This is a Journal entry by nunoportugal

norse language

Post 1


Luck - Luck - Luck
Courage - Boldness - Victory
Victory in War
Fæder ure þu þe eart on heofonum
si þin nama gehalgod tobecume þin rice gewurþe þin willa on eorðan swa swa on heofonum
urne gedæghwamlican hlaf syle us to dæg
and forgyf us ure gyltas swa swa we forgyfað urum gyltendum
and ne gelæd þu us on costnunge ac alys us of yfele soþlice.
Our father which art in heauen, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen.
Giue us this day our daily bread.
And forgiue us our debts as we forgiue our debters.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliuer us from euill. Amen.


Post 2


Gaelic - English Dictionary

the voc. particle; precedes a noun in the voc. case, beginning with an asp.con.; and suffers elision before vow.
his; poss.pron. precedes asp.con.; and suffers elision before vow.
her; poss.pron. precedes unasp.con.; and takes h- before vow.
for : do; fulfils the function of `that' in relative clauses; and precedes asp.con. of verb
for : do; fulfils the function of `to' before infinitives; and precedes asp.con. of verb-noun
for : do, de = to, off, in prepositional phrases; and precedes asp.con.
for : an = in and from in prep.phr.; and precedes unasp.con.
the; art. precedes asp.con. of noun
for : ag = at, engaged in; precedes unasp.con. of verb-noun
prep. out of. Note: the mark over `a' is not indicative of duration or accent
part. which precedes numerals when they are used independently, as: a tri, three
va. and vn. ripen, mature
a. ripe, mature
nf. pl.+ean, abbey
va. and vn.irr., say, utter, express
pnm. Aberdeen; inflected on first element
a. humorous, merry
nf.ind. humour, sport, merriment
nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, terrier
nf. g. aibhne; pl. aibhnean and aibhnichean, river, stream
pnf. the river Farn; inflected on first element
pnf. the river Fillan; inflected on first element
nf. pl.+ean, custom, habit, usage
nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, mangled carcase
nm. g.v. -oil; pl.+an, apostle
prep.pron. at them
nf. pl.+ean, lancinating pain, stitch
nf. pl.+ean, moan, sob, sigh, complaint
nf. g. acrach; pl. acraichean, anchor
nf. pl.+ean, anchorage
nf. pl.+ean, apparatus, implements, harness, salve
conj. but, except
nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, field
nf. pl.+ean, earnest prayer
nf. pl.+an, act, statute, decree
nf. pl.+ean, armpit (L.Sc. oxter)
nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, anything carried under the arm
nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, rebuke, reproof, reprimand
a. intricate, entangled
a. hungry
nm. g.v. -rais, hunger
for : ann do = in thy
for : do = thy
nf. g. aide; d. aid; pl.+an, hat
nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, shock of corn
nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, haddock
va. gather corn into shocks
a. horned
nm. g.v. -ail; pl. -ailean, flesh hook
nm. g.v. -ais, adultery
nf. See aghann
nm. See athar
nf. g.d. -airc; pl. -aircean, a horn
nm. in the phrase : air adhart, forward
nm. g.v. -aic; pl.+an, a burial
va. bury, inter
a. See àghmhor
nm.ind. doubt, hesitation
prep. at, engaged in; precedes v.n. beginning with vow., and also the word ràdh
prep.pron. at you, s.
prep.pron. at you, pl.
prep.pron. at us
va.+t, plead, crave, claim
prep.pron. at me
nm. g.v. -ais; pl. -ais, plea, claim, law suit
nm. g.v. àigh, happiness, luck, prosperity
nf. g. aighe, d. aigh; pl. aighean, hind, young cow
nf. pl.+ean, face, surface, front : an aghaidh, against : air aghaidh, forward, onward
nf. g. aighne; d. -ainn; pl. aighnean, pan, goblet
See adhart
a. happy, prosperous, lucky
conj. and
a h-
poss.pron. her or its f. before vowels
See abhainn
nf. pl.+ean, alphabet
prep.pron. at her
nm. g. -eidh, denying, renouncing, contradicting
nf. g. -la, revenge, reprisal
va. -eadh, deny, refuse
va. confess, own, acknowledge
nf. pl.+ean, faith, religion, confession
nf. g. -inne, d. -inn; pl. -innean, mass (religious)
prep. at, in the possession of
prep.pron. at him
nm. g. -einn; pl. -einnean, abyss
a. spirited, mettlesome
nm. g.v. -eir, mirth, gaiety, gladness, joy
a. mirthful, gay, glad, joyous
nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, temper, disposition, spirit
nf. flint, flinty rock
nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, mark, impression, trace, scar
nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, air, atmosphere; sense of smelling, scent
nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, the hiccough
nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, a green, meadow
pnm. g.v. -ein, Allan
nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, porch
nf. g.+e, desire, will, pleasure
nf.ind. beauty, comeliness
nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, helm
nf. g.d. -eirt, poverty, want, indigence, distress
nm. g.v. -eil, vexation, grief
nm. g.v. -eis, harm, injury, hurt
nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, confusion, disturbance, disagreement, contention
nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, (as aimhreidh)
nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, time, season, weather
a. temporal, worldly, seasonable
nf. reluctance, compulsion
pnm. g.v. -eis, Andrew
a. ignorant
nm. g.v. -ais, ignorance
nm. g.v. -eich; pl.+an, debt, obligation
nm. g.v. -il; pl. -glean, angel
nm. g.v. -il; pl. -glean, fire
a. wicked, impious
nm. pl.+eannan, name
a. renowned, celebrated
nm. pl.+ean, brute, animal, beast
va. name, nominate, mention
a. rare, seldom, scarce
See annamh
nm. g.v. -eirt, violence, force, oppression
nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, virgin
a. needy, destitute; also, ainniseach
nf.ind. poverty, destitution
nm. g.v. -ais, tyranny, oppression
prep. before; precedes asp.con. of noun in idiomatic phrases
prep. on, upon
prep. after; precedes v.n. with the force of the Eng. past participle
prep.pron. on him; carries the accent
nf. g.+e, distress, hardship, poverty
nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, height or promontory
nf. g.+e, preparation, order, condition, state
nf. pl.+an, point of the compass; (L.Sc. airt) : an àirde deas, the south : an àirde near, the east : an àirde niar, the west : an àirde tuath, the north
nf. height, altitude, highness : air àirde, in height : an àirde, up, upward
nf.ind. heed, notice, attention, intention, watching
a. attentive, observant, watchful
nf. g. -eimh, number, quantity, numbering, numeration
nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, ploughman
nm. g.v. -id, silver, money (L.Sc. siller); airgead-cinn, head-money, a reward for an outlaw's head : airgead-iasaid, borrowed money
àiridh better àirigh
nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, hill pasture
àireachan pastures
a. worthy, deserving, meriting
nf.ind. worth, merit
airm of arm, arms, weapons; see arm
nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, sloe
nf.ind. household furniture, movables
phr. else, otherwise
nm. g. -eil, weariness, fatigue, heaviness, sadness
a. weary, fatigued, sorrowful, sad
air son
phr. for; on account of; instead of; by reason of
in the phrase : air ais, back, backwards : rach air t'ais, go back
prep.pron. out of her
nm. g.v. -eig; pl.+an, ferry
nf.ind. resurrection
va. aiseag, restore; ferry over
nf. g. aisle; pl.+ean, axle-tree
nf. g. -ne; pl. aisnean, rib
nf. pl.+ean, dream, vision
a. glad, joyful
nm. pl.+an or +achan, place
nm. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, glimpse, transient view
nm. g.v. -eim, people, folk, persons
nm. g.v. -eimh, thaw
nm. g.v. -eis, gladness, joyfulness
nf. g.d. -eimh; pl.+an, fathom
a. +a; short, concise, brief, soon, quick
va. command, bid, enjoin
nf. pl. àithntean, commandment, injunction, bidding
nf.ind. knowledge, acquaintance : is aithne dhomh, I know : d' an aithne, who knows : an aithne dhuit, do you know?
