Journal Entries

Halfway through 2006

And what a wild ride it has been

Since my last entry ages ago, I met a new lady, eventually married her, and Life has never been so good.

And so far, I keep waking up above the daisies, so I have no complaints. smiley - cheers

THe Sci-Fi channel here in the States has discovered Dr. Who smiley - tardis, which thrills me to no end. The last time I was able to watch that show on a regular basis was when Peter Davison was the Doctor. They are funny, though....they keep acting like this is a brand new show of their's and that this is the first season smiley - erm. Kind of makes me want to shake them and tell them to stop showing snake movies and take a look around them.

I keep telling myself I am going to get better at this journal thingy, but honestly, I have never been one to write stuff down.

smiley - dragon

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Latest reply: May 28, 2006

01.03.04 2003 is finally gone

And good riddance.

It basically started out as a good year....I was with a woman I was madly in love with, and my kids were both here with me, and the first week of August it all went away. smiley - sadface My Lady left with no reasons (at least none she chose to share with me...just a phone call saying goodbye smiley - sadface), and my daughter up and left to go live with her mother.smiley - wah

The good news is that I didn't find it necessary to drink over any of it.

Oh's hoping that 2004 brings better tidings. I am determined to not let what happened the last 5 months drag me down for the next 12. With enough smiley - choc I will prevail! smiley - laugh

So...goodbye 2003 smiley - erm and welcome 2004! smiley - smooch

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Latest reply: Jan 3, 2004


Wow - I don't update this journal very often, do I? I wrote something last week, and the last time before that was two years ago. I guess I should try and be better about this.
Well.....I will think about this over some smiley - coffee and smiley - choc.

smiley - ok

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Latest reply: Jan 2, 2004

12.22.03 Finally

I did it! After two years of wrestling with numbers, I finally figured it out (math never was my strong suit)


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Latest reply: Dec 22, 2003

01.03.02 2002

Happy New Year!

Kind of strange to see the year 2002! They used to make wild ( and mostly really campy ) sci-fi movies about the years in 2000. Pretty wild to see it finally here and mostly none of the stuff in the movies has come to pass. Where are the hover-cars, the personal spaceships, the robot maids and butlers? smiley - biggrin LOL

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Latest reply: Jan 3, 2002

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