This is the Message Centre for Platypus 2

Hi Platypus

Post 1

cafram - in the states.

where are you? Are you ok?? You haven't been 'round for about 5 weeks...smiley - erm

smiley - hug for when you get back smiley - smiley

Hi Platypus

Post 2

Platypus 2

Hi Cafram,

Thanks for the smiley - hug RL's been a bit tough lately and smiley - hug's are in short supply.
Hope all's well with you... are you still off to Korea soon?

Hi Platypus

Post 3

cafram - in the states.

There you are!! smiley - biggrin I thought we'd lost you into the quagmire of RL for a while there! smiley - hug

We had the Melbourne meet the other day - see the post for a report and photos smiley - winkeye - 'twas great smiley - biggrin

I go to Korea in ten days, if they ever get their act together and book the flights smiley - erm

Here, have a portable smiley - hug to carry round with you during the day - use it when you need it smiley - smiley

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