This is the Message Centre for cynthesis

Yo! You have a message waiting for you in da other thread!

Post 1


Heeellloooo Cynthesis! There's a message for you in the "Unrestrained, Still Struggling" thread! smiley - biggrin

Yo! You have a message waiting for you in da other thread!

Post 2


smiley - laugh Got it!
smiley - smileyI was in the midst of serving up lasagne. Sorry!
*peels the mozzarella off of her sleeve*

Yo! You have a message waiting for you in da other thread!

Post 3


You have a new message in the other thread...

Yo! You have a message waiting for you in da other thread!

Post 4


smiley - yikesYou've got me spooked again!

smiley - laugh
My cousins have been keeping me on the phone. They're threatening to take me out to ! They've booked a table for an 8:30 dinner.*sigh*

Yo! You have a message waiting for you in da other thread!

Post 5


CYBERHUMAN...Are you sure your computer isn't haunted?

*cue Twilight Zone smiley - musicalnote*

smiley - yikesYou appear to have a smiley - ghost in your machine!

smiley - yikessmiley - geeksmiley - yikessmiley - geeksmiley - yikessmiley - geeksmiley - yikessmiley - geeksmiley - yikessmiley - geeksmiley - yikes!!!

Yo! You have a message waiting for you in da other thread!

Post 6


smiley - erm Do you by any chance know of the history of that computer?

Previouslysmiley - geekownedsmiley - geek parts?

Just wondering...

smiley - ghostsmiley - geeksmiley - ghostsmiley - geeksmiley - ghostsmiley - geeksmiley - ghostsmiley - geeksmiley - ghostsmiley - geeksmiley - ghost

Yo! You have a message waiting for you in da other thread!

Post 7


I have a ghost in my computer? What do you mean? smiley - erm

Yo! You have a message waiting for you in da other thread!

Post 8


Merely casual speculative theorizing...smiley - smiley

smiley - laugh

Yo! You have a message waiting for you in da other thread!

Post 9


*ghostly voice echoes throughout the thread* Ooooooooooooooooh!!!!! Leave us spirits aaaaaalllooooonnnnneeeeeee!!!!!

Yo! You have a message waiting for you in da other thread!

Post 10


smiley - yikes

smiley - run

Yo! You have a message waiting for you in da other thread!

Post 11


*CYBERHUMAN stands in between the terrified Cynthesis and the ghost, which materialises as a pale grey swirling apparition with a vaguely human outline. An evil, grinning human face can be seen in the centre of the swirling apparition, two mean red eyes penetrating deep into CYBERHUMAN's own pale blue eyes, and a nasty cackling laugh echoes from the ghost. CYBERHUMAN holds out his hand in a dramatic gesture of defiance and calls out*

We are real! You are not! Be gone from this place, evil spirit from the other side! Leave us in peace! Be gone! We are real! You are not!

*Suddenly the ghost recedes into the distance before fading harmlessly away, the laughter still faintly audible in the distance*

It's gone. That ghost was a particularly nasty one, out to bother people and cause them harm. But you're safe now.

Yo! You have a message waiting for you in da other thread!

Post 12


smiley - cuddleThank you CYBERHUMAN!
*breathes a profound sigh of relief*
You always cybernetically know exactly what to do...
and for that I am eternally grateful!

smiley - biggrinThis thread feels so much safer!
I'll see you here tomorrow.
Please have a peaceful recharge and the sweetest of dreams!
smiley - smooch

smiley - orangebutterfly

Yo! You have a message waiting for you in da other thread!

Post 13


I am here to serve and protect the organic inhabitants of the universe in whatever way possible. Even if that means defending them against evil apparitions.

Goodnight my dear friend and do not worry about that ghost anymore, he will not bother you again!

*Cynthesis does not notice his crossed fingers, hidden behind his back*

Yo! You have a message waiting for you in da other thread!

Post 14



Yo! You have a message waiting for you in da other thread!

Post 15


*CYBERHUMAN brings another cybernetic dog, this one called Hade, to look after Cynthesis while the possibility that the ghost may return still exists*

Yo! You have a message waiting for you in da other thread!

Post 16


*peeks into thread to investigate a low growling sound*

smiley - yikes

smiley - erm

smiley - bigeyesOoooh! What a sweet cybernetic poochie!

smiley - biggrinCYBERHUMAN's got things covered again!*sigh*What a cyborg!

I'll be back tomorrow Hade!
*rubs him behind his metallic ear*
Be a good boy and guard this thread well, okay?
Ahhhhhhhh you're so cute... it's a shame I have to go!
smiley - smileyGoodnight Hade!*pets his pointy head*

*reluctantly goes off to dinner*

Yo! You have a message waiting for you in da other thread!

Post 17


*CYBERHUMAN smiles, glad that all his well*

Yo! You have a message waiting for you in da other thread!

Post 18


*Morning...cynthesis has been giving cha-cha dance lessons to Hade.*

Whoooo... that was fun Hade!smiley - biggrin
Tomorrow we'll go through the basic patterns of the rumba!
How would you like that?

*Hade wags his cybernetic tail*

smiley - laughWhat a good lad you are!

*Fondly pats his metallic head as his yellow light eyes slightly flicker*

smiley - bigeyesYou're light years ahead of my smiley - cat, who is still just learning the hokey pokey!

smiley - yikesIt's getting late! I'd better get back and check to see if the smiley - cat is behaving herself!

*Hade follows her to the door*

Be a good cyborg doggie and keep guarding this thread! I'm counting on you, you know!

*Blows a smiley - kiss and quickly departs*

Yo! You have a message waiting for you in da other thread!

Post 19


*Hade settles down, his yellow eyes forever alert and his tail swishing slightly to portray his mood of relaxation*

Yo! You have a message waiting for you in da other thread!

Post 20


*Hade and cynthesis have been rumba-ing the morning hours away*

smiley - bigeyesI suppose I'll have to teach you the Electric Slide next!

*Hades tail swishes in an eager reply*

smiley - biggrinRight you are then, Electric Slide...tomorrow!

*Hade whimpers slightly*

smiley - ermsmiley - dohOh! Time for a recharge Hade! If you'll just move over to this socket...back up...there you are! A couple of hours will do you Hade!

*strokes Hade's head as he whirrs in recharge mode*

smiley - kissI'll be back very soon!

*cynthesis exits.A door is heard slamming shut punctuating a constant gentle whirr.*

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