This is the Message Centre for FluffySheep - Keeper of Caffinated Drinks - With Deepest Sympathy


Post 61

Aaron O'Keefe the anti-pajama man (ACE)

You reveal to much, feel the furry of our bowls of lucky charms


Post 62

FluffySheep - Keeper of Caffinated Drinks - With Deepest Sympathy

*looks blankly at the last message* You have furry bowels?? Like, hairy-furry or fluffy-furry? *shakes head sadly and hears bells jingle*


Post 63

Aaron O'Keefe the anti-pajama man (ACE)

uh my bad. . .typo. . meant fury. . .smiley - erm sorry. . smiley - smiley


Post 64

FluffySheep - Keeper of Caffinated Drinks - With Deepest Sympathy

*giggles* smiley - silly


Post 65

Aaron O'Keefe the anti-pajama man (ACE)

oh you giggle at me. . .I pick my nose at you.


Post 66

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

smiley - biggrin furry bowls smiley - laugh


Post 67

Aaron O'Keefe the anti-pajama man (ACE)

smiley - smiley
to much smiley - ale


Post 68

FluffySheep - Keeper of Caffinated Drinks - With Deepest Sympathy

You can *never* have too much smiley - ale!! Until the next morning anyway...smiley - drunk And shouldn't that be TOO much instead of TO much?? If I cannot beat you with guerilla warfare, I can always beat you with grammar! *giggles and cackles*

~AKA GrammarWarrior~
~Deflecting snot with her smiley - racket1~


Post 69

Aaron O'Keefe the anti-pajama man (ACE)

Dont mayk mee yeeoos hour Yanni munnitions


Post 70

FluffySheep - Keeper of Caffinated Drinks - With Deepest Sympathy

I'm not scared of your Yanni munnitions! *looks defiant* smiley - tongueout


Post 71

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

oh ya you attack with grammer we atack with bad spelllllling or is that spealing takeith thatith


Post 72

FluffySheep - Keeper of Caffinated Drinks - With Deepest Sympathy

Ack! *is bombarded with bad spelling* Noooooooo!! *throws dictionaries back at Tacsatduck and Aaron*


Post 73

Aaron O'Keefe the anti-pajama man (ACE)

aaron dodges the dictionaries and throws back The Grapes Of Sheep.


Post 74

FluffySheep - Keeper of Caffinated Drinks - With Deepest Sympathy

The Grapes of Sheep?? Oooh, heavy....
*Counter attacks with War and Peace*


Post 75

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

*war and peace makes big crator by Tacsatduck*

oh ya
*tacsatduck tosses three copys of animal in fluffy's direction"


Post 76

Aaron O'Keefe the anti-pajama man (ACE)

Aaron flanks tossing Animal Farm as he goes


Post 77

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

*tacsatduck tosses "gone with the wind" but a brease kicks up and it is gone with the wind*


Post 78

Aaron O'Keefe the anti-pajama man (ACE)

Attaining a reverse slope defensive posture, Aaron fires the Green Mile. . .each installment separately. . .in English, German, and Spanish


Post 79

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

*tacsatduck gets up to do his 3 to 5 second rush and trips over "the hobbit" swears to himself and rolls to the right*

yelling "billllllllbooooooo"

*next he takes a copy of "red badge of courage" and crawls up to the deffensive wall 60 feet to his front opens the legs sets in ground with the side that says "this end towads enemy" towards the sheep attaches the detinator and wires then crawls back to foxhole hooks up the swich and waits for sheeps advance so he can say i see the light click*

*relises book does not work like a claymore mine curses slightly pushes button repedily but nothing happens*


Post 80

Aaron O'Keefe the anti-pajama man (ACE)

Seeing the success of his reverse slope defence and the slight damage of the Gen. weapon, Aaron puts his BN in Rolling V formation with everyone armed with an physics book from their favorite University, covering each other in their advance, the books are thrown in rapid succession. ONce ammo is expended, the order comes down for A company to fix comic books and vicious had to hand ensues.

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