This is the Message Centre for Arlecchino (school gets in the way)

Willkommen Bienvenue Welcome...

Post 21

Arlecchino (school gets in the way)

Well, I'm taking it slow for now, because my time online everyday is limited. I'm talking to Garius in other threads about role playing type things. On certain days I'm sure I'll take the time to explore this site a little more, and find more conversations that I like. Also, I may write an article eventually. Hmmm...

Willkommen Bienvenue Welcome...

Post 22

Titania (gone for lunch)

Well, if you do decide to write an article, try clicking the 'Contribute' button - that will give you a lot of useful info on the way...smiley - angel

Willkommen Bienvenue Welcome...

Post 23

Arlecchino (school gets in the way)

That's good to know.

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