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Post 1

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

Hi smiley - smiley

I have just read your entry on Spaghetti Junction, and I have to admit I'm confused... I live within spitting distance of said junction and I only remember there being one motorway running through it, not three as stated in your entry...

I could be wrong, unless you count the 'Aston Expressway' as a motorway, and that would then be two.

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Post 2

Researcher Jon#10

I must admit to using some poetic licence for effect here. I was thinking of the M5 as the third motorway(I think the Aston Expressway is classed as a motorway up to a point - it certainly had blue signs last time I travelled along it, unless of course I've become colour blind or now that I'm in my thirties my memory is failing!).

Whilst the M5 junctions are actually 5 and 7/8 when one drives along the M6 they do seem to all form part of Spaghetti. If we say that the stretch of the M6 from junction 6 to junctions 5 and 7 forms part of Spaghetti then my statement is true - albeit tenuously!

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Post 3

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

So then... It's still only one motorway and an A road no?

You really didn't have to be facetious, I do know that the A38 has 'blue' signs on it. Tsk tsk..

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