This is the Message Centre for Chairman Mei

Being interesting

Post 1

Chairman Mei

Dear diary

I just joined in with H2G2, it is very nice. I wish you were here... oh, you are. Anyroad up, I'm a little worried as the first line of the Add an Entry page says: "We all lead interesting lives". I am not sure I do, maybe I won't fit in, maybe they'll call me Chairman Awfully-boring, maybe I'll develop an acute form of paranoia. Yes, I know that's what you're thinking but it's not my fault, it's THEM! Hopefully there are other dull people out there (I have met several on my travels) who may listen. To the rest of you "May you continue to live in Interesting Times".
The Chairman

Being interesting

Post 2


oh, don't you worry, I'm dull! smiley - winkeye

I think nobody finds his/her own life interesting all the time... It would really get boring after some time, just thinking everything is interesting!smiley - tongueout

But there's something I don't really get : you're an Englishman, living in Germany, or what? And WHY? A job? Studying? Research?

nope, not curious at all...smiley - blush

Being interesting

Post 3

Chairman Mei

And your lack of curiosity is comendable! I'm a Brit and I'm out here in Germland, have been for 1, no, 2 long now. To get a feeling of my feelings, read "Tada, tada, tada" if you can find it.
Keep the faith
The Chairman

Being interesting

Post 4

Chairman Mei

GENT!?! That was a prime tourist spot to take the relatives WHEN I USED TO LIVE IN BELGIUM!!!! Yep, there is life after Bruxelles (or is that "Brussel"?) smiley - smiley

from 7-11 I was at the ecole no. 5 in Ixelles (Elsen?) Alors on peut se parler en francais mais je crois que mon Flamand n'est plus aussi bon! I can still say "Mama give lisa a kiss" in Flemish, but it doesn't get you very far!

C'est trop injuste!

Being interesting

Post 5


yeah, Gent! It's a very nice place to live (my personal opinion). But I might be going to Berlin for a short period as well, in the (near?) future...

I must say (and yes, I am deeply ashamed) that my French isn't nearly as good as yours (no kidding..). English is a lot easier for me to use, in fact. My Italian is better than my French, after only studying it for a year!

Being interesting

Post 6

Chairman Mei

so anche parlare l'italiano ma ho forgotten most of it! smiley - smiley But I must say, as an english teacher here (business english- see [link removed b y moderator]) your English is superb!

Being interesting

Post 7


I'm genuinely flattered, mister...
But I really don't think it's very good... It should be better. (being a perfectionist doesn't hurt - most of the times) smiley - smiley

Si, parlo l'italiano, ma non molto bene. Il problema è che non sempre posso dire che voglio dire, quindi preferisco dire niente...

Being interesting

Post 8

Chairman Mei

Thats why i learn languages... i cant bear to say niente "Mei dire mai"!
HEY! you questioning my profffesssional judgement, me wots bean an inglish teacher for longer than i care two imajin!?

Being interesting

Post 9


Sorry... Didn't want to 'question your judgment', I'm just very difficult in accepting compliments. It's got probably something to do with a persistent lack of selfesteem...

Anyway, I hope that was NOT a typical example of German-Englisch (Genglisch)? Because in thàt case I don't envy you at all!smiley - smiley

Being interesting

Post 10

Chairman Mei

Drat! I should love to have been envied just the once! I have NO difficulty accepting compliments... just receiving them smiley - sadface

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