn do silst jaan
hy/se jout hy joech hy hat jûn hy sil jaan
wy/se/Jo/jim jouwe wy joech wy hawwe jûn wy sille jaan
The verb sjen 'to see'
present past perfect future
ik sjoch ik seach ik haw sjoen ik sil sjen
do sjochst do seachst do hast sjoen do silst sjen
hy/se sjocht hy seach hy hat sjoen hy sil sjen
wy/se/Jo/jim sjogge wy seagen wy hawwe sjoen wy sille sjen
The verb fleane 'to fly'
present past perfect future
ik fljoch ik fleach ik haw flein ik sil fleane
do fljochst do fleachst do hast flein do silst fleane
hy/se fljocht hy fleach hy hat flein hy sil fleane
wy/se/Jo/jim fleane wy fleagen wy hawwe flein wy sille fleane
The verb lizze 'to lay, to lie'
present past perfect future
ik lis ik lei ik haw lein ik sil lizze
do leist do leist do hast lein do silst lizze
hy/se leit hy lei hy hat lein hy sil lizze
wy/se/Jo/jim lizze wy leine wy hawwe lein wy sille lizze
The verb komme 'to come'
present past perfect future
ik kom ik kaam ik bin kommen ik sil komme
do komst do kaamst do bist kommen do silst komme
hy/se komt hy kaam hy is kommen hy sil komme
wy/se/Jo/jim komme wy kamen wy binne kommen wy sille komme
The verb moatte 'to must'
present past perfect future
ik moat ik moast ik haw moatten ik sil moatte
do moatst do moast do hast moatten do silst moatte
hy/se moat hy moast hy hat moatten hy sil moatte
wy/se/Jo/jim moatte wy moasten wy hawwe moatten wy sille moatte
The verb wolle 'to want'
present past perfect future
ik wol ik woe ik haw wollen/ wold ik sil wolle
do wolst do woest do hast wollen do silst wolle
hy/se wol hy woe hy hat wollen hy sil wolle
wy/se/Jo/jim wolle wy woene wy hawwe wollen wy sille wolle
The verb sille 'to will, shall'
present past perfect
ik sil ik soe ik haw sillen/ sild
do silst do soest do hast sillen
hy/se sil hy soe hy hat sillen
wy/se/Jo/jim sille wy soene wy hawwe sillen
The verb kinne 'to can, to know'
present past perfect future
ik kin ik koe ik haw kinnen/kind ik sil kinne
do kinst do koest do hast kinnen do silst kinne
hy/se kin hy koe hy hat kinnen hy sil kinne
wy/se/Jo/jim kinne wy koene wy hawwe kinnen wy sille kinne
The verb rinne 'to walk'
present past perfect future
ik rin ik rûn ik haw rûn ik sil rinne
do rinst do rûnst do hast rûn do silst rinne
hy/se rint hy rûn hy hat rûn hy sil rinne
wy/se/Jo/jim rinne wy rûnen wy hawwe rûn wy sille rinne
The verb sjonge 'to sing'
present past perfect future
ik sjong ik song ik haw songen ik sil sjonge
do sjongst do songst do hast songen do silst sjonge
hy/se sjongt hy song hy hat songen hy sil sjonge
wy/se/Jo/jim sjonge wy songen wy hawwe songen wy sille sjonge
The verb tinke 'to think'
present past perfect future
ik tink ik tocht [ò] ik haw tocht ik sil tinke
do tinkst do tochst do hast tocht do silst tinke
hy/se tinkt hy tocht hy hat tocht hy sil tinke
wy/se/Jo/jim tinke wy tochten wy hawwe tocht wy sille tinke
1st class of weak verbs:
The verb fiele 'to feel'
present past perfect future
ik fiel ik fielde ik haw field ik sil fiele
do fielst do fieldest do hast field do silst fiele
hy/se fielt hy fielde hy hat field hy sil fiele
wy/se/Jo/jim fiele wy fielden wy hawwe field wy sille fiele
The verb hearre 'to hear'
present past perfect future
ik hear ik hearde ik haw heard ik sil hearre
do hearst do heardest do hast heard do silst hearre
hy/se heart hy hearde hy hat heard hy sil hearre
wy/se/Jo/jim hearre wy hearden wy hawwe heard wy sille hearre
The verb brûke 'to use'
present past perfect future
ik brûk ik brûkte ik haw brûkt ik sil brûke
do brûkst do brûktest do hast brûkt do silst brûke
hy/se brûkt hy brûkte hy hat brûkt hy sil brûke
wy/se/Jo/jim brûke wy brûkten wy hawwe brûkt wy sille brûke
2nd class of weak verbs:
The verb harkje 'to listen'
present past perfect future
ik harkje ik harke ik haw harke ik sil harkje
do harkest do harkest do hast harke do silst harkje
hy/se harket hy harke hy hat harke hy sil harkje
wy/se/Jo/jim harkje wy harke wy hawwe harke wy sille harkje
The verb boartsje 'to play'
present past perfect future
ik boartsje ik boarte ik haw boarte ik sil boartsje
do boartest do boartest do hast boarte do silst boartsje
hy/se boartet hy boarte hy hat boarte hy sil boartsje
wy/se/Jo/jim boartsje wy boarten wy hawwe boarte wy sille boartsje
Irregular verbs of the 2. class:
present past perfect meaning
ik bergje/ hy berget ik burch ik haw burgen to put away
ik fjochtsje/ hy fjochtet ik focht ik haw fochten to fight
ik hingje/ hy hinget ik hong ik haw hongen to hang
ik keapje/ hy keapet ik kocht [ò] ik haw kocht to buy
ik laitsje/ hy laket ik lake ik haw lake to laugh
ik meitsje/ hy makket ik makke ik haw makke to make
ik reitsje/ hy rekket ik rekke ik bin rekke to hit; touch
ik sykje/ hy siket ik socht [ò] ik haw socht to look for
ik waskje/ hy wasket ik wosk ik haw wosken to wash
ien 1 alve 11 ienentweintich* 21
twa tolve twaentweintich
trije trettjin
fjouwer fjirtjin
fiif fyftjin
seis sechtjin
sân santjin
acht achttjin
njoggen njoggentjin njoggenentweintich
tsien 10 tweintich 20 tritich 30
heal ½ in fjirde ¼ oardel 1½
tsien 10 hûnderttûzen 100 000
tweintich twahûndert
hûndert 100 tûzen 1000 miljoen 1 000 000
earste 1st alfte
twadde tolfte
tredde trettjinde
achtste hûnderste
njoggende tûzenste
tsiende 10th tweintichste miljoenste
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