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the cat-thing
ella Started conversation Oct 25, 2001
Your theory about the back-to-back cats is really interesting, especially because I've got a similar theory that goes like this: A always lands on its feet, like you said; if you've got a buttered slice of bread and it falls on the floor, it always lands with the buttered side facing down. So if you tie a piece of buttered bread to a cat's back with the buttered side facing upwards, and you throw them both off a cliff...would they hover over the ground in a perpetual state of spinning???
the cat-thing
Phreako Posted Oct 28, 2001
I have heard the buttered bread and cat theory before but I see a flaw in it. A cat weighs significantly more then a slice of bread so therefore the weight of the cat would cause the cat to land on its feet while the bread lands butter side up. The bread would not be able to turn the cat around so that the cat would be on top. If you have two cats, the weight is distributed evenly and the cat on top will always flip around to be on the bottom causing perpetual motion to be acheived.
the cat-thing
ella Posted Oct 29, 2001
Guess I didn't see it that way!
I've got another one for you: if you are in a car that's going at the speed of light, and you turn on the haedlights, what will happen?
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the cat-thing
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