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Post 21


We don't have a DVD player either, it's just that they last longer and don't deteriorate like VHS. We've got the whole Stargate SG-1 series on DVD, because it works out cheaper than buying the videos(which we've bought anyway(really expensive *makes snide remark at British Government and money snatching schemes*)
They've even stopped loans for college students, so if I go away to uni. I'll run up debts that I'll never pay off. Blair's complaining that we don't have enough doctorssmiley - doctor and nursessmiley - nurse in the NHS, but there won't be an increase in their numbers if they won't be able to pay off their loans.
I think I'll move to Canada, they seem to have the right idea. (apart from the wolf shooting, thats just EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVIIIIILLLLsmiley - grrsmiley - grr

smiley - fullmoon


Post 22

Platypus 2

In Australia, we have whats called HECS - higher education contribution system (I think), wher students can either pay it up front each semester and get a 25% discount, or defer it until they are working and then the taxation office builds it in to your taxes so much each year until its gone. I don't know how my kids wii go to uni either. My daughter wants to be a vet/zookeeper - has done all her life. One of her favouite animals is a wolf.

DVD's sound terrific, with all the extra bits that you can get and sometimes even the directors commentary, but were still buying videos we bought Shrek for Joe (my son) for Christmas a great movie, and Rocky and Bullwinkle as an ex rental from the video shop.

Take Care


Post 23


I would like to be a paeleontologist. But that would involve going to university, and getting a parttime job just to stay in halls. The only uni's that pay halls now are Oxford + Cambridge, and I haven't got a hope of getting in there!!!!!!!!
We still buy videos too, but only because we don't have a DVD player!

smiley - fullmoon


Post 24

Platypus 2

Paleontology is fascinating, I wanted to be an archeologist, but got bored at school and left in my final year, and it's taken me twenty two years to go back to study. My mum went on an dig to Jordan a couple of years ago, you know some people have holidays in cruise shipe, or skiing, on lazing on a beach somewhere, but Mum paid good money to go and stay in a dormitory with people she'd never met beore for two weeks and work very hard helping excavate a site in Pella - She had an absolute ball and brought back some (unimportant) shards to show off.

Do you get the opportunity to defer uni for a year? Perhaps you could work and save some money that way. It is very tough - but if you can find a way, you should do it now and not leave it. OOOp's I sound like a mother don't I, sorry. I'll stop now and talk about something else.

Have you read any Marion Zimmer Bradley books? They are interesting cos they generally have strong female characters, but are some what historically based sci fantasy and so perhaps not your cup of tea.


Post 25


Yes, we do get to do a gap year, but because I'm only just in my year by two weeks, I might find it harder to get a job than others.
I own 1 of her books but haven't got round to reading it yet! I will someday though.
I'm actually looking forward to September. ZZ9 are planning a trip to Cornwall to visit the sites where the sieres was filmed. I hope to go if my Mum will let me!!!!! A whole weekend with like minded people. Blisssmiley - blush No-one else in my house like HHGG(My sister openly hates it, but I think she's only joking)
Hope things R well in Auz!!

smiley - fullmoon


Post 26

Platypus 2

Well, the rain is coming down in buckets, not your gentle english misting but a regular downpour than has been going on for days.and will continue for days more. Australia, the land of contrasts, a month ago it was on fire and now we are building an ark.

Poor Lucky is sitting out in the apricot tree looking very soggy and damp, but won't come under shelter even after I stood out in the rain for nearly an hour this evening trying to tempt him with toast. (oops, who's the silly or the bird.)

My english lit course will be studying The English Patient text and film. so I will have to buy it and read it, and watch the video.

HOpe all's well with you and your familysmiley - biggrin


Post 27


Yes, all is well in England!
Georgie's in her moult at the minute, so she's very pecky. Also, we've found out that she doesn't like socks, especially ones with feet in them! She jumps on our feet and heartily pecks our toes. OUCH!!!smiley - injured
Its been rainung over here, and we didn't get and English drizzle either. Force 9 gales and torrential rain! Lots of place have been flooded!
I've got Geology in 15 mins. Its so boring, but if I want to be a paeleontologist I'm gonna have to put up with it!!
Ah...the weathers just calmed down. Now its drizzling!!!!!

smiley - fullmoon


Post 28

Platypus 2

The torrential rain is easing now, but will continue to rain for a few more days. We've had more than 3 times the annual rainfall for Feb in the last 4 days.

On a lighter note, Lucky has learnt how to come under the back verandah for shelter and so thought he should keep on coming into the house and landed on the bars on the kitchen window, I was cooking dinner at the time, and nearly died when I saw his face through the small gap at the top.

We have reached a compromise, I have set up a perch for him under shelter and he won't fly into the house,smiley - ermIhope thats what we've agreed to.smiley - biggrin


Post 29


Georgie dosen't like the rain. It makes it dark and she can't see where she's flying. Yesterday she flew into the TV and crashed onto the floorsmiley - chick
The sun's come out now! Firt time in three months. And its actually turned quite warm. Places are still flooded though.
Glad to hear all's well with you and Lucky!

smiley - fullmoonSP


Post 30

Platypus 2

Well, Lucky flew away last Wednesday. I think he got fed up with being wet and flew home to his nice dry cage. I'll go and check on him soon, but didn't get a chance on the weekend. SO we're back to a rabbit and two guinea pigs. Oh and the fish.

hope school is going well.

cya smiley - biggrin


Post 31


Well, a dry cage miust be better than a wet tree!
What are your pets names? I've always wanted some fish, but I've only got plastic ones.


Post 32

Platypus 2

Well, it's stopped raining and Lucky was here when I got home tonight, much to the kids excitement.

The smiley - fishis called either Pysh or Mystic Depending on who you ask, the rabbit is called Bunny Bunny (a hangover from his previous owner) and the guinea pigs are called Simba and Spike. The children are called Hannah and Joe smiley - biggrin but I'm not allowed to call them animals.



Post 33


Well my sister behaves like an animal. At least we've got Georgie to peck her feet and keep her in line! So Lucky's back! Maybe he missed you.
I don't know if K-19 counts as an animal, being as he's made of metal and has a First Aid Kit in his back!

SP & K-19


Post 34

Platypus 2

Sorry I've been off line for a while, hope you're well and everything is fine at school.

At the YSdney meet recently, one of the people brought an enormous towel with a fabulous wolf picture on it and I thought how much you would like it.

It is coming in to winter here and the days get dark early and so Lucky is only coming down for one meal in the morning, by the time that i get home it is dark and he's pout himself to bed.
smiley - hug


Post 35


Everything's fine here. My As mocks are coming up (Biology Mod 1 2morrow) and my art exam research has started, so I've been very busy!

Spring is definately here now! Its light until 8pm and the weather's getting warmer. Georgie likes that 'coz she can stay out longer, she gets *very* stroppy when she's kept in her cage all day.

I've finally got the confidence to put a guide entry in Peer Review. The response sor far is that they like it and they've given me some pointers to make it even better!

Glad to know that you're allright and that everyone's feelin'fine!

smiley - fullmoonsmiley - hug


Post 36


My guide entry is here

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