Journal Entries



This is the time for plain speaking,
a time for facing facts squarely,
without shilly-shallying,
without equivocation, or,
without beating about the bush.

Now I believe, as many of us believe,
that we will. . . all of us,
as we have before,
and can, nay must, once again . . .
make no mistake about it.

We cannot afford not to be.
For let us be quite clear about this,
in the past few months we have proved,
without any doubt . . .
that we do.
And, not to labour the point,
can, in the fullness of time,
bring forth the means to achieve this.

Thank you for listening.

smiley - reindeer

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Latest reply: May 27, 2001



This is the time for plain speaking,
a time for facing facts squarely,
without shilly-shallying,
without equivocation, or,
without beating about the bush.

Now I believe, as many of us believe,
that we will. . . all of us,
as we have before,
and can, nay must, once again . . .
make no mistake about it.

We cannot afford not to be.
For let us be quite clear about this,
in the past few months we have proved,
without any doubt . . .
that we do.
And, not to labour the point,
can, in the fullness of time,
bring forth the means to achieve this.

Thank you for listening.

Discuss this Journal entry [1]

Latest reply: May 27, 2001



This is the time for plain speaking,
a time for facing facts squarely,
without shilly-shallying,
without equivocation, or,
without beating about the bush.

Now I believe, as many of us believe,
that we will. . . all of us,
as we have before,
and can, nay must, once again . . .
make no mistake about it.

We cannot afford not to be.
For let us be quite clear about this,
in the past few months we have proved,
without any doubt . . .
that we do.
And, not to labour the point,
can, in the fullness of time,
bring forth the means to achieve this.

Thank you for listening.

Discuss this Journal entry [1]

Latest reply: May 27, 2001



This is the time for plain speaking,
a time for facing facts squarely,
without shilly-shallying,
without equivocation, or,
without beating about the bush.

Now I believe, as many of us believe,
that we will. . . all of us,
as we have before,
and can, nay must, once again . . .
make no mistake about it.

We cannot afford not to be.
For let us be quite clear about this,
in the past few months we have proved,
without any doubt . . .
that we do.
And, not to labour the point,
can, in the fullness of time,
bring forth the means to achieve this.

Thank you for listening.

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Latest reply: May 27, 2001

Settling in

Good fishing and rich pickings on the "south side" of this virtual island. I've encountered many interesting things but don't take my word for it. All I'm at liberty to say is that nothing is what it appears to be. I'd love to explain further but I've decided to err on the side of caution for now. I'm also aware that others might think me a little paranoid but that doesn't bother me in the slightest. I KNOW WHAT I'VE SEEN !!!

Discuss this Journal entry [1]

Latest reply: May 27, 2001

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