va. -eachadh, know, recognise
v.a. known
a. penitent, repentant
nm. g.v. -ais, penitence, repentance
va. aithris, tell, repeat, rehearse
nf. pl.+ean, recital, narration, rehearsal, imitation : air aithris, repeated, told
va. inhabit, dwell
nm. g.v. -eibh; pl. -eibh, building, steading
nm. g.v. àil, brood, generation, progeny
nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, brood, tribe, generation; set of oars, set of nails
va. bear, produce, bring forth, multiply
pnm. Alexander
Alba or Albainn
pnf. g. Albann, Scotland
nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, Scotsman : Ban-albannach, Scotswoman; a. Scottish
nm. g.v. -ain, wandering : air allaban, roving
a. wild, fierce, savage
nm. g.v. uillt; pl. uillt, stream, brook
nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain and +an, streamlet, burn
nm. g.v. uilt; pl. uilt, joint, joining, condition, order : as an alt, out of joint : air alt, on condition
nm. g. -aidh-bh-, salutation, welcome
va. relax the joints; thank, salute
nf. g. -rach, pl. -raichean, altar
va. altrum, nurse, foster, cherish, rear
a. àilne, handsome, beautiful, elegant, splendid
art. the; precedes nouns beginning with p, b, m, f unasp.
fulfils the function of `whom', `which', and precedes verbs beginning with p, b, m, f unasp. See an
interrog.part.; precedes verbs beginning with p, b, m, f unasp.
poss.pron. their; precedes nouns beginning with p, b, m, f unasp.
for : mo, my
for : ann mo, in my
prep. in; precedes nouns beginning with p, b, m, f unasp.
nm. g.+a; pl.+annan, time. The mark over `a' does not imply duration
nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, fool
nf. pl.+ean, foolish woman
nf.ind. foolishness, folly
va. -aladh, hinder, prevent, obstruct
va. -as and -asadh, hit a mark, find
See àm
nm. g.v. -air; pl. -raichean, trough, channel, mill-lade
nm. g.v. -ais, hitting a mark, finding
a. raw, crude, unsodden, dull, lifeless
nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, neck of an animal
va. amharc, look, observe
v.n. looking
nm. g. -uis, suspicion, doubt, mistake
nm. g.v. -air; pl. -airean, affliction, anguish
nm. pl.+ean, dull, stupid person, boor
nm. g.v. -luaidh; pl. -luaidhean, confusion, dismay, trouble; astonishment
a. as, like as
nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, and +an, a song; commonly òran
a. as, like as, even as
nf. pl.+ean, oven, furnace
art. the; precedes unasp.cons. and vows., except p, b, f, m
fulfils the functions of `whom', `which', and precedes verbs, except those beginning with p, b, m, f
prep. in
interrog.part.; precedes verbs, except those beginning with p, b, f, m
poss.pron. their; precedes nouns except those beginning with p, b, f, m
nm. excess, superfluity
a. exceeding, excessive, exceedingly
nm. g.v. -ais, insipidity
nm. g.v. -ruim, injustice, injury
nm. g.v. -eich; pl. -eich, unbeliever, infidel
nm. Antichrist
a. excessive
nf. g. analach; pl.+ean, breath, breeze, air
nf. pl.+ean, the top of a house wall, eaves
nm. g. anma; v. -aim; pl.+annan, soul, life
nm. g.v. -airt; pl.+an, linen
nm. excess
nm. g.v. -ais, despair
nf.ind. feebleness, weakness
nf.ind. feebleness, weakness
a. +a, feeble, weak
a. late : an t-anmoch, evening, night
prep.pron.; in him, therein, in existence, there; carries the accent
prep. in. See an
pnf. Anne
prep.pron. in you, s.
prep.pron. in you, pl.
prep.pron. in us
prep.pron. in me
a. rare, scarce, seldom
nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, novelty, rarity
a. rare, unusual, strange
nm. g.v. -ainn, condiment, `kitchen'
prep. in; precedes the art. The s of anns belongs in reality to the art.
a. dearer, more beloved
nf.ind. love, affection; person beloved
prep.pron. in them
nm.ind. displeasure, disgust
an t-
art. the; precedes vow. and s in certain conditions
a. joyous, glad, cheerful
nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, cause, reason, subject matter
nm. g.v. -ainn; pl.+an, ankle
a. unlike, dissimilar, improbable
nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, cloth, clothes
nf. g.d. -ainn; pl.+an, face, visage, surface
a. leaky, not waterproof
nm. g.v. -ais, despair, despondency
See eugmhais
nm. g.v. -aisg; pl. -aisgean, face, appearance
nm. pl.+an, herdsman, shepherd, pastor
a. pleasant, cheerful, joyful, happy
nm. g.v. -eis, pleasure, joy, gladness
nm. pl.+ean, guest
nf.ind. hospitality, guesthood
a. -eala, kind, courteous, affable, hospitable
See aon
nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, satire, lampoon
nm. g. -ain, wallowing, weltering, rolling on the ground
nf. +e; pl.+ean, age
nm. g.v. aoil, lime
nm. g.v. -aich, dung, manure
va. incline, bend, droop, yield
num. g. aoin, one; a piece : each an t-aon, a horse a piece, or each
nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, a heath, a steep
va. unite, reconcile, join in one, side with
nm. and f.g. -air, one person
nm. g.v. -ain, solitary person, hermit
a. desolate, lonely, solitary
nm. and f. lease, vote, assent
va. accede, consent, acquiesce, agree
nm. g.v. -aidh, worship
a. aged
nm.ind. aged one
a. -uime, light, giddy
a. lighter, giddier
nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, apron
our; precedes nouns beginning with con.
in the phrases : ar leam, methinks : ar leis, etc.
over, above, before num. as : ar fhichead
va. àr, plough, till, cultivate
v.n. ploughing, tilling, cultivating
nm. g.v. -aich, rearing, nursing
va. rear, nurse
nf. pl.+ean, field, plain, field of battle
a. a certain, some, special, particular
nm. g.v. -ain, bread
phr. both, together, as one; accented on the second syllable
nm. g.v. -air, corn
nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, a cork, stopple
a. high, lofty, great, eminent, loud; n. a height, eminence
va. raise aloft, exalt, elevate
nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, eminence, hill, height
nm. g.v. -ain, pride, haughtiness, anger
a. proud, passionate
pnm. Ardvruchilt; inflected on first element
nf. pl.+an, supreme court, Parliament
nm. g.v. -uis; pl. -dorsan. See fardorus
nm. pl.+ean, archbishop
a. high-minded
pnm. Ardvorlich; inflected on first element
nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an; lord-regent; inflected on second element
nm. college; inflected on second element
nf. pl.+ean, argument
nm. g.v. airm; pl. airm, weapon
nm. g.v. airm; pl. airm, army : anns an arm dhearg, in the Eng. army
nf.ind. armour, arms
va. gird on arms, arm
nm. pl.+ean, army
nm. g.v. -uinn; pl. -uinn, warrior
ar n-
our; precedes nouns beginning with vow.
nm. g.v. -ois; pl.+an, house, mansion
quoth; precedes words beginning with vow.; arsa, precedes words beginning with con.
a. old, ancient
pnm. g.v. Airt, Arthur
prep. out of, from out
prep.pron. out of him; carries the accent
prep.pron. out of you, s.
prep.pron. out of you, pl.
prep.pron. out of us
nf. g.d. asail; pl.+an, ass
nf. stubble
prep.pron. out of them
va. beseech, supplicate
as t-
for : anns an t-, in phrases like : as t-fhoghar, in the harvest time : as t-samhradh, in the summer time
See astar
nm. g.v. -air; pl. -airean, distance, journey; rate of speed, momentum : gu astar, to making distance, i.e. travelling
vn. at, swell, puff up, become tumid
v.n. swelling, becoming tumid
a. and pref. the next, again; precedes nouns; corresponds to pref. re-; is attached to verbs by hyphen, with the meaning `again'
nf. g. -a; d. -àith; pl.+an, kiln for drying grain
nm. g.v. àith; pl.+annan, ford
nm. g. -ar; pl. -raichean, father
nm. g. -ar-chéile; pl. -raichean-céile, father-in-law
nf. leisure
pnm. g.v. -aill, Athol
nm. g.v. -air, air, atmosphere, sky; also adhar
See athair
nm. g.v. -aich, change, alteration : an t-atharrach, the alternative
v.n. changing, altering, removing
va. change, alter, remove
va. revive, refresh, rekindle
nm. pl. -làithean, next day
va. reform, amend
nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, next time


