This is the Message Centre for Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation
I might be a little late but...
Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation Posted Oct 18, 2004
Aww, thanks! Shame on me for not looking at my Space a bit earlier - it's been mayhem here as I've started at UCL. I'm about to go and do some ironing. Thank the Lord I'm not cooking - although it does mean putting up with the assorted evils of Aramark - who are really nasty!
Thanks for popping by - how are things in loup.dargent-land?
I might be a little late but...
Loup Dargent Posted Oct 18, 2004
No problem... I thought you might be busy...
As for loup.dargent land, well... it's as hectic as ever... I thought that having some time off work would mean more time on line... I was soooo wrong... Not only I spent less time on the computer as suddenly more RL duties popped up but we also had a 8 hours power cut last week...
Mind you that was a spooky one... the stand-by lights on the electrical appliances kept flashing...
Talk soon...
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I might be a little late but...
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