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An enteresting thing about h2g2...

Post 1

Researcher 175271

an interesting thing about h2g2 is that you can be in many, many different places at once.
What I mean is this,
People here tend to act like this is a real world of it's own (which it is) and I happen to be one of those people.
It is a huge world of its own with many incredibly interesting people, places, and things. One thing (among many things) that makes this world different from the other (the one you are stuck in and forced to live by its rules) is that here you can be at many, many places, and even times, at once without ever meeting yourself.
I find this very interesting.
This phenomenon is what I am most interested in exploring and learning more about.

Anyone who reads this, please feel free to post any thought you may have on the subject.

An enteresting thing about h2g2...

Post 2


I get you! Makes sense to me.

Like your name now BTW.

Why aren't you at Greebo's party any more?

An enteresting thing about h2g2...

Post 3

Researcher 175271

Am I not? Or am I?
I don't know.
I better go see.

An interesting thing about h2g2...

Post 4


smiley - biggrin

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