Post 3


ola como estas?=nei hou ma?
eu estou bem=ngo gei hou
entendestes?nei meng m meng paak?
eu falo um pouco=ngoh shik kong yat ti...
eu nao tenho dinheiro=ngoh mo ts'in

No Subject

Post 4


Hi Nuno,

I saw your pic, and I think you're cute smiley - smiley

thank you for telling me about your family and all, are you going to live in England for good?

and you think I'm your one and true love?, dont you think Im a bit too old for you...I'm 25 y/o and your 20 y/o

maybe we could still be friends if you like smiley - smiley


hi irin
how are you doing?
well with me everything is just fine, how about yourself?
do you think that iam really cute, irin?
most girls say that iam ugly, and they say that iam fat, i know that when they say such things i dont fell that happy at all, i fell sad.
i never had a gilrfriend before, never, or friends, that i could count on , and so on.
but at least i do have you, irin, i have sent you an email, because iam interest on you, and it doesnt matter for me the age you have, only what it matters, is what the person feels inside, nothing else, i dont care if you are white, yellow green, or fat, it doesnt matter, you are important, would you love to become my girlfriend?>would you love to be my wife, would you love to make a life with me?
but iam not a rich person, i dont have a lot of money, or i have a great and big house, but what i have is a heart, for me a heart is priceless, and is the most importantb thing for me than the money, for me the money cant buy love or you can do whatever you wish, you might be older than me, but i dont care about the age, ok, irin?
iam nearly 21 years old, with nobody to fullfill my heart, or to hug me and so on, i would love to have someone like you, but i dont have, but if you dont accept and if you think that iam not a great person, sorry for all this ok?
but at leats , iam honest in what iam saying , many people they over judge others, and manipulate, or they want something in return, or money or many other stuff, iam not like that, iam totally diferent, people dont realise that i have love to share but they dont care aboit that, but thats ok, irin.smiley - sadface((((
no, i dwont stay here in england forever, i wil,be here until i get enough qualificatons, and of course i wont

norse language

Post 5


abode/home/inn inni, n. , ok til sama innis,- and to the same house, ná sinu inni,- to get home.
agreed ákveñinn adj. (past part.)

all/entire/whole, ALLR, öll, alt, and alt, adj. (Ulf. all, A.S. eall).
In sing. as adj. or substantively, all, entire, the whole.
hón á allan arf eptir mik, she has all my heritage after me.
allu fólki, the whole people.
hvitr allr, white all over.
i öllu, in everything.
everywhere in all places.
Sigröðr var konungr allt um þrændalög, over all Drontheim.
bjoggu þar allt fyrir þingmenn Runólfs goða, the liegemen of R. the priest were in every house.
allt eins hraustliga, not the less manly.
alla höfðingja, all the chiefs.
allra bezt, the very best.
a. hæst, neðst, fyrst, the very highest, lowest , foremost.
Drottinn Allsherjar, the Lord of the Hosts.
alls-herjar-goði, a, m. (v. goði), the supreme priest, pontifex maximus. As the alþingi was within the jurisdiction of the great temple hof in Kjalarnes, the keeper or priest of that temple--the descendant of its founder Thorstein Ingolfsson--had the title of supreme priest, and opened the alþingi during the heathen age. At eh introduction of Christianity this office remained with the supreme priest, who retained his name; and he, and not the bishop of Skalholt, opened the alþing every year.
allsherjar-lýðr, pl. ir. m. the people, commonalty.
allsherjar-lög, n. pl. public law, statute law of the land, in the phrase, at alþingis máli ok allsherjar lögum.
allsherjar-þing, n. general assembly.
allsherjar-fé, n. public property, a domain.
allsherjar-búð, f. the booth in the alþingi belonging to the allsherjargoði.
allsherjar-dómr, m. a doom of the supreme court, a lawful public sentence, judgement of the full court.
þéf rufuð allsherjardóm, violated lawful judgment, the law of the land.
all-vald, n. absolute power. allvalds-konungr, m. sovereign.
all-valdr, pl. ar, m. = alvaldr (poet. word), sovereign king. mikil er allvalds raun , tis hard to strive against the powerful.
p. 16
already/soon Áðr, adv. ere, already, soon, at nú se lægra i hornunu en á,. than before. litlu ádr, a little while ago.
and 1) ok

2) en, ENDA, a copul. conj. with a slight notion of cause or even disjunction, = and. Normally used as enda, beið ek af þvi þinna atkvæða, enda mun öllum þat bezt gegna, I waited for they decision, and (as) that will be the best for all of us.
appearance álit n. appearance; dat. pl. (álitum): in appearance.
ásjóna f. appearance, shape; face

Apprentice hleytis-maðr, m. a disciple, apprentice. p. 270
around/off/past beyond/over across/along um= mub, of, prep. sounded umm. early, around, off, past beyond. over across, along. during, in the course of, metaph. usages, of , about , in regard to a thing. with dat. local, over, Lat. super. of time, by.
at/ upon/on á prep. (w. dat. or acc.) at, upon, on(to), in(to), to, with, for.
atoms/particles ör-mul, n. pl. (mod. örmull, m.).

prop, atoms, particles, remnants. p. 767. **If may be noted that örlög and ör-mul while closely related terminologically may also be related ontologically. Örlög is godly law, the primal layer that pervades the cosmos, thus it is personal as well as cosmic while ör-mul means particles which is the material rather than the transcendent aspect of örlög. ( I would modernize ör-mul semantically to mean sub-atomic and atomic).**
Away from/off af prep. from, off, away from.

away á brott
Cleasby, Richard and Vigfusson, Gudbrand. An Icelandic-English Dictionary.
Zoega, Geir, T. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, Oxford Clarendon Press, 1910.
back aptr adv. back, backward(s); again.

battle bardagi, weak nom. m. sg.

battles orrustur, weak acc. f. pl.
beer öl strong acc. n. sg.
before/in front of fyrir
beg bið=from BIÐJA, bað, baðu, beðit; pres. bið; imperat. bið and biddu. to beg, with gen. of the thing, dat. of the person, or in old writers with infin. without the particle at, or at with a subj. Birth/High ætt-gæði, n.
goodness of origin, rank, high birth. p. 761.
beneath/below neðan, adv. from beneath, from below, passim: denoting motion, neðan ór eyjum. neðan undir, underneath, with gen, neðan jarðar, beneath the earth.
bond/chain haft and hapt, n. (hafa).
1) properly a handcuff.
then generally a bond , chain.
haft-bönd, n. pl. fetter-bonds.
2) metaph., pl. gods.
hafta-guð, n. the god of the gods, the supreme god, of Odin. Edda.
hafta-snytrir, m. the friend of the gods, Haustl.(Vigfusson, p. 231)
bones beinum strong dat. n. pl.
born borna,
breath/soul ÖND, f., gen. andar, dat. öndu, and abbreviated önd; pl. andir.

1) the breath; önd gaf Óðinn.
2) breath, life.
öndin blaktir á skari, blaktir önd i brjósti; the breath of life flutters in the breast.
fugla, kvikenda ok hverrar lifandi andar; every living soul.
3) the soul.
andar-dauðr, spiritually dead.
andar-vana, adj. lifeless, breathless.
önd-fæzla, u, f. food for the soul.
önd verða, u, f. the begining. p. 764.
brother BRÓÐIR, gen. dat. acc. bróður. Goth, brôþar,.
The ties of brotherhood were most sacred with the old Scandinavians, a brotherless man was a sort of orphan, cp. the proverb, þerr er hverr a baki nema ser bróður eigi. to revenge a brother´s slayer was a sacred duty,.
The word bróðurbani signifies a deadly foe, with whom there can be no truce, .
The same feeling extended to foster brotherhood, after the rite of blending blood has been performed,.
metaphor, In a heathen sense fóst-bróðir, foster-brother,.
eið-bróðir, svara-bróðir, oath-brother,.
bróður-bani, a, m., a brother´s bane, fratricide,
bróðir-blóð, n. a brother´s blood.
bróðerni, n. brotherhood,
bræðra-lag, n. fellowship of brethren, in heathen sense-fóstbræðralag,
bróður-ligr, adj. brotherly, Vigfusson, p. 82.
cattle FÉ, n., irreg. gen. fjár, dat. fjám. (Engl. fee; H.H.G. fehu).
1) cattle.
fjár-skuld, f. debt.
2) property, money.
fé-auðna, u, f. money luck.
fégjafa-guð, m. the god of wealth.
fé-spjöll, n. fee spells, i.e. spells wherewith to conjure hidden treasures out of the earth,
f. spakeg, she (the Vala) endowed the father of hosts (Odin) with wise fee-spells; the passage in Yngl. S. ch. 7-- Oðinn vissi of allt jarðfé hvar fólgit refers to this very word; Odin is truly represented as a pupil of the old Vala, receiving from her his supernatural gifts.
cloud/mist Mökkvi, a, m. ok um miðnætti máni i mökkva sig hylr. Vigfusson, p. 443
coldness fæð
company/fellowship sinni = and sinn, n., mostly used as a dative, fellowship, company, manngi er mér i sinni, I am alone, no one in my company, þjóða sinni erumka þokkt, the fellowship of men is not to my liking, i.e. men shun me. In a concrete sense, a company, Vinda sinni, the company of the Wends. in plur., á sinnum, on the way,
cool/chill svalar=related to svala, að, to chill, cool. Similar to SVALR, svöl, svalt, adj. cool, fresh.

day DAGR, m. A.S. dag', Goth. dags, ON daga, strong acc. m. pl.

