About me, or someone very like me
Well, then…
I've come only lately to the Guide, word of its existence (at least in this particular form) having itself come only lately to me. Lawrence, Kansas is somewhat off the interstellar bypass, so not all such galaxy-shaking developments come readily to our attention. Still, we are part of the galaxy, and reports from here may be of interest to hitchhikers who find themselves (expectedly or otherwise) in these environs.
My personal circumstances are unimportant; it's enough to know that I'm demographically quite ordinary hereabouts (which, paradoxically, is an increasingly extraordinary status) while maintaining what I like to think of as a conformity-challenged world… er, galaxy… view.
I hope to contribute to the Guide not so much through originality of insight as through my innate ability to question the contributions of others. Put more simply, I rain on others' parades. Feeling too sure of yourself? Just ask my opinion - I'll have you doubting your core beliefs in no time. I function, essentially, as the antithesis of the Electric Monk.
Feel free to ask for my perspective. I'll be happy to take up the contrary position or, if there is no position formulated, to argue both yes and no at once. It's what I do. Be advised, however, I do this sort of thing as well for my supper; any delay in response is likely attributable to the existence (and obvious priority) of PAYING CLIENTS. This volunteerism is fine in concept, but really…
Hugs and kisses to all
(well, at least to all OTHERS),
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Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Try this on for size | Jun 10, 2001 |
Curiosity killed the cat... | Jun 4, 2001 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
electric guitars | Aug 19, 2002 | Sep 2, 2002 |
Try this on for size | Jun 9, 2001 | Jun 10, 2001 |
A nice friendly bum | Jun 4, 2001 | No Replies |
Flo & Eddie on the Road | Jun 4, 2001 | No Replies |
Reflections | Jun 4, 2001 | No Replies |
Thomas the Nearly Sane
Researcher U178819
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."