Who Am I

Goldenfire is the name I use on the newsgroup alt.fan.dragons a newsgroup about and for fans of Dragons. Some of us post as dragons myself for one.

I am also a fan of startrek and most sci fi (including hitch hikers guide to the galaxy).

So what do i look like 130 meters long gold coloured dragon silver chest and wings western aperance (like on welsh flag) 3 heads

or nearly 6 ft brown hair and eyes human

other names

Richard Bacon, James Garibaldi, Cadet R. Bacon

So that is me!


Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Dragons a dwaggys view May 15, 2001 Jan 20, 2003
Hi Goldenfire No Posting Aug 15, 2002
Midget Gems May 25, 2001 No Replies
Curly wurly May 25, 2001 No Replies
London calling... No Posting May 15, 2001


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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