In the evening the day is said to set, hence dag sett, dag setr, and dagr setztæ in tales, ghost and spirits come out with nibhtfall, but dare not facte the day...the daylight is symbolical of what is true or clear as day, hence the word dasanna, or satt sem dagr
i dag, today
i gær dag, yesterday
solsknins dagr, a sunny day
sumar dagr, a summer day
vetrar dagr, a winter day
hatiðis dagr, a feast day
doms dagr, the day of doom
burðar dagr, a birthday
dagr rennr, the day rises
dagr ljomar, th day gleams
fyrir dag, befor day
dar a lopti, day in the sky
miðr dagr, midday
hallandi dagr, declining day
It also has conotations of being alive.
vera a dögum, to be alive
The days of the week are:
The day is in Icel. divided according to the position of the sun above the horizon these fixed traditional marks are called dags mörk, day marks, and are substitutes for the hours of modern times, viz. ris mal or mið aptan, natt mal. p. 94.
death DAUDI, a, m. A.S. deað,death has Davlins dauðs drykkr-dauða drykkr, =the death drink if the dwarf.
dauðda skuld, n. the debt of nature
dauða orð, (and better dauðra yrðr, from yrðr=urðr, wierd, fate,) n. death, death weird,
dauða dyrr, f. gates of death
dauða fylgja, u.f. a death fetch, an apparition boding ones death
dauða strið n. the death struggle
dauða maðr, m. a man doomed to die
dauða verk, n. a work deserving death.
bani m. death; slayer.

Die andask v.
disciple hleytis-maðr, m. a disciple, apprentice. p. 270
divine rage, âsmôðr,
When in wrath, he (Thunar) shakes his beard..wroth was he then, beard
he took to bristling, hair to tossing, Sæm. 70.
His divine rage (âsmôðr) is often mentioned: Thorr varð
reiðr, Sn. 52. (Grimm, p.177. Vol 1)
doctrine/teaching/lesson kenning, f.,
1) doctrine, teaching , lesson, esp. of preaching,
kenna kenningar, to teach, preach, p. 336.
Doorway dyrr nom. f. pl.
draw/ paint FÁ, ð, part. fát, fáið, cp. fáinn or fánn.
a contracted verb = fága:---to draw , paint.
fá rúnar, to draw runes, magic characters.
fá-bjáni, a, m. an idiot.
fá-fræði, f. want of knowledge.
fá-kunnigr, adj. few-knowing, ignorant. p. 146.
drink drekka v..
drykk acc. m. sg.
Drive aka v.
dwelling/abode/habitation bygði, colonization, abode or habitation, residence, inhabited land or district. bygðar-fólk, n. the people of a neighborhood.
earl jarli strong dat. m. sg.
early ár =adv. (Ulf. air, Engl. yore), early, ár of morgin, early of a morning., risa ár, to rise early
earth 1) HAUÐR, n. (the etymology of this word is not known).

poet, earth, Edda 97.
allit., hauðr ok himin, Sól. earth and heaven, Sun.
hauðr-gjörð, f., -men, n. the earth-girdle, i.e. the sea.
hauðr-fjörnir, m., -tjald, n. the helmet, tent of the earth, i.e. the heaven, p. 241.
2) mold = f., dat. moldu, mould, earth (from mala and mylja), vera fyrir ofan mold, above earth, alive, and , fyrir mold neðan, beneath earth, Vsp. 2.

3) jörð

4) Miðgarðr=proper name, earth.

mið-garðr, m. (in Cumberland three farms, High-garth, Middle-garth, Low-garth), the mid-yard, middle-town, i. e. the earth, a mythol. word common to all ancient Teut. languages;
The Icel. Edda alone has preserved the true mythical bearing of this old Teut. word. --The earth, the abode of men, is seated in the middle of the universe, bordered by mountains and surrounded by the great sea (úthaf); on the other side of this sea is the út-garð (out-yard), the abode of giants; the Miðgarð is defended by the yard or burgh ásgarð (the burgh of the gods), lying in the middle (the heaven being conceived as rising above the earth). Thus the earth and mankind are represented as a stronghold besieged by the powers of evil from without, defended by the gods from above and from within; mankind is said to abide undir miðgarði, under the Midgard.
Migarðs-ormr, m. the Serpent of Midgard, the world serpent of the ancient mythology hidden in the ocean, whose coils gird round the whole Midgard.
dólgr Miðgarðs-orms, the antagonist of the M.
The god Thor is called Miðgarðs-véorr, m. the holy one of M.
miðgarðs verjandi, the defender of Midgard.
mið-heimr, m. the center of the world. Cleasby and Vigfusson, p. 426.
easterner, the Austmanninn
Eight átta num..
Elf álfr m. elf
empty/void gap=n, empty space, void, whence Ginnunga-gap, the Chaos of the Scandin, mythol. gaps-maðr, m. a gaping fool.
end enda weak dat. m. sg.
england Englandi, strong dat. n. sg.
equal/same JAFN, adj., also spelt jamn, f.
1) equal, equal to: jöfn eyri.
2) equal, the same.
vera jafn-nær, to be equally near, i.e. none the better.
jafn-aldri, a, m. one of the same age.
jafn ágætr, adj. as good, as noble.
jafn-bitr, jafn-beittr, adj. as sharp, keen.
jafn-bjartr, adj. as bright.
jafn-bjoða, bauð, j. e-m, to be a match for one.
jafn-borinn, part. of equal birth.
jafn-djúpr, adj. as deep.
jafn-drengilegr, adj. as gallant.
jafn-dægri, n. the equinox, passim: equal length, of day and night.
jafn-dæmi, n. equal judgement, justice.
jafn-dæmr, adj, just, giving equal judgment.
jafn-fagr, adj, as fair.
jafn-fallegr, adj. as handsome.
jafn-fáir, adj, as few.
jafn-fjær, adv, as far.
jafn-friðr, adj, as fair.
jafn-fróðr, adj, as wise , as knowing.
jafn-frækn, adj, equally gallant.
jafn-geði, n, evenness of temper.
jafn-girni, f, fairness, equity.
jafn-glöggt, n, ad, as clearly.
jafn-góðr, adj. equally good, as good.
jafn-hátta-góðr, adj. as well mannered.
jafn-heilagr, adj. as holy, as inviolable.
jafn-heitr, adj, as hoat.
jafn-hugaðr, adj, of one mind.
jan-lágr, adj, equally low.
jafn-heimskr, adj, equally stupid.
jafn-ljótr, adj, as ugly.
jafn-menntr, adj, of equal rank.
jafn-merkiligr, adj, equally dignified.
jafn-mikill, adj, as great.
jafn-náinn, adj, j. at frænd-seimi, equally near akin.
jafn-nætti, n, the equinox.
jafn-ramr, adj. as might , as great a wizard.
jafn-rangr, adj, as wrong.
jafn-ráðinn, part, equally deternined.
jafn-réttr, adj, as right, as lawful, of equal authority.
jafn-sannr, adj, equally true.
jafn-skarpr, adj, as sharp, as keen.
jafn-skyldlinga, adv, as dutifully.
jafn-skyldr, adj, equally bound or obliged.
jafn-sköruliga, adv, equally bold.
jafn-sléttr, adj, equally level. (Vigfusson, p. 321)
ever æva=æ-verandi, everlasiting, æ-verðligr, everlasting
expansion Þensla, u, f. (þenja).
p. 734.
eyes augu weak acc. n. pl.
family HLEYTI, n., hleti, or hloeti, in Norse MSS. spelt leyti, whence in
mod. Icel. usage leiti. tribe, family.
hleyta-menn, m. pl. kinsmen.
fate, örlög, p. (from ör-, Germ. ur-, and lög; see örlygi).

the primal law, fate, weird, doom.
dæma örlög manna.
drýgja örlög: to ´dree´ one´s weird.
örlög-simu, örlög-þættir: the weird-thrums, threads of the Norns spun at one´s birth, orlaga bönd.
örlög-lauss, adj: weirdless, one whose life is still blank.
orlaga-nornir, örlaga-disir: the weird-sisters, the Parae.
er þat likast at liðin sé min örlög: my worldly-worked life at an end, p. 767.
fellowhip/company sinni = and sinn, n., mostly used as a dative, fellowship, company, manngi er mér i sinni, I am alone, no one in my company, þjóða sinni erumka þokkt, the fellowship of men is not to my liking, i.e. men shun me. In a concrete sense, a company, Vinda sinni, the company of the Wends. in plur., á sinnum, on the way,

