Skorp's Place

A Little About Me

Hello there, welcome. I'd like to first tell you a bit about me, Skorpeyon. I live in the US, and it seems that not many people have ever heard of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. At least, not in Ohio, where I live.

Port Clinton, Ohio

I live right on Lake Erie, which means having fun going out sailing (my favorite thing to do in the summer), and sailboat racing. The only problem is that we live in a small town called Port Clinton, and the only reason anyone knows of it is that it runs a ferry over to Put-In-Bay. (If you want to know my feelings about that place, I'll put a link up here to go to another page about it.)


I am currently a senior in high school, and I am going to be going to college at DeVry in Columbus, Ohio this summer. It is a 3-year year-round college. That basically means you get a 4 year degree in 3 years, but you have to give up nice, long vacations and settle for a two-week summer vacation, and a few one-week vacations other than that.

Mr. Adams

I have written a quick page about my feelings and thoughts about Mr. Adams. I say Mr. because I never knew him, so it just doesn't feel wrong to call him Douglas, although he seems the type of guy who would probably have insisted that I call him by his first name. Click here to see that page.

Anything Else?

Well, that's about all that I have to say for now. I will be changing the page regularly (I hope). If you want to get ahold of me for any reason, send me an e-mail at [email protected], and I'll try to get back to you whenever I can. If you have ICQ, AIM, or MSN, you can ask me for my respective number or usernames. I won't post them here because I only want people who really want to talk to me to have them.

Farewell, for now,


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Hi Skorpeyon May 22, 2001


Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Hi Skorpeyon May 22, 2001 May 22, 2001
Choir Concert May 18, 2001 No Replies
Good-bye, and thanks... May 18, 2001 No Replies
Idiot May 17, 2001 No Replies
Five days ago May 17, 2001 No Replies


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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