This is the Message Centre for U2006
It is with profound regret ...
cynthesis Started conversation Sep 19, 2007
That I must leave you
Best wishes for both a
Happy Birthday
A grand
Talk Like A Pirate Day!
I haven't been around much lately.
I've been performing
in far flung places ...and I had a bit of a problem
with security lately.*sigh*
I just got back from staying at my cousin's winery and helping out with the harvest. Yesterday morning we took some time off to raft down a river that featured some whitewater rapids. Fun!
Hope your special day is absolutely wonderful, dear friend!
It is with profound regret ...
U2006 Posted Sep 19, 2007
I loved the card thank you so much!
'bit of a problem with security lately.' ooo do share!
Did you have a nice holiday?
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It is with profound regret ...
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