FASTI, a, m.

poet. fire.
Root uncertain: the phrase, færa e-n i fasta, to bring one into a strait, between two fires. p. 144
ginn=Derived from Anglo-Saxon gin or ginn = vast, wide. In myth. great, holy: ginn-heilög goð, the most holy gods, the supreme gods, as opposed to the Æsir and Vanir, the lower gods. Ginn-regin, n. pl. magna numina. From Vigfusson: Ginnunga-gap, n. chaos, the formless void, in which abode the supreme powers, before the creation. Related to Ginnunga-himin, m. of the heavenly vault of Ginnunga-gap. Interestingly, Ginnunga-vé, n. pl. the holy places of the Ginnungar, the universe. Ginn-fasti, a, m. a great fire in a smithy. Ginn-viti, a, m. a large fire. Thus ginnunga is related to fire. This also explains fire consuming earth and the high holy gods, ginn-heilög goð judging the gods at the end of Ragnarök (the worlds destruction myth).
fire/abode Múspell, n. the name of an abode of fire; in the old mythology peopled by Múspells lýðir, the men of Muspell, a host of fiends, who are to appear at Ragnarok and destroy the world by fire; the prose in Edda 3 may have been derived from some lost verses of the Völuspá, for the name appears at the end of that poem as if it were already known; it occurs nowhere else in the Norse mythical songs, exept in Ls. 42 (múpells-megir). Múspells-heimr, the abode of Muspell, Edda 4. This interesting word was not confined to the Norse mythology, but appears twice in the Old Saxon poem Heliand-mutspelli cumit on thiustra naht, also thiof ferit, m. comes in dusky night, as a thief fares, i.e. but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, 2 Pet. iii. 10: and, mutspellis megin obar man ferit, the main of m. fares over men.
A third instance is in an Old high German poem on the Last Day -dâr ni mac denne mac andremo helfan vora demo muspille = there no man can help another against the muspell-doom. In these instances muspell therefore stands for the day of judgment, the last day, and answers to Ragnarok of the Northern mythology. The etymology is doubtful, for spell may be = the weird, doom, = Lat. fatum; or it may be = spoil, destruction: the former part mut or muoud is more difficult to explain. The Icel. mús is an assimilated form. , p. 440
first/most/furthest fremst= from fremr, adv. compar., fremst, adv. superl. more, most; þeir er fremst vóru, those who were foremost. first, furthest back
floor gólfit strong acc. n. sg. with def. art.-the floor
food mat acc. m. sg.
Form/shape MYND, f. (prob. derived from mund).
shape, form.
nokkur elds mynd, a kind of fire.
fjarri allri manuligri mynd, the human shape.
2) a figure or image.
ljós-mynd, a photograph.
ó-mynd, a shapeless thing.
fyrir-mynd, a prototype.**exemplar**
i--mynd, the very image. **correspondence of form**, p. 440.
fortune/luck hamingja, u, f.
prop. in a personal sense, a guardian spirit, answering to the guardian angel of Christians; derived from hamr, for the guardian spirits of men-and every man had his hamingja-were believed to take the shape sometimes of animals, sometimes and more commonly of human beings, esp. that of women. but they were themselves supernatural beings; that the hamingjur were giant-females proceeding from the great Norns-who were the hamingjur of the world-is borne out by the passage in Vþm 48, 49. Hamingja and fylgja or fylgju-kona seem to be nearly synonymous, as also gæfa, gipta, auðna, heill; but hamingja is the most personal word, and was almost symbolical of family relationship. At the hour of death the hamingja left the dying person and p
passed into a dear son, daughter, or beloved kinsman; and esp. the charming tale in Flum. ch. 9, One might also impart one´s own good luck to another, hence the phrase leggja sina hamingju með e-m almost answering to the Christian, to give one´s blessing to another.
hamingju-hjól, n. the wheel of fortune.
haningju-hlutr, m. a lucky chance.
haningju-lauss, adj. luckless, hapless.
haningju-maðr, m. a lucky man.
mianingju-mikill, adj. mighty lucky.
hamingju-raun, f. a trial of fortune.
hamingju-samligr, adj. (-liga, adv.), lucky-looking.
haningju-skipti, n. a shift or turn of fortune.
hamingju-skortr, m. lack of luck.
haningju-tjón, n. bad luck. p. 236.
from/off af prep. from, off, away from.
funeral bálfõr f . .
Gang/tribe fannsk=in codus regius, fanz, m. a gang, tribe þræla-fanz, a gang of thralls.
giants JÖTUNN, m, dat.

a giant,
jötna synir, the 'giants sons', opp. to ´sons of men´,
jötna vegir, the giants´s ways, the mountains,
gold is called the speech fo giants (örð munntal jotna)
þor is the bane of giants, jötna bani, dolgr, p. 328.
god(s), GOÐ, n. pl. (all the Teutonic languages have this word in common: Ulf. guþa, n. A.S. gudu, O.H.G. Cot).

In heathen times this word was neuter and was used almost exlusively in plur., as were also other words denoting Godhead, e.g. regin or rögn=numina q.v.; and bönd, höpt, prop.=bonds, adn metaph. gods: this plur. usage seems not to refer to a plurality of gods, but rather, to the majesty and mystery of the Godhead; its points to an earlier and purer faith than that which was current in the later ages of the Scandinavian heathendom; thus the old religious poem Völuspa distinguishes a two fold order of gods, the heavenly powers (regin or gin-heilög goð) who had no special names or attributes, and who ruled the world.. and the common gods who were divided into two tribes, Æsir and Vanir, whose conflict and league are recorded in Vsp. 27, 28.
After the introduction of Christianity, the masculine gender superseded the neuter in all Teutonic languages, first in gothic, then all languages.
The old form with o is still retained in obsoleter words, as goði, goðorð, vide below, and in local names from heathen age, as Goð-dalir.
enu skirleita goði, of the Sun.
Solar-goð=Apollo, Orrostu-goð=Mars.
goða-blot, n. sacrifice to the gods.
goða-gremi, f. a term in the heathen oath, wrath of the gods.
goða-heill, f. favor of the gods.
goða-stallar, m. pl. the altar in temples.
goða-stuka, u. f. the sanctuary in heathen temples.
goða-tala, u, f. in the phrase, i goðatölu, in the tale (list) of the gods.
goð-borinn, par. god-born.
goð-ga, f. blasphemy against the gods.
goð-heimr, m. the home of the gods.
goð-konungr, m. a king, kings being deemed the offspring of gods.
goð-kunnigr and goð-kyndr, adj. of the kith of gods.
goð-lauss, adj. godless.
goð-leiðr, adj. loathed by the gods.
goð-maligr, adj. skilled in the lore of the gods.
goð-mögn, n. pl. divine powers, deities, biðja til þinna goðmagna.
goð-rifi, n. scorn of the gods.
goð-rækr, ad. god-forsaken, wicked.
goð-vegr, m. the way of the gods.
Goð-þjoð, f. the abode of the gods.
With pr. names, originally Goð-, later and mod. Guð-; of men, Guð-brandr, Guð-ormr.....that men of the olden time used to call their sons and daughters after the gods (Goð-, :or-, Frey-, As-) and it was thought that a double name gave luck and long life, esp. those compounded with the names of gods.
gyðja=goddess and priestess.
goða-lyrittr, m. a law term, a protest or interdict, but is uncertain whether it is derived from goði, i. e. the protest of a goði, or from goð, i.e. the great ban, a protest in the holy name of the gods.
goða-þattr, m. a section of law about the goðar.
goð-orð, n
goðorðs-lauss, adj. without a goðorð.
goðorðs-maðr,. a goðorð-man=a goði.
goðorðs-mal, n. an action concerning a goðorð.
goðorðs-tilkall, n. a claim to a goðorð.
forraðs-goðorð=manna-forrað, a goðorð to which forrað (power) is attached.
The Norse cheifs who settled in Icel., finding the country uninhabited, solemnly took possession of the land (land-nám) and in order to found a community they built a temple, and called themselves by the name of goði or hof-goði, temple priest, and thus the temple became the nucleus of the new community, which was called goðorð, n. hence hof-goð, temple priest, and höfð-ingi, chief, became synonymous. Many independent goðar and goðorð sprang up all through the country, until about the year 930 the alþingi was erected, where all the petty sovereign chiefs (goðar) entered into a kind of league, and laid the foundation of a general government for the whole island. In 964 A.D. the constitution was finally settled, the number of goðorð being fixed at three in each þing (shire) , and theree þing in each of the three other quarters, but four in the north; thus the number of the goðar coame to be nomially thirty-nine, really thiry-six. On the introduction of Christianity the goðar lost their priestly character , but kept the name; and the new bishops obtained seats in the Lögretta.
In the alþingi the goðar were invested with the Lögrettu-skipan, that is to say, they composed the Lögretta (the Legislative consisting of forty eight members) and were the law givers of the country; secondly they had the domnefna or right of naming the men who were to sit in the court, vide domr: as to their duties in the quarter-parliaments (var-þing) . The authority of the goðar over their liegemen at home was in olden times somewhat patriarchal. It is to be borne in mind that the goðar of the Saga time (10th century) and those of the Sturlunga time (12th and 13th centures) were very different; the former were a kind of sovereign chiefs, who of free will entered into a league: the latter had become officials, who for neglecting their duties in parliament might be fined and even forfeit the goðorð to thieir liegeman. (Vigfusson, p. 207).

