Journal Entries

just another manic monday

today i woke up to one of prokofjews sumphonies. that happened because i tried this new way to combat the rebelliousness of my inner clock using an external one. one that can be set to emit sounds of some sort at a set point in time. neat things they are. especially if they don't just stick with the tried and tested but highly nerve wracking MEEP MEEP MEEP but instead soothe you into the day with classical music. or death metal whatever radio station you tune it to, i prefer classical. so. a good start for a nice day you'd say. but no i did not conquer the world, nor did i get myself a kitten. in fact i didn't even do the groceries. they weren't needed though. what i did do was stomp the russians all day. not real russians but virtual ones. they are much more evil than the real ones ever were and thusly make excellent bombing material. go read my entry on flight simulators if you want to know more.

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Latest reply: May 22, 2001

sunday bloody sunday

sunday should be taken out and shot.
i hate sundays, spend the afternoon walking through some faked nature reservation listening to the whine of the motors in grandma's cart.
had to eat gas-station food because there wasn't any decent food to be gotten.
on the upside, a friend lent me his south park video collection, and i'm watching them one by one, thinking seriously of doing an entry on that. maybe i will go specific and do it on the reason why kyle always gets killed. and i enjoy em of course smiley - smiley
no meaowing to fill the silence created by whirring harddisks yet, but that's shure to change (i hope)
a plane almost fell on my backyard, but managed to restart its engines in the nick of time. the neighbours have been beating drums and chanting arcane chants all night and are probably preparing to take over the world.

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Latest reply: May 21, 2001

a rather special day

today, when i finished my normal two cups o coffee, lots a cigs and an orange routine, i looked at the invitation i got three weeks ago for a reunion of old classmates. i was supposed to be there at 16:00, abou the time when my coffee was done. so i showed up at around 18:00.
had a great time trying to impress the chicks that i used to dream about. it was good to see my old pals, and to hear about their grand successes. only gripe about it is that i lost touch of my high school pal robin, and failed to link up with him when the formal part of the reunion was over. mariette still looked great. damn i wish i drove a jag, so i could impress her enough to share my bed :/ .
that about wraps it up for today i guess.

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Latest reply: May 20, 2001

the day that deserved no name

today was very much like yesterday. or the day before that. or any day for that matter. i woke up late in the afternoon, due to all my attempts at putting myself to sleep failed miserably at convincing my innards that i'm NOT somewhere in iceland or someplace like that.
i wrote the piece on swiss army knives, and it was well received.
i also discovered that the snackbar 'round the corner sells exactly my brand of tobacco and was delighted with the discovery.
the skies were mostly grey today and contained birds nor aeroplanes nor angels. as a consequence of that no airplanes crashlanded in my backyard. the neighbours were conspicuously quiet, i suspect they're hibernating or doing their own vile version of what butterflies do when transforming from catterpillars to butterflies. of course their transformation will be from nice lookin chicks into the hideous green monsters from Zebulon B they are.
no tiny cushioned feet with retractable claws grace my carpet as my house still suffers the absence of catliness

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Latest reply: May 18, 2001

yet another day (boy these titles are exciting!)

W00T! i survived yet another day without being arrested for public weirdness, drunkenness or indescent exposure!
right now i'm trying real hard to get myself to sleep, as i've had it completely with my biological clock. it is convinced i live in a time zone about 6 hours away from the one i'm in. so now i'm trying various natural cures for awakeness, such as valdispert, cinnamon tea and i have a huge hammer ready for use.
the entry on swiss army knives is still gestating in my mind, but the orange peeling thing is done. i hope it gets added soon.
no planes crashed in my backyard today, which is a good thing (i think). my house still exists in a state of severe catlessness, but steps are being taken to end that.

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Latest reply: May 17, 2001

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