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Platypus 2 Posted Jan 15, 2002
Hi Smilodon, thanks for stopping by. There's a number of us aussies floating around the place - Feisor, King Cthulu, Cafram, Tashalls, Linus are some of the nicer ones. There is even an Aussie researcher page, but I'm not sure how to link to it.
I saw on your page that you like Harry Potter and Dr Who - good choices. I'm waiting to see the HP movie. Is the fifth book out in England yet?
Smilodon Posted Jan 15, 2002
I can tell you how to do links(this is what my Ace Knitbunny told me!)
"if it's a link within h2g2
text that will appear as a link on your page
if it's a link to elsewhere on the net
text that will appear as a link on your page"
I think that the fifth book is coming out soon. I haven't seen the film yet(Its 2 1/2 hours long!!!!!!
Smilodon Posted Jan 16, 2002
Hows things Down-Under? We've all heard about the fires here in Britain, and we're all praying that they go out soon!
Platypus 2 Posted Jan 17, 2002
We live in the inner suburbs of Sydney, and at one stage we could sit outside in the garden and see taste the smoke and ash. We've had some rain now thank goodness, and they are all under control thanks in part to three helitankers called Elvis (he lives in Victoria), The Incredible Hulk and Georgia Peach who are on loan from America and the heroic efforts of the fire fighters. The bush fire season goes for another two months at least though, so we aren't over it yet.
How's the snow?
Smilodon Posted Jan 17, 2002
Snow?What's that?Only joking!
We got some snow on New Years Eve, but not much after that(We live in Luton, and pretty much everything by-passes us!!!!!)Yorkshire got some snow!But it was all over the papers that Spain and Greece were colder than Ol' Blighty!!! They even got snow!!!You couln't have made an ice cube with what we got!!!!!
But snow is a pretty rare occurance for us, so it was watched with relish from the warmpth of the house. Goergie, my budgie, liked it though!
She tried to nibble it through the window, found that the window was cold and decided to bite my cheek instead!!!!!!!
Hope your feelin' fine!!!!!!!!
Platypus 2 Posted Jan 20, 2002
I'm well thank you,
My brother left here in July last year to live in london for a few years with his partner and he was looking forward to the snow, but had to go to Scotland to see it.
I have a visitor in my garden at the moment, a sulphur-crested cockatoo (white with a yellow crest) called Lucky. I know thats his name cos he says it lots "Hello lucky" "Scratch Lucky' He is obviously someones pet that has flown away - possibly from the bush fires, anyway he seems to have taken up residence in my garden and so I feed him and talk to him. He's wary of my husband and children, but lets me stroke him. So now I get up early in the mornings and have breakfast outside with him, and he shares my &toast.
hope all's well with you.
Smilodon Posted Jan 21, 2002
Yeah, all's well
We were out nearly all weekend, so Georgie was a bit miffed! But she soon got over it!!! She can say her name now. And she has also decided to eat my VERY important Geology homework. And she has started coming to my finger when I put it through the bars of her cage!!! Usually she only goes to Mum's fingers and runs away from mine, but this morning she gave them a kiss Georgie is unlike our last budgie in that she LOVES being out. Cheeky, R.I.P., was an agoraphobic budgie, who hated coming out, but Georgie sits at the door and waits!!!!!
Lucky sounds like a really lovely bird. The craze at the minute is for pet owls coz of Harry Potter. Its stupid really, I mean you can't keep an owl in a budgie cage. Owls need to be free!!!!!!!!!!Zoos and Avieries over here have already been inundated with unwanted owls. I makes me so angry that people could be so ignorant, I want to SCREAM!!!!!
But don't worry, I much calmer at the minute and I hope that everyone Down Under is feelin'fine.
Hear from you soon<
Platypus 2 Posted Jan 22, 2002
It's very hot here at the moment and we are all tired by the end of the day. We saw Harry Potter on Sunday and was very impressed - the owls were terrific, and one of the teachers was holding an iguana - very beautiful. I can't imagine trying to keep an owl in a cage at all, you're right they need to be free.
My kids are still on summer holidays - they start back at school next week, and uni starts back at the end of Feb.
What colour is Georgie? and does she eat history homework as well?