the gods as the makers and rulers of the universe, the word being peculiar to the ancient poems.
regin heita goð heiðin, bönd ok rögn, Edda ii. 430,.
reg n is a pantheistic word, including the world, in such phrases as, unz rjufask regin,
cp, ragna rök, the world doom, answering to Saxon muspilli,. as also ragna rökr,.
upp reginn, the heavenly powers,.
ragn sjöt, the seat of the gods-the heavens,.
regin grjot, n, the holy stones, altars (hörgr),.
regin-nagli,.a, m, a sacred peg in the ancient high-seats was called so,.
regin-þing, n. the great council. Vigfusson, p. 488.

haft and hapt, n. (hafa).

1) properly a handcuff.
then generally a bond , chain.
haft-bönd, n. pl. fetter-bonds.
2) metaph., pl. gods.
hafta-guð, n. the god of the gods, the supreme god, of Odin. Edda.
hafta-snytrir, m. the friend of the gods, Haustl.(Vigfusson, p. 231)
grass gras.
great/famous/glorious mæran = from MÆRR, adj., compar. mærri, mærstr; famous, glorious, great; mjötuð mæran, Vsp. 2. mærir tivar, Hym. 4.

great/vast/huge JÖRMUN, a prefix. implying something huge, vast , superhuman
A.S. eormen
irmin in irmin got, the great god,
irmin man, the great man,
irimin sul, a sacred column or idol,
Jörmun gandr, m. the Great Monsters, a name fo the northern Leviathan, the Midgard Serpent,
Jörmund grund, f. A.S. eormengrund, the earth,
jöormunr, m. a name of Odin, Edda.
green grænum=from GRÆNN, adj. green, grænn laukr, a green leech; grænt sumar, a green summer; grænir dalar, green dales.
green/ to become gróin=from gróna, að, to become green.
ground/soil bjöðum=BJÓÐR, m. á Engla bjóð, on English ground.
hail HAGL, n. (A.S. hagal; Germ. hagel; Dan. hagel; Swed. hagel).
hagl-dropi, a, m. a hail-stone.
hagl-hrið f. a hail -storm.
hagl-korn, n. a hail-stone.
hagl-steinn, m. a hail-stone.
hagl-vindr, m. a hail-storm.
hagla, að, to hail.
Hagall, m. a mythical pr. name: the name of th Rune h, whence Hagals-ætt, f. the second part of the Runic alphabet. p. 281.
hall/dwelling/saloon salar=from SALR, m., genative salar, dative sal, plur, salir, accusative sali, a hall, dwelling, saloon. i Oðins sali, Svölnis salr =Walhalla; i lyða sölum, in dwellings of men; disar-salr, of a temple; mána-salr, moon hall, sólar-salr, sun-hall.

SALR, m., gen, salar, dat. sal, plur. salir, acc. sali.
A.S. seliða, Germ. saal, Swed.-Dan. sal.
saloon, hall
mána-salr, moon-hall,
sölar-salr., sun-hall,.
sal-bjartr, m. the bright-hall,
sal-kynni, n. pl. a home, homestead,
sal-þjoð, f. domestic,Vigfusson, p.510.
hall skála weak dat. m. sg.
hammer HAMARR, m., dat. hamri, pl hamrar, (A.S. hamor, O.H.G hamar).
þrúd-hamarr, the mighty hammer, the hammer was the holy sign iwth the heathens, answering to the cross of the Christians, hann görði hamar yfir, he made the sign of the hammer over it.
þórr tók hamarinn Mjölni ok brá upp ok vigði hafr-stökurnar, where the bride and bridegroom were to be marked with the holy sign; hence þórs-hamarr=the character *swastika*, which occurs on a few of the earliest heathen Runic stones, this is evidently an imitation of the thunderbolt.
hamar-gangr, m. hanner-clash.
hamars-högg, n. a hammer stroke.
hamar-spor, n. a hammer´s print. Vigfusson, p. 235
he hann
hear/ing/listen Hlióðs= from HLJÓD, n. hearing, a hearing, listening, silence. hafit hljóð. be quiet.
HIMINN,m. In the old heathen creed the heavenly vault was the skull of the giant Ymir, Gimle and is called by the poets ; the giants skull,' the burden of the dwarfs,
himna-Guð, god in the heavens, Sol.
himnum að, towards the heavens.
himna ljos, the light of the heavens
himna hallir, the halls of the heavens
himna knonungr, the king of the heavens
himna vist, an abode in the heavens.

ættingr, m.

a quarter of the heaven, = átt (or ætt).
af ættingi vestrs f ætting auðrs. p. 761.
heat HITI, a, m.
hitna, að, to become hot.
e-m hitnar, one gets hot,
related to:
hita, u,f.
a heat,
hitu-eldr, m. a fire for heating,
hitu-hus, n. a brew house,
hitu-vatn, n. a hot spring.
hita, að to heat.
hitan, f. a heating, p, 264.
holy 1) helgar= from helgr, f., dat. and acc. helgi, pl. helgar. a holiday, feast, the Sabbath. Related to in this case Helgi, a, m. (Norse form Hoelgi), the Holy, a pr. name.

2) ginnunga=Derived from GINN, Anglo-Saxon gin or ginn = vast, wide. In myth. great, holy: ginn-heilög goð, the most holy gods, the supreme gods, as opposed to the Æsir and Vanir, the lower gods. Ginn-regin, n. pl. magna numina. From Vigfusson: Ginnunga-gap, n. chaos, the formless void, in which abode the supreme powers, before the creation. Related to Ginnunga-himin, m. of the heavenly vault of Ginnunga-gap. Interestingly, Ginnunga-vé, n. pl. the holy places of the Ginnungar, the universe. Ginn-fasti, a, m. a great fire in a smithy. Ginn-viti, a, m. a large fire. Thus ginnunga is related to fire. This also explains fire consuming earth and the high holy gods, ginn-heilög goð judging the gods at the end of Ragnarök (the worlds destruction myth).
home/inn/abode inni =n. , ok til sama innis,- and to the same house, ná sinu inni,- to get home.

hœgri = a. compar. (from hoegr), right; til h. handar, til hoegra vegs, - on the right hand, to the right.
huge/vast JÖRMUN, a prefix. implying something huge, vast , superhuman
A.S. eormen
irmin in irmin got, the great god,
irmin man, the great man,
irimin sul, a sacred column or idol,
Jörmun gandr, m. the Great Monsters, a name fo the northern Leviathan, the Midgard Serpent,
Jörmund grund, f. A.S. eormengrund, the earth,
jöormunr, m. a name of oOdin, Edda.
killing dráps strong gen. n. sg.
kin/kind kindir= from KIND, f., pl. kindir. kind, kin, kith, of men and beasts; helgar kindir, holy-kind, the gods, opp. to mann-kind, mankind.

