Who am I?

For years people have asked me the same question, Who are you? I am always startled by this question. Who am I? WHO AM I? To me thats kind of personal. In fact I myself have no idea. I am 18 and yet to have fiqured out who I really am. I know who I think I am. I have a name, parents, a place where I have lived my entire life. My morals and standards have already been affected by all these events. Yet my entire life is ahead of me. Who I am is a ongoing process. To think that a few blurbs about myself could even come close to discribing me is ludicris. I plan to start college but who really knows this planet could be blown up as I step in the door to my first class. Than again would it really matter if it was? I was never a regular attende at church. My parents talked of god but never really got into detail. I guess thats why I started going of my own free will. It just starts me on another path to fiquring out who i really am. Some things make sense to me. Some things don't. I try to fiqure out what I can and let the things fall as they may. Only thing that is really rock solid (assuming there is no outside intervention) is that im Male 6'4 (weight can be changed and does) and live in the united states for atleast 4 or 8 more years.


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