Take it easy
Smilodon Posted Jan 22, 2002
Georgie is a yellow budgie, with a green band across her chest. We looked her up in a book, and the closest match we could find was a lutino. So she's a crazy green lutino budgie!
She hasn't eaten any history homework YET. Partly b'coz I don't do history (I'm not very good, so I gave it up 2 years ago - did Geography instead
) But she should have the chance next year, when my sister starts her GCSE's (She can do History
Over here, term started 3 weeks ago, and we've got half term in about 5 weeks. Thats great, but not so b'coz I won't be able to go on H2G2. I only have internet access at college.Awhole week without H2G2, I can't bear to think about it. But thats not yet, so I'm really happy
Platypus 2 Posted Jan 25, 2002
Hi! Hows things?
It's Australia Day on Saturday when we celebrate the european invasion of a perfectly happy indigenous population. Lots of rah rah, pomp and circumstance - and fireworks. But we get a public holiday on Monday, so that's got to be good.
We'll spend some time getting uniforms and stuff for Hannah and Joe ( my kids) and maybe take them to the beach one day.
Smilodon Posted Jan 25, 2002
Hi there!
Its chucking it down outside with lots of thunder at the mo. So everyones inside keeping warm.
The fifth Harry Potter book has been announced. It should be called “Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix”
Im writing this in college at the minute (Sssshhhhhhhhhh…don’t tell anyone!). We don’t have to wear uniforms here but at my high school we had to. My younger sister Clare is there and as soon as Mum gets here new trousers she grows another 3 inches!!!!!!!!! Must be the weather!
C U around
Smilodon Posted Jan 25, 2002
Hi there!
Its chucking it down outside with lots of thunder at the mo. So everyones inside keeping warm.
The fifth Harry Potter book has been announced. It should be called “Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix”
Im writing this in college at the minute (Sssshhhhhhhhhh…don’t tell anyone!). We don’t have to wear uniforms here but at my high school we had to. My younger sister Clare is there and as soon as Mum gets here new trousers she grows another 3 inches!!!!!!!!! Must be the weather!
C U around
Platypus 2 Posted Jan 27, 2002
I know how your mother feels, my son is like that with shoes, everytime I turnaround he's got the toes out of them
I like the rain, you can curl up with a good book or three and lose yourself.
Take care
Smilodon Posted Jan 29, 2002
Sorry about the outburst last time. The college server was starting to crash and I got very angry with the computer.
At the minute we’ve got a mini hurricane blowing around Britain. Up to 90kph gusts! It’s been blowing over lorries and I heard on the news that 7 people have been killed
. It’s mostly in the north , around Yorkshire and south Scotland, not around the south where we live. Also, we’re quickly approaching the flood season, but if our hose flooded, the whole of the town centre would have to have been submerged!
On a lighter note, the Hitch Hikers DVD was released yesterday. I hope to get mine tomorrow after college
Has it been released in Australia yet?
Hope all is well
Platypus 2 Posted Jan 29, 2002
I hope that your feet don't get too wet , and that the wind blows itself out quickly. At the momnet it's hot and steamy here and the Aussies are losing the circket to the Kiwis and the South Africans (a tragedy).
I haven't seen the HHGTTG DVD, but then I don't hav a DVD player. (i'm a luddite from way back) I prefered the radio serial to the television - easier to imagine Zaphod than to see someone elses interpretation of him and remember that this was made in the 70's when technology wasn't as cool as it was now - this was the era that made daleks out of garbage cans. Still I hope that you enjoy it. Let me know what you think.
Take Care
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- 5: Smilodon (Jan 16, 2002)
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- 8: Platypus 2 (Jan 20, 2002)
- 9: Smilodon (Jan 21, 2002)
- 10: Platypus 2 (Jan 22, 2002)
- 11: Smilodon (Jan 22, 2002)
- 12: Platypus 2 (Jan 25, 2002)
- 13: Smilodon (Jan 25, 2002)
- 14: Smilodon (Jan 25, 2002)
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- 16: Smilodon (Jan 25, 2002)
- 17: Smilodon (Jan 25, 2002)
- 18: Platypus 2 (Jan 27, 2002)
- 19: Smilodon (Jan 29, 2002)
- 20: Platypus 2 (Jan 29, 2002)
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