Journal Entries

August 15, 2001

Finally, my article has appeared on the front page and is officially edited. And what a contraversy it's caused! I am glad to at least keep people busy arguing and complaining about the evils of corporate America. Hey, don't look at me... I just get paid slightly above minimum wage to dial numbers and talk.

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Latest reply: Aug 15, 2001

July 24th, 2001

I am back from the most amazing two weeks of my life, but I don't feel like discussing them. My article is pending, I am happy.

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Latest reply: Jul 25, 2001

July 10th, 2001

How about that...first journal entry in exactly one month's time...too bad that I'll be away in Mukwonago, Wisconsin for the next two weeks. If my Recommended entry suddenly becomes Edited while I am away with no computer, and I am unable to see it on the front page, I will be forced to hurl myself through the second-story window when I get back. Or probably not.

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Latest reply: Jul 10, 2001

June 10th, 2001

Had a long, hectic past couple of days. Lacking inspiration for an article which I can write as I procrastinate writing my "AZA" article. Oh well. Red Faction is a great game.

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Latest reply: Jun 11, 2001

June 8th, 2001

Woohoo! My first ever guide article, "Telephone Surveys And Their Actual Purpose," has been recommended for inclusion in the Edited Guide! Thanks to those who helped me make it a good article.

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Latest reply: Jun 9, 2001

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