Journal Entries

What to write...

I was thinking about what I could possibly have to contribute to this website. They say "write what you know," well, I don't really know anything. But I like cartoons. I am a cartoonist too. But I won't be writing about my own cartoons.
I'm not a great writer.
And I'm not sure how much time I'll have.
But might like to write about some famous cartoons and cartoonsist, and some less famous cartoons and cartoonists.

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Latest reply: Apr 28, 2002

An enteresting thing about h2g2...

an interesting thing about h2g2 is that you can be in many, many different places at once.
What I mean is this,
People here tend to act like this is a real world of it's own (which it is) and I happen to be one of those people.
It is a huge world of its own with many incredibly interesting people, places, and things. One thing (among many things) that makes this world different from the other (the one you are stuck in and forced to live by its rules) is that here you can be at many, many places, and even times, at once without ever meeting yourself.
I find this very interesting.
This phenomenon is what I am most interested in exploring and learning more about.

Anyone who reads this, please feel free to post any thought you may have on the subject.

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Latest reply: May 25, 2001

new again

Well I logged on the other day, trying to bring back my other page, and I accidentally became a new researcher. Oh well, maybe this isn't so bad. If you really want to know, maybe I'll tell you who my other identity is. I named myself Who am I? But not because I wanted you to guess, but just because that's a question I sometimes ask myself in life. Who am I?

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Latest reply: May 16, 2001

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