HLEYTI, n., hleti, or hloeti, in Norse MSS. spelt leyti, whence in mod. Icel. usage leiti.
1) plur. (for the root see hlaut, hlutr), kin, consanguinity.
jöfra hleyti, royal blood,
2) a tribe, family.
hleyta-menn, m. pl. kinsmen.
hleytis-maðr, m. a disciple, apprentice. Vigfusson, p. 270.
Kinsmen ætt-menn, m, p. (Vigfusson. p. 761)
kinswomen frændkonu weak gen. f. sg.
know vissi from. VISS, adj. certain, sure. vissa, u, f. certain knowledge, certainty: hafa vissu af e-u, to have a certainty, certain knowledge of.
lake vatns strong gen. n. sg.
language/word/. orð-lag

frægðar ok góðs orðlags, good report.
orð-lauss, adj. speechless;
láta orðlaust, to be silent about.
orð-lengd, f. using many words.
orð-lof, n. praise.
-orðr, adj, in compds, spoken; fá-orðr, marg-o, góð-o.
orð-rammr, adj. powerful in words.
orð-ræða, u, f. discussion.
orð-sending, f. a message.
orð-spakr, adj, wise spoken.
orð-speki, f. wisdom in words.
orð-snjallr, adj. eloquent.
orð-tak, n. a phrase, expression, speech, words, a way of speaking, language. þá fellusk öllum Ásum orðtök, words failed them, they were struck dumb.
Gunnar heyrði öll orðtökin, G. heard all the words they said.
Þat var eitt orðtak allra, all said the same.
eiga orðtak við e-n, to have a talk with one.
orð-vandr, adj. sensitive as to others words; þarftú eigi svá o. at vera, Glúm careful as to ones words.
orð-varp, n. in orðvarps-maðr, m. a spokesman (in a bad sense).
Vigfusson, 468
lauki=from LAUKR, m. a leek; blóð-laukr, a sword; ættar-laukr, the leek of a family, the best man of a family.
laid lagði
lewd/unclean saur-ligr, adj.
derived from SAURR-mudd.
saurölifi, n. (opp. to hreinlifi), an unclean life, fornication. compounds saurlifis-kona, u, f. a harlot. saurlifis-maðr, m. a fornicater, saurlifis-synd, f. fornication,.
saur-lifr, adj. lewd,
saur-mæli, n, filthy, foul language,
saur-pyttr, m. a cesspit, cesspool.(Vigfussion, Old Norse Dictionary, p. 515)
life lífs strong gen. n. sg.
life reformation sið-bot, f.;
Reformation of life or religion.
Dervied from:
siða, að,
To mend, improve one´s life and manners, in old writers -esp. to reform the faith.,
less/small minni= compar. and superl. minnstr, answering to litill. lesser, smaller, and superl. least, smallest, of stature, quantity, following the same rule as litill and opp. to meiri; minna lið.
lift ypðu=ypta, t, to lift a little; ypta hattinum, to lift the hat; ypta öxlum, to shrug the shoulders.
made orti
man manni strong dat. m. sg.
man HALR, m., pl. halir, (no doubt an apocopated form, akin to A.S. hæled, Germ. held = hero, as also to hölðr or höldr, q.v.).

a man.
in plur. men, troða halir helveg, Vsp. 52,56: used of the dead inmates of Hel, which seems to be a pun, as the word itself is not akin to Hel. Vigfusson, p. 235.
man/noble JARL, m, older form earl, (Hel, erl, A.S. eorl).
this word had a double sense, one old and comon to the Saxons as well as the earliest Scandinavians, one later and specifically Norse, which afterwards became English through the Norse and Danish invasion, and was finally established by the Norman Conquest.
A) A gentle, noble man, a warrior, ad. collect. gentlefolk, as opp. to the churl folk or common people (karlar, búendr): thus the old poem Rigsmál distinguishes three classes, earls, churls, and thralls (jarla-ætt, karla-ætt, þræla-ætt); so also in A.S. eorl and ceorl are almost proverbially opposed; in the old Saxon poem Heliand, erl is used about a hundred times---man. Prof. Munch suggested that the name of the Teutonic people eruli or Heruli simply represents an appellative (warriors), which the Roman writers took to be a proper name.
oddar görva jarli megin, spears make the earl´s might.
rudda ek sem jarlar forðum mér til landa, I won me lands like the earls of yore.
jarls yndi, an earl´s delight.
karl-fólk ok jarla, churl folk and earl folk.
jarls jörð, an earl´s estate, is opp. to konnungs jörð, a king´s estate.
berg-jarl, poet. a crag-earl--a giant.
B) A chief, as a title , specially Norse and Danish.
Mæra-jarlar, the earls of mæri (a Norse county).
Jarla-sögur, f. pl. Earls´ Sagas (earls of Orkney).
jarls-maðr, m. an earl´s man, follower.
jarls-riki, n. an earldom.
jarls-sæti, n. an earl´s seat.
jarl-borinn, past. earl-born.
jarls-domr, m. an earldom.
jarl-maðr, m. an earl, freq, as a pr. name on Swed. Runich stones. an earl´s man. p. 323
man/common KARL, m.,
A.S. carl, ceorl;, Engl. carle, churl;, Germ. kerl.;
a man, opp. to a woman;.
karla-vegr, m. the male side, side where the men sit,; as opp. to kvenna vegr,.

In a political sense, the common folk, opp. to great folk, see jarl;.
karla-ættir, f. pl. the churls.,
karl-fölk, n. comon folk,.
karl-kenndr, part. masculine,.
karl-kind, f. the male sex,.
karl-ligr, adj. masculine,.
karl-maðr, m. a man, male, opp. to kvenn-maðr, a woman.,
karl-mennska, u,f. manhood valour,
karlmennsku bragð, prowess.
me ek= I, pers. pron., mod, eg, proncd. eg or jeg. Dat. and Acc. are from a different root- dat. mer, me.
measure/r mjötvið = from MJÖT, f. a measure, þess kann maðr mjöt, a man knows the measure of that, Bugge's Hm. 60; mjötuðr, from Vsp. the preceding poem, seems to have been in the transcriber´s mind, and so he first wrote mjotvþc and then dotted the v. denoting that the last three letters were to be struck out (Vigfusson, p. 433).
Pieces of the Norse mythological Epic are imbedded within the Old
word-hoard Beowulf. Throughout Fate is spoken of as Wyrd. She weaves and writes. God is
called Metod ("The Measurer" cp. ON Mjótuðr).
memory MINNI,
n. (A.S. mynd) mind-memory.
leggja i minni, to keep in memory.
memory of the past.
þeirra er vóru fyrir várt minni, who lived before our memory.
a memorial cup or toast, at old sacrifices and banquets; these memorial toast were in the heathen age consecrated (signuð) to the gods Thor, Odin, Bragi, Frey, Njord...
mæla fyrir minnum, to speak to a toast, propose, give a toast.
At a funeral banquet the minni of the deceased was proposed by the heir, who at the same time made a vow (strengja heit); this rite performed, he took his father´s seat in the hall, and was henceforth the lawful heir, Fms i. 161: a minni to a living person is nowhere mentioned.
minnis-góðr, adj. having a good memory.
minnis-horn, n. a memorial horn, cup.
minnis-lauss, adj. having a bad memory.
minnis-leysi, n. loss of memory.
minnis-stæðr, adj. memorable , þórd.
minnis-veig, n. a toast cup, of a charmed cup.
minnis-verðr, adj. memorable
minnigr, adj., mingastir, mindful, having a good memory.
ek em minnigr hversu..., I remember how.
minning, f. memory, recollection, remembrance.
i minning e-s, in memory of , remembrance of.
góðrar, ágætrar minningar, of good, blessed memory.
minni-samr, adj. with gen. recollecting, mindful, and of things never to be forgotten.
Gróugaldur 14 reads from "may you then be given, "sé þér úr Mímis hjarta" from the heart of Mímir, sufficient words and wit. A variant of this line reads: "from the heart of memory," á minnis hjarta.

Mímir is the guardian of Mímisbrunnur, the source and well of all wisdom. Mímir's well is situated (according to Snorri) in the very center of the Universe, at the "heart" of creation, directly above Ginnungagap, where the seed of Yggdrasill formed. No one may see its source.
men/people fira= m. p. (A.S. firas) men, people. fjölð er þat er fira tregr.
mind MINNA, t, (A.S. minjansmiley - winkeye to remind, with gen. of the thing and dat. of the person. minna e-n e-s, to remind one of.

2) impers. it minds me, I remember. to recollect; hvers minnir þik um hversu mælt var með okkr? Þá er vel ef okkr (acc.) minnir eins um þetta mál, does it not occur to you what we agreed on? ... tis well if both of us recollect the same. Vigfusson, p. 429
money FÉ, n., irreg. gen. fjár, dat. fjám. (Engl. fee; H.H.G. fehu).
1) cattle.
fjár-skuld, f. debt.
2) property, money.
fé-auðna, u, f. money luck.
fégjafa-guð, m. the god of wealth.
fé-spjöll, n. fee spells, i.e. spells wherewith to conjure hidden treasures out of the earth,
f. spakeg, she (the Vala) endowed the father of hosts (Odin) with wise fee-spells; the passage in Yngl. S. ch. 7-- Oðinn vissi of allt jarðfé hvar fólgit refers to this very word; Odin is truly represented as a pupil of the old Vala, receiving from her his supernatural gifts.
FÉ, n., irreg. gen. fjár, dat. fjám. (Engl. fee; H.H.G. fehu).
1) cattle.
fjár-skuld, f. debt.
2) property, money.
fé-auðna, u, f. money luck.
fégjafa-guð, m. the god of wealth.
fé-spjöll, n. fee spells, i.e. spells wherewith to conjure hidden treasures out of the earth,
f. spakeg, she (the Vala) endowed the father of hosts (Odin) with wise fee-spells; the passage in Yngl. S. ch. 7-- Oðinn vissi of allt jarðfé hvar fólgit refers to this very word; Odin is truly represented as a pupil of the old Vala, receiving from her his supernatural gifts.
moon mána
more/greater meiri= neut. meira, compar. and superl. mestr, answering to mikill. more and superl. most, greater, greatest, and the like; of stature, taller, tallest.
morning morgin
moulded skópu
Never aldri adv..
night nótt strong acc. f. sg.
nine Níu
nor/neither/negation né.
Nourish ala v. nourish; (middle voice) be begotten
now nú
nowhere hvergi, adv. nowhere, hvergi annarsstaðar, nowhere else, fara hvergi, to fare nowhere, to stay at home, hvar nema alls hvergi, where but nowhere.
off af
ogress iviði, n. a dub. word.
prob. an ogress=iviðja.
i-viðja, u, f. an ogress, prob. from inwid, and not from i and viðr p.320
old forn, adj. forn fjandskapr, old enmity. aldinn adj. old.
on/upon á = on, upon, in connection with proper names of countries, denoting instrumentality.
once/formerly forðum, adv. (akin to fjörð), aforetime, formerly, once, erst. ungr var ek forðum, young was I once.
other ANNAR, önnur, annat, adj.; pl. aðrir; gen. pl. annarra; dat. sing. f. annarri, (A.S. oþar, Ulf. anþar).
other, one of two, the other.
tveir formenn þeirra, hét annarr, the one of them.
annarri hendi..., en annarri, with the one hand ..., with the other.
the next, following.
annat mest hof i Noregi, the next greatest temple.
a. mestr höfðingi, the next in power.
vitrastr lögmanna annarr en Skapti, the wiseest speaker next after S.
a. mestr maðr i Danmörk, the next greatest man.
þeir þóttust fyrir öðrum mönnum, ...over all other people.
annað er gæfa ok görfuleiki, luck and acheivements are two things. Vigfusson, p. 22


Freyr, sonr Niarðar, hafði setzk í Hliðskiálf ok sá um heima alla.

Frey, son of Njord, had seated himself in Hlidskialf and looked into all the worlds

Hann sá í Iötunheima, ok sá þar mey fagra, þá er hón gekk frá skála föður síns til skemmo.

He looked into Giantland and saw there a beautiful girl, as she was walking from her father's hall to the storehouse.

Þar af fekk hann hugsóttir miklar

From that he caught great sickness of heart.


hugsteinn, m. the heart, (poet). Some ancients thought that the mind resided in the heart. Thus, hugr, mind, hugrakkr, a. stout hearted, hugrunar, mind runes.


Skírnir hét skósveinn Freys.

Skirnir was the name of Frey's page.

Niörðr bað hann kveðia Frey máls.

Niord asked him to go and talk to Frey.

Þá mælti Skaði:

Then Skadi said:

Rístu nú, Skírnir,

Get up now Skirnir,

ok gakk at beiða

and go and ask

okkarn mála mög

to speak with our son

ok þess at fregna,

and ask this:

hveim enn fróði sé ofreiði afi.

with whom the wise, fertile one is so teribly angry.


hveim, dat. from teh obsolete pron. hvar =hverr; to whom?


Skírnir kvað:

Skirnir said:

Illra orða

Harse words

er mér ón at ykrom syni,

I expect from your son

ef ek geng at mæla við mög

if I go to talk with him (son)

ok þess at fregna,

and ask this:

hveim enn fróði sé ofreiði afi.

with whom the wise, fertile one is so terribly angry.


Segðu mer þat, Freyr,

Tell me, Frey,

folkvaldi goða,

thou ruler of the Gods,

ok ek vilja vita:

I want to know,

Hvi þú einn sitr

why do you sit alone

endlanga sali,

in the endlong halls

minn dróttinn, um daga?

my lord, during the-day.

Tell me, Frey, captain of the gods,
I want to know,
Why do you my lord, sit alone in the empty, echoeing halls day after day?

ok is silent, used for flow and emphasis
Hvi þú - Why do you
einn-one, or alone
eindilangr=along the whole extent of, from one end to the other,
ok lagðist þar endilangr, at full length.
um = during, in the course

´day after day´is how Vigfusson translates um daga in the context of the verse.

" the "end-long" hall is simply a BIG/EXTENDED hall, which accentuates the lord's sadness
as he sits there alone. Not forgetting that this is poetry, the implication is almost "alone in the empty, echoing
halls". " (E)
"Freyr "staring at" [the [empty] walls] of his halls "all day". (=image of desolation))" (K)


Freyr kvað:

Frey said:

Hví um segiak þér,

Why should I tell you,

seggr enn ungi,

young man,

mikinn móðtrega?

about my great sorrow of heart,

þvíat álfröðull lýsir um alla daga

For the-elf-rays(sun) shines all day,

ok þeygi at mínom munom.

but brings no joy to me.


enn, , adv. yet, still, with a comp. still, better,

seggr .pl. -ir, gen. -ja, m. poet. man.

trega,, irreg. v. to grieve, fjöld er þat, er fira tregr, many are the woes of man.

þvi (prop. dat. from þat ) adv. therefore af þvi , therefore. þvi at eins, only on that condition.

alfraoðull, I think that this is a kenning for sun.

þeygi, conj. yet not.
muna (að), v. impers. desire, joy, like munafullr, a. delightful.


Skírnir kvað:

Muni þína hykka ek svá mikla vera at þú mér, seggr, ne segir,

I don't think your longing can be very great, if you, will not tell me,

þvíat ungir saman várom i árdaga;

for we were young together in bygone days;

vel mættim tveir trúask.

well might we two trust one another.


muna , v. impres. longing, desire.

hykka, from hyggja(?) v. to think, believe.


Freyr kvað:

Frey said:

Í Gymis görðom

In Gymir's courts

ek sá ganga
I saw walking

mér tíða mey;
a girl to my liking

armar lýsto,
her arms shone

en af þaðan
and from there

alt lopt ok lögr.

all the air and water.


Mær er mér tíðari

The girl is more to my liking

en manni hveim

than in that of any man

ungom í árdaga;

young in the old days.

ása ok álfa

Of Æsir and elfs

þat vill engi maðr

there is not any who wants

at vit samt sém.

us two to be at one.


tiða, -ddi, -tt, v. impers. en-n tiðir, to long for, wish, mik fara tiðir, I long to go.

samr. söm, samt. the same, svá fór sem samt sé, it turned out the same way.


Skírnir kvað:

Mar gefðu mér þá,

The horse give me then

þann er mik um myrkvan beri

that can get me over the dark

vísan vafrloga,

divining, darting flame,

ok þat sverð

and the sword

er siálft vegiz

that can fight of itself

við iötna ætt.

against the giants race.



Mar ek þér þann gef

The horse I give you

er þik um myrkvan berr

that will get you over the dark

visan vafrloga,

divining, darting, flame,

ok þat sverð

and the sword

er siálft mun vegaz,

that will fight of itself

ef sá er horskr er hefir.

if he has a brave wit who bears it!


Skírnir mælti við hestinn:

Skirnir talked with the horse:

Myrkt er úti,

It is dark outside -

mál kveð ek okr fara

time, I say, for us to travel

úrig fiöll yfir,

over mist-dank mountains,

þyria þióð yfir;

over gore-folk's land-

báðír vit komumk,
together we shall gain our goal
eða okr báða tekr

-or together he'll get us,-
sá inn ámátki iötunn. that grisly great giant!


Skírnir reið í Iötunheima til Gymis garða.

Skirnir rode into Giant Realms to Gymir's courts.

Þar vóro hundar ólmir,

There were raging dogs there,

ok bundnir fyrir skíðgarðs hliði, þess er um sal Gerðar var.

tied in front of the gate in the wooden enclosure round Gerð´s hall.

Hann reið at þar er féhirðir sat á haugi ok kvaddi hann:

He rode to where a shepherd was sitting on a grave-mound and greeted him:

Segðu þat, hirðir,
Say you shepard,

er þú á haugi sitr
-s you sit on the grave-mound

ok varðar alla vega,
and watch all the ways,

hvé ek at anspilli
how shall I have words

komumk ens unga mans
with the young wench

fyr greyiom Gymis.
past Gymir´